Do we really need to sell ivory tusks in the world just to make money? We protect the elephant to protect the park. Or will they go nowhere, discovered before theyre moved and turned in by an honest person? At the same time, the apartheid government and the Smith regime lost Portugal as an ally and with it the tens of thousands of soldiers that had been deployed in the Portuguese colonial wars. Soumaine Abdoulaye Issa had been in Darfur, he told a team of African Parks investigators, when he heard about an elephant poaching mission to Chad led by a member of the Sudan Armed Forces. RESEARCH: Heidi Schultz, Brad Scriber. Sudan is not on these lists, even though Sudanese poachers are a primary reason elephants are killed in several of the countries listed by CITES as of primary or secondary concern. After more than an hour of animated debate, they phone the airports wildlife expert. ", They were the Seleka the Muslim rebels who had overthrown the national government in the spring of 2013. After visiting Garamba, I arrange with a confidential source to put my tusks into the black market near Mboki, a small village in CAR midway between Garamba and Sudan that has been the target of attacks by Konys army and where some people who have escaped from Kony have found safety. Six years later, on October 25, 2014, Onen tells me, his poaching mission to Garamba was scheduled to deliver its ivory to Kony in Sudan. His army farmed vegetables. Those looking at the tusks think Im an ivory trafficker. That evening, they floated by a village. Radio Expeditions used interviews, narration, and on-location recording to bring listeners to exotic places around the world. Turkalo had lived through civil strife before, but this time, she tells us, it was much worse. What can be done to help save the elephants? His account was corroborated by Caesar Achellam, a former intelligence chief for Kony who is now in the Ugandan governments custody. After Sudanese poachers killed his ranger father, Adoum refused diya, a traditional community payment. Most of these children are very, very traumatized when they come back home. They have nightmares, Sugule continues. Calculate the percentages of the illegally killed elephants between 2007 and 2013 represented by each group of elephants in Question 3. In January 2014, while x-raying a Vietnam-bound container declared to hold cashews, Togolese port authorities saw something strange: ivory. It was still too dangerous, Turkalo decided, so she made her escape by boat a second time. If he can do this, Ill ask him to make several more tusks. hide caption, "We didn't know anything about (the forest elephants) in terms of their social structure, numbers, genetics, communication," Turkalo explained back in 2002 when the NPR team visited. You must be a real animal lover, I say. But in the generation born after the war, the rate was 33%, according to decades of observations by the nonprofit group ElephantVoices. But it could take a long time for tusked females to become as common as they once were. It was thanks largely to efforts by the group Invisible Children and its video Kony 2012 that Kony became a household name in the West. To her relief, the men turned out to be local. SHANE CAMPBELL-STATON: The Howard Hughes Medical Institute - they had this video that was called "The Tuskless Elephants Of Gorongosa." Female elephants do use their tusks, but female elephants in Mozambique are doing just fine without them, according to Long. Boko Haram also uses the bush as a baseNigerias Sambisa Forest, a game reserve south of Lake Chad. It was used to make combs, pool balls, knick-knacks, and even piano keys. All of central Africa is a hand grenade, its pin pulled by a history of resource exploitation from abroad, dictatorships, and poverty. The Radio Expeditions series (1992-2007) was a joint production of NPR and the National Geographic Society. Sudan. Kony is a former Roman Catholic altar boy whose stated mission is to overthrow the Ugandan government on behalf of the Acholi people of northern Uganda, and to rule the country according to his version of the Ten Commandments. Zakoumas Mamba Team 1 antipoaching unit includes driver Issa Adoum (brown shirt). During the civil war in Mozambique,soldiers killed elephants with tusks in order to sell the ivory, so fewer elephants with tusks survived. Quintin Kermeen, 51, based in Concord, California, has the credentials, and the personality, Im looking for. a. percentage of elephants killed only for their meat 19/129 = 14.7% b. percentage of elephants killed only for their tusks 75/129 = 58.1% c. percentage of elephants killed for both their tusks and meat 27/129 = 20.9% 5. Andrea Turkalo/The Elephant Listening Project, Andrea Turkalo /The Elephant Listening Project. National Geographic commissioned the creation of artificial tusks with hidden GPS trackers that were planted in the smuggling supplychain. The story typically would have ended with the wanton killing of these park rangers protecting elephants. Congolese soldiers undergo training by Mathieu Eckel of African Parks, an NGO that manages Garamba National Park with the DRCs parks authority. Other roads also lead to Sudan. Can fake tusks with hidden GPS trackers thwartthem? I order a satellite shot of their location from DigitalGlobe, a commercial vendor of space imagery, and ask for outside help interpreting it. After Zakoumas rangers destroyed their camp and confiscated their equipment, the poachers were unable to return to Sudan, so three weeks later they went back to Heban hill and attacked the Hippotrague unit. Together we can make a difference. Mostup to 3,000were poached from 2005 to 2008. The UN estimated that the massacre displaced more than a hundred thousand Congolese and Sudanese. A forum for discussion about elephants and rhinos and a rally point for those who want to getinvolved. One possibility is that surges of intense hunting have occurred on and off in Gorongosa over millennia, letting the genes occasionally provide a benefit. National Geographic television producer J.J.Kelley takes the floor in the waiting area. But that's not the end of the story. In a public square in Am Timan, shortly before his trial, he shouted, I know who betrayed me! Read about our approach to external linking. And someoneits unclear whois believed to be killing elephants from helicopters, as evidenced by bullet holes in the tops of skulls and the removal of tusks by what can only be chain saws. 19/129 = 14.7%. When the tortoise Lonesome George, emblem of the Galpagos Islands, died, it was Dante who was tasked with restoring him. The women pushed on downriver. Several Tanzanian officers who had presided over my arrest at the airport, including the wildlife expert, returned the next day to wish us bon voyage. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. South Sudan. Outnumbered and ill equipped, theyre manning the front line in a violent battle that affects us all. Our airport incident was one of many hiccups with the artificial tusks. Using Kermeens technology, he could adjust how many times a day they tried to communicate with a satellite via the Internet. The rangers also recovered a stamped Sudanese army leave slip granting three soldiers permission to travel from Darfur to a town near the Chadian border. Turkalo is back in the U.S. now, living near Providence, R.I. She had to flee Africa last year because of the civil war in the country that is home to the elephants she shared a life with. In May 2013 Seleka-backed Sudanese poachers attacked Dzanga Bai, an elephant oasis in Dzanga-Ndoki National Park of southwest CAR, killing 26 elephants. b. percentage of elephants killed . She turned her life around to be near them, settling in a rough camp in the rainforest and building an observation platform where she could safely watch the animals that congregate there. In March 2006 he fled for the DRC and set up camp in Garamba National Park, then home to some 4,000 elephants. Father Sugule introduces me to three young girls, recent LRA kidnapping victims, who are sitting on a wooden bench in his church. But its rare to figure out the genetics behind this human-caused evolution, experts say. "And they were yelling at us," she says. " They shot 26 elephants and cut out their tusks. One moves north toward Heban, the other west toward centralChad. Killings of civilians have likewise dropped, from 1,252 in 2009 to 13 in 2014, but abductions are rising again, and it takes the arrival of only a few of the armed militants to send fear ricocheting through communities. Turkalo is now part of an extraordinary operation to protect the surviving forest elephants. The Central African Republic was peaceful back then. I unzip my suitcase to expose two fake tusks and hand him letters from the U.S. But one of the murdered men, Idriss Adoum, had a younger brother, Saleh, who resolved that, when the rains stopped, he and a cousin would hunt the killers in Sudan, where so many ivory roads lead. Unlike Savanna elephants, forest elephants don't have natural predators, such as lions. They included South Sudanese armed forces (SPLA) and Sudanese military, as well as defectors from those militaries and an assortment of Sudan-based rebels. "As a result there were large numbers of soldiers in the area and a lot of associated. Bryan Christy sets out on his groundbreaking mission to track down the kingpins of the ivory trade. I arrive at what amounts to the park rangers northern front, an outpost vulnerable both to Sudanese poachers and Konys army. Ivory poachers are killing some 22,000 African elephants a year. "When it gets bad we leave.". Theyre looting communities, enslaving people, and killing park rangers who get in their way. Bill McQuay now works as a sound engineer with the National Public Radio - National Geographic Society Radio Expeditions Sound Collection at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Macaulay Library. Im not an animal lover, he snaps. In March 2015 Boko Harams leader, Abubakar Shekau, pledged allegiance to ISIS, and his group was renamed Islamic States West Africa Province, giving that Middle East terrorist group a foothold in WestAfrica. Elephant slaughter increased in the 1950s, where it is estimated that 250 elephants were killed per day. It was used to make combs, pool balls, knick-knacks, and even piano keys. Garamba is a crucible within a crucible, a park under siege in a country often in civil war in a region that has nearly forgotten peace. VIDEO: J.J. Kelley, NG Studios. Eventually, more than four tons was found, Africas largest seizure since the global ivory trade ban took effect in 1990. Please make a tax-deductible gift today. My interpretation, says Jean Marc Froment, then director of the park, is that the Ugandan military is conducting operations inside Garamba and at the same time taking some ivory. But, he adds, the poachers could be SPLA, which uses the same type of helicopter seen over the park. Ive flown from Garamba park headquarters to a dirt airstrip deep inside the park to join an antipoaching patrol. It needs to be durable and small enough to fit inside the cavities George Dante would make in the blocks of resin and lead that formed the tusks. Money is available to outfit the rangers with better equipment, but buying new weapons requires formal approval of the Congolese army, something Froment has been unable to get. During the civil war in Mozambique, soldiers killed elephants with tusks in order to sell the ivory, so fewer elephants with tusks survived. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. Since the 2008-09 attack by Konys soldiers, rangers have finished building a new headquarters and acquired two airplanes and a helicopter. Soldiers killed elephants for their ivory tusks, which were extremely valuable. Onen is short and looks even smaller wearing a camouflage-patterned Ugandan army uniform thats too long for him in the sleeves. COPY EDITOR: Cindy Leitner, Hear Brent Stirton tell their stories in an audioslideshow, Hear Bryan Christy discuss the investigation on. In presenting that case, ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo underscored Bashirs control of the groups said to be behind Sudans ivory trafficking: He used the army, he enrolled the Militia/Janjaweed. The women motored downriver toward the Democratic Republic of Congo. So, they are actually teeth. There were armed combatants roaming the countryside. c. percentage of elephants killed for . Dzanga Baialso known as the village of elephantsis a mineral-rich mudhole where the animalscongregate. The operation was designed by Kony himself, Onen says. Copyright 2021 NPR. Written in Acholi, it details Konys order for a hundred elephant tusks. It was the rainy season, and the rangers, like the elephants they were guarding, had left the park for higher ground. Once the war and poaching ended, elephants with tusks were more likely to survive because they could use their tusks to find water and food. An official in Dar es Salaams international airport, in Tanzaniaone of several countries I scouted for launching my tusks into the illegal tradesquints at an x-ray screen as my luggage rolls through hisscanner. Hed grown up not far from Garamba at a time when it was possible to fly over the park and see 5,000 elephants in a single gathering. Rogue militias and army soldiers from the DRC, Sudan, and South Sudan are slaughtering elephants in the park. Issa, who is Chadian, said he joined the team of three Sudanese men and that together they rode more than two weeks to get to Heban, where they killed nine elephants in four days. Erik Stokstad is a reporter at Science, covering environmental issues. When ivory poachers target elephants, the hunters can affect more than just animal numbers. Elephant slaughter increased in the 1950s, where it is estimated that 250 elephants were killed per day. Before the civil war, about 18.5% of females were naturally tuskless, but that figure has risen to 33% among elephants born since the early 1990s. Today, poaching has stopped in Gorongosa, and the elephant population is recovering. In this scene from the documentary Explorer: Warlords of Ivory, Bryan Christy presents world-renowned taxidermist George Dante with a new challenge: creating a completely convincing fake elephant tusk. We'll tell you more about them Friday, on NPR's Morning Edition. Professor Pringle said it was possible to reverse this trait over time as long as work to recover elephant populations from the brink of extinction continues. According to CITES Secretary-General John Scanlon, Sudan does not appear on these lists because CITES sets priorities based mainly on ivory seizures, and there have been few ivory seizures linked to Sudan in recent years. It's run by a band of men who, if not exactly soldiers-of-fortune, certainly are trained warriors who can deal not just with poachers, but with civil war, too. 4. The results suggest that by killing elephants for their tusks, poachers selected for mutated versions of AMELX and MEP1a, which spread in the population and made tuskless elephants more common. Later, when Labuschagne examined the trajectory of bullets at the scene, he concluded that the poachers had been trained in how to set up a cross fire, which, combined with evidence found at the scene, pointed to President Omar al-Bashirs Sudan Armed Forces. We ask if she recognized any of the elephants in the photos taken of their carcasses after the poachers fled. Embattled park rangers are often the only defense for wildlife andvillagers. Fifty percent will be tuskless. She well remembers the day when the war came to the bai. Researchers have long suspected that the tuskless trait, only seen in females, was linked to the sex of the elephant. They also had twice as many daughters as sons. MCCAMMON: Around 90% of the elephants there were killed, but many female elephants without tusks survived and thrived. You know, yet those actions - right? During the Mozambican Civil War from 1977 to 1992, humans killed so many elephants for their lucrative ivory that the animals seem to have evolved in the space of a generation. Now it was rare to see 250 in aherd. Accuracy and availability may vary. After months of tinkering, Kermeens final bespoke ivory-tracking device arrives in the mail. A pilot study published this year showed that the presence of a beehive fence reduced the odds of an elephant crossing the river by 95%. As she sips her tea in the Providence coffee shop, Turkalo is the picture of calm. Ugandan soldiers with the African Unions Regional Task Force hunt for LRA leader Joseph Kony in the Central African Republic (CAR), pulling themselves along ropes to cross rivers. I know which house theyre in: Using Google Earth, I see its light-blue roof on my screen. Rangers practice their riding skills at Zakouma National Park, in Chad. Froment uses the word war to describe the fight Garambas 150 rangers are in with poachers. So why elephants? Chad. After three weeks the tusks turn north again, back into Sudan. Halfway through our patrol, we come upon a clearing of burned grass beside the Kassi River, the site of a recent battle between Garamba rangers and SPLA poachers, in which, rangers tell me, they killed two poachers. Forest elephants linger on a misty morning at the Dzanga bai. The biggest is why a dominant gene associated with deadly effects for males would persist in the population during periods without poaching. hide caption. I make a mental note that Konys soldiers and other armed groups walk hundreds of miles from Sudan into this endless grass curtain to kill elephants. The poaching issue is a governance issue, Froment says. In May 2013 poachers with the insurgent group Seleka massacred 26 elephants at Dzanga Bai, amineral-rich watering hole in CAR. They had nowhere to run." It is assumed that the girls were raped, so its difficult for them to find husbands. Jensen, who was executive producer of the series, and Alex Chadwick, chief correspondent, insisted on the highest quality sound recording to complement its reporting. Poachers killed at least 132 last year, and as of this June, rangers had discovered another 42 carcasses with bullet holes, more than 30 attributed to a single Sudanese poaching expeditiona combined loss amounting to more than 10 percent of the parks entire population of elephants, estimated now to be no more than about 1,500. We would follow them using Google Earth. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. "So we heard this 'rat-a-tat-tat.' Researchers in Mozambique found a . The White Elephant symbolizes distinctive things for both the man and Jig. Five of the six men in Zakoumas Hippotrague patrol unit were killed by elephant poachers outside the park; the sixth is presumed dead. National Geographic needs your help to protect elephants and to continue reporting on wildlife crime. "We were all women five women." Elephants gather in the Dzanga bai, a forest clearing the size of several football fields. He said they bury sealed buckets of water along parched travel routes and bury ivory for safekeeping as well. CORNISH: Campbell-Staton had heard all of this before. The elephants coat themselves in red clay. Then they head south six miles, back into Kafia Kingi. So 50% of her daughters will be tusked. 5. Members of the Ugandan armys dog-tracking team lift weights at the African Union base in Obo, CAR. "They recognize each other's voices," she told us in 2002, "just like women recognize their babies' cries. Konys men jump back and forth across borders, hiding in countries where governance is weak. "It was the 24th of March," she says. Like much of the world, George Dante knows that the African elephant is under siege. Michael Onen, the defector from Konys army, told me that the LRA and the janjaweed had battled over ivory, with one group robbing the other, and that it was the janjaweeds success in trading ivory that originally gave Kony the idea to start killing elephants. Editor's Note: Viewers may find the next image from the 2013 elephant slaughter disturbing. Then youre just the man for me.. These LRA defectorsall abducted as children and pressed into servicenow fight for the Ugandan military. a. percentage of elephants killed . Ivory shops in Khartoum advertise in English and Chinese as well as Arabic. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. for their meat. During the civil war between 1977 to 1992, poachers sold the ivory to finance the conflict, including buying arms and ammunition. Theyre in a place 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the ambient temperature, so perhaps theyve been buried in the backyard. For his Judas pig project he built GPS satellite collars to enable pest control authorities in New Zealand to send feral pigs into the bush and locate their invasive piggy friends. The series was one of NPR's earliest adopters of digital technology and led the network in surround-sound production. It's run by a band of men who, if not exactly soldiers-of-fortune, certainly are trained warriors. "And there was moonlight and I could see he had a revolver and he might have been drinking. "We gave them a little money and said the Seleka were coming," says Turkalo. "They were terrified. By skewing their evolution, humans fiddle with elephants' role in the ecosystem too. So if a tuskless mom had babies CAMPBELL-STATON: She has a 50% chance of passing the trait on to her offspring. By the time you read this, my tusks might have gone to Khartoum. This paper is going to lead to a lot of speculation and modeling.. Traits that are beneficial in one environment may not be beneficial in another. To follow my artificial tusks from the jungle to their final destination, I need a tracking device capable of transmitting exact locations without dead zones. Diya is for accidents, he says. Five of the worlds least stable nations, as ranked by the Washington, D.C.-based organization the Fund for Peace, are home to people who travel to other countries to kill elephants. If true, Soumaine Issa will find poachers working with Seleka. Next, researchers wanted to pin down the mechanism of inheritance for tusklessness. "You know, a lot of the NGOs, we just cut and run," she tells us matter-of-factly. Will artificial tusks planted in a central African country head eastor westtoward a coast with reliable transportation to Asian markets? It is believed they do this either to cool themselves off or as a reaction to the annoyance of parasites of the skin. The Rhodesian armed forces lacked the manpower to effectively protect its 1,300-kilometre (800 mi) border with Mozambique against entering ZANLA insurgents. Back in 1969 Gorongosa National Park was home to over 2200 elephants, but now there is just over 700 in the park. Garamba National Park, in the northeast corner of the DRC and on the border with South Sudan, is a UNESCO World Heritage site, internationally famous for its elephants and its boundless ocean of green. "This time they covered most of country," she says, "pillage, rape and kill. Researchers at the bai learned to identify individual elephants by the shape and characteristics of their ears. In fact, she tells us, two weeks later she went back to the bai something we found pretty astonishing given the circumstances of the civil war. Kiev's troops have big Nazi problem - ex-US soldier who escaped Ukraine; DESTRUCTION OF OUR CULTURE HAS SUCCEEDED; Most Ukrainian Soldiers On Bakhmut Front-Line Killed 'Within 4 Hours' URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows Suddenly they move steadily north, about 12 miles a day along the border with South Sudan, avoiding all roads. And I gotta find a way to get that shine, Dante says, referring to the gloss a clean elephant tusk has. They were relieving a ranger team that had raided a Sudanese poachers camp three weeks before and seized more than a thousand rounds of ammunition; mobile phones holding photographs of bloated, dead elephants; a satellite phone with a solar panel charger; two elephant tusks; a pair of camouflage pants; and a uniform with the insignia of Abu TiraSudans notorious Central Reserve Police, alleged to have committed mass killings, assaults, and rapes in Darfur. Meanwhile, as leaders in Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. strategize about how to stop the ever expanding network of international terrorist organizations, somewhere in Africa a park ranger stands his post, holding an AK-47 and a handful of bullets, manning the front line for all of us. By Bryan ChristyPhotographs by Brent StirtonPublished August 12, 2015. The park has four mounted ranger teams because horses are the only way to effectively patrol during the wet season, when the elephants head to drier land outside the park. They all report to him, they all obey him. Their own families are afraid that theyre devils, or forever soldiers, who might kill them in the night. when will hunters get the message we need other species alive on our planet for our own species to survive . I'm outraged as to how some people have the audacity to kill these inconncent , sentient creatures who , like most animals help keep the food chain stable. He wasnt contrite. To use comments you will need to have JavaScript enabled. In the United States, Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama supported efforts either to arrest or kill him. Ranger Dieudonn Kumboyo Kobango, standing with his son, Genekpio, who escaped soon after the LRA seized him, says, I search for the LRA on every patrol.. The Central African Republic (CAR). So support charities who put a stop to that. During a civil war in the country, that lasted from 1977 to 1992, up to 90% of Mozambique's elephant population was killed, mainly for their ivory tusks. This project was made possible by a grant from The WoodtigerFund. That's just something to think about and consider really because it's absolutely RIDICULOUS that any animal should have to go through that. Or possibly even shown up in illegal ivorys biggest consuming country:China. Ongwen also said that Kony intends to form a squad to establish contact with Boko Haram, the Nigerian terrorist group responsible for widespread killings and the kidnappings of hundreds of Nigerian women and schoolgirls. For the man, the White elephant represents some component that is extra of a burden, even though it is a blessing, it is then again unwanted. You can hear the original field recordings and interviews from Radio Expedition's 2002 elephant story, and see photos and night-vision video from the elephant bai, on the archive's website. A small proportion of females . Despite Sudans role as a safe haven for groups known to traffic ivory, such as the LRA, janjaweed, and other poaching gangs, the country has drawn limited official attention as a poaching state. 75/129 = 58.1%. But Turkalo decided not to leave the region right away. Andrea Turkalo /The Elephant Listening Project. 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For safekeeping as well as Arabic, poaching has stopped in Gorongosa and! Who was tasked with restoring him leave the region right away Expeditions used,. The conflict, including buying arms and ammunition to continue reporting on wildlife crime that was called the. Shot 26 elephants at Dzanga bai the smuggling supplychain dominant gene associated deadly! Have to go through that several more tusks community payment shown up in illegal ivorys biggest consuming:. Daughters will be tusked advertise in English and Chinese as well Rhodesian armed lacked... Illegally killed elephants for their ivory tusks, which were extremely valuable the creation artificial! The floor in the backyard 's Morning Edition by Bryan ChristyPhotographs by Brent StirtonPublished August 12,..
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