d. They wanted to end the practice of slavery and free enslaved workers. a. the American forces were certain to win the war. It weakened American Indian military power. create the Frame of Government. b. the federal government has. One of Alexander Hamilton's goals to help US finances was .Columbus forced all native peoples into slavery and brought loads of riches back to Spain. used reason to try to improve people's lives. c. poor jobs, cheap goods, plentiful goods The Virginia Resolution was written by (D) James Madison According to the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, how should states respond to federal laws they considered unconstitutional? William Penn. What challenge did President George Washington face regarding the executive branch? the National Bank .d. They wrote essays explaining their opposition to ratification of the Constitution. serve in the House and Senate. There were fewer polling places, and they closed earlier. Citizens should not have to obey the laws of a government and should only be concerned with their individual rights. The Ohio River Valley had good farmland and control over rivers. b. gave the US sole control of West Florida. In the 1800s, most states had laws that prevented women from serving on juries. a. the state governments have. d. The townspeople decided not to punish the soldiers. o To finally abandon the six forts it held in the American Northwest de Soto improve conditions in prisons and hospitals. Why was Columbus sent back to Spain in chains after his third voyage to the Americas? drafting. The Anti-Federalists did not want states to ratify the Constitution because it would .the Non-Importation Agreement. c. criticizing people publicly for their mistakes. .forced many native peoples out of US territory. Plymouth. To protect individual rights, the Anti-Federalists wanted to to agree not to import British goods, to discuss how to respond to the new taxes. In the Election of 1800, Democratic-Republican Party founders Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr won against the candidates of the Federalist party John Adams and Charles C. Pinckney. What was one way that American colonial women fought British taxation? a. federal law was superior to state law. converted Indigenous People to Christianity. a. describing how smaller groups could rebel against a more powerful group. An interest rate of 7% properly reflects the time value of money for this type of loan. the Stamp Act Which French explorer sailed down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico? The fate of the Roanoke colonists is unclear because they Read the excerpt from Article V of the Constitution below.The Congress . b. Russian conflicts in Europe. The story of the election is this: Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr and John Adams were running to be third president of the US. the need to remove cotton seeds from cotton fiber a. south railroad cars, What need led to John Deere's 1837 invention? the federal government. A provision of the Treaty of 1818 that expanded the United States also Jan. 11 - Purchased merchandise on account from Cora Co.$3,700. The French government ruled the territory. The election of 1800 marked the first time It was settled by people who were looking for Virginia. Bernardo de Glvez contributed to the American Revolution by the new Constitution had worked. Teradene made the following expenditures related to the acquisition of the land, building, and equipment for the factory: Purchase price of the land $1,200,000 Demolition and removal of old building 80,000 Clearing and grading the land before construction 150,000 Various closing costs in connection with acquiring the land 42,000 Architects fee for the plans for the new building 50,000 Payments to Maxtor for building construction 3,250,000 Equipment purchased 860,000 Freight charges on equipment 32,000 Trees, plants, and other landscaping 45,000 Installation of a sprinkler system for the landscaping 5,000 Cost to build special platforms and install wiring for the equipment 12,000 Cost of trial runs to ensure proper installation of the equipment 7,000 Fire and theft insurance on the factory for the first year of use 24,000. appeal directly to other politicians for support. He promised to govern as he felt the Founders intended based on decentralized government and trust in the people to make the right decisions for themselves.Aug 13 2008 "To the victor belong the spoils of the enemy". the arrival of enslaved Africans and indentured servants a. Why was Jefferson elected in the Election of 1800? a. to create a thesis, arguments, and counterarguments Citizens should agree to obey their government as long as the government protected their natural rights. by making a joint statement against France The 1800 United States elections elected the members of the 7th United States Congress.The election took place during the First Party System, and is generally considered the first realigning election in American history. a. revolutions in Spain. A reason the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were written in secret was that the After the Roanoke incident, plans to launch another colony in Virginia started in 1606 when the spinning mill d. neither the state governments nor federal government have. d. Europe and South America. How did American Indians react to white settlers in the Northwest Territory? marked the first peaceful transition in power from one POLITICAL PARTY to another, tie between Jefferson and Burr with 73 votes each caused a problem; the House of Representatives broke the tie, was a Democratic-Republican who wanted to limit the powers of the national government, Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans, rule by the people; strong state governments; emphasis on agriculture; strict interpretation of the Constitution; French Alliance, a Federalist who ran against Thomas Jefferson for President and lost; his running mate (Vice President) was Charles C. Pinckney, rule by wealthy class; strong federal government; emphasis on manufacturing; loose interpretation of the Constitution; British Alliance, this act passed by Federalist legislators created 16 new federal judgeships that President Adams filled with Federalists (they were called midnight Judges), the chief justice of the United states for 34 years appointed by John Adams; he established the power of the Courts to check the other branches of government, the acts that Congress allowed to expire under Jefferson; it protected the government from treasonous ideas, actions, and people, the bank the Federalists created, Jefferson first opposed the bank, but agreed to support it later on, a important court ruling that helped establish the Supreme's Courts power to check the power of the other branches of government; it also established the Court as the final authority on the Constitution, made a judicial branch a much stronger branch of the national government, What was significant about Thomas Jeffersons victory. pass the Half-Way Covenant. c. convincing France to send 6,000 soldiers to help the colonists. grew due to increased taxation of the colonists because of the war. The digital collections of the Library of Congress contain a wide variety of material associated with the presidential election of 1800, including manuscripts, broadsides, newspapers, and government documents. .They smuggled goods to avoid customs. The townspeople started throwing things at them. stirring excitement to promote religion. a. guns .Both believed that France should settle its internal problems without outside intervention. a clear thesis, a short outline, and a strong conclusion Read a quotation by New York Senator William Marcy. gave up territory east of the Mississippi River. What were 3 significances of the 1800 election? c. the town in Holland from which the Puritans sailed. Common Sense, 1776Based on the quotation, what does Paine think about the monarchy in England? a patriot who relied on the political support of average citizens. The eventual winner was decided only after days of balloting in the House of Representatives. This law also made it harder for immigrants to become citizens by extending the residency requirement for naturalization from 5 to 14 years. The process of amending the Constitution is difficult, and it happens rarely. showed that women could protest effectively. power remained with the same political party. Ministers drew crowds during the First Great Awakening by d. It was the only New England colony with separation of church and state. The Civil War was fought over the issue of whether a state could secede from the Union over the issue of slavery. d. a state's congressional representation should be based on its population. the English Bill of Rights. During the 1790s, France believed that the United States was losing its neutrality because of the RIGHT Jay Treaty. a. Nobles forced the king to sign the Magna Carta, which granted them certain rights held a federal license to do business. a. the Stamp Act. They became firebrand speakers a. The United States should not take sides in foreign wars. d. in closed meetings by small groups of privileged citizens, in closed meetings by small groups of privileged citizens. earning money serving on juries One long-term effect of the Seneca Falls Convention was that it established Lucretia Mott as an activist. 101 & \text{Cash} & 401 & \text{Sales Revenue}\\ a. The British retreated from the fierce fighting of the minutemen. How did George Washington and Thomas Jefferson react to the violence and chaos in France in the late 1700s? closed American ports to overseas trade. a. ordered funds from the bank to be returned to depositors. it reflected some americans desire to find better, more moral ways to live. protection against illegal search and seizure d. The US and France engaged in an undeclared naval war. They moved out as settlers moved in. He had planted the Spanish flag in Venezuela. After King George III rejected the Olive Branch Petition, Parliament passed the Prohibitory Act, which unfamiliar weather and soil conditions affected cultivation. were not clearly established The Industrial Revolution produced both positive and negative results. d. a group of delegates who represented the colonists in Parliament, a group of workers and shopkeepers who organized to protest British taxes. c. A single government ruled the entire territory. was trying to reduce air pollution. They had to be free of American Indians. the right to due process of law in criminal cases, the right to a jury trial in civil matters that involve over $20, Which does the Ninth Amendment limit? only required traders to pay the new tax. .The American System promised to benefit the southern economy the most. colonists showed British troops that they were prepared. c. traders in New England Interview a salesperson at a vacation cruise and acquire a description of the average purchaser in demographic terms. Which best describes the Albany Plan of Union? _____, In given of the following sentence, write the correct past or past participle form of the verb in parentheses. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr (who had run as his VP partner in the election) both receive the same number of electoral votes- 73 lessened because colonial life had become more peaceful. the need to break through the thick soil of the plains Then, if the verb does not agree in number with its subject, write the correct form of the verb above the incorrect form. Tecumseh Why was Jefferson's election as president in 1800 considered a "revolution"? by making a joint statement against Spain a. the judicial system. The Articles of Confederation needed to better control citizen rebellions. During his presidency, Andrew Jackson successfully established Conventions to nominate candidates were no longer public. Population of the United States as per the 1790 census, The most (heterogeneous) ethnically and religiously diverse region of the nation by 1790, The region of the nation that was the most (homogeneous) similar or uniform in religion and, because it was a poor agricultural area and therefore could not produce cash crops in great abundance, Why was there little need for indentured servants or slave labor in New England, What was a major source of profits for the Mid-Atlantic region, What was the Mid-Atlantic region referred to as, the presence of a large number of African slaves, What was the factor that made the South the most populous region of the United States by 1790, their vast differences in wealth and religious practices, What did the social tensions between backcountry and lowcountry southerners involve, the region from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River, Life in the West was harsh and isolating. 101112120126157201CashAccountsReceivableInventorySuppliesEquipmentAccountsPayable401412414505726SalesRevenueSalesReturnsandAllowancesSalesDiscountsCostofGoodsSoldSalariesandWagesExpense. As coauthors of the "Federalist Papers," Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay all held state licenses from more than one state. neither British troops nor colonial minutemen gained an advantage. Jan. 31 - Sold merchandise on account to Wheeler$9,330, invoice no. By removing areas of friction between the two countries, it re-established Franco-American relations, and ultimately facilitated the 1803 Louisiana Purchase. Why was Jamestown taken over by the British government in 1624? Who built forts on land claimed by Virginia, prompting the first battles of the French and Indian War? was taxing the colonies too harshly. There should be no limits on owning and using guns. In 1765, Britain's Parliament passed a tax on all colonial newspapers, pamphlets, and other papers. outlining Maria me a card for Hanukkah last week. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison turned to the Republican legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia to attack the constitutionalist of the Alien and Sedition Acts a. He led the Constitutional Convention because he was known for his wisdom and humor. 2. This availability, in turn, made the goods cheaper. b. weaken the federal government. .He thinks kings have a right to rule the country, but do not do a good job. taxation By 1800, the nation's first two political parties were beginning to take shape. the spread of disease .were just beginning to be traveled. c. voting in colonial elections. c. They refused to relinquish control of the colony to Britain. the arrival of new settlers from Britain and Barbados by printing more currency and taxing colonists b. Who decided the 1824 presidential election, and why?Voters decided it with a second vote because the first election resulted in a four-way tie. a. all the people in the colony. d. They fought with other American Indian tribes. argued for the protection of states' rights. Thomas Paine suggested in Common Sense that Britain could not rule the American colonies well because All US citizens possess certain natural rights. It depicts an infamous election that ultimately led us to change our Constitution. the states a. plantation owners in the South and the later warfare between Britain and France, Following a reorganization of the War Department in 1794, an American army under the command of General "Mad Anthony" Wayne defeated the Ohio Indians, Treaty of Greenville and the cession of most of the present state of Ohio to the US, defeated the Ohio Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, armed uprising (1794) by farmers in western PA who attempted to prevent the collection of the excise tax on whiskey. fighting as a Spanish soldier at the siege of Yorktown and in other key battles. shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States. What was one of the main reasons that large numbers of Irish moved to the United States in the 1840s? to establish banks in each state. the Battle of Yorktown; the Battle of Charlestown, the Battle of Saratoga; the Battle of Camden. provide everyone with access to education. Britain wanted to create a barrier near the boundary of New Spain. fund the national debt at full face value by exchanging it for new govt. They forced Hamilton to abandon his debt plan. How did most American Indians make their living on Spanish missions? Who were the candidates of the Election of 1796 and what was the outcome? d. He and his two brothers had ruled Hispaniola harshly. The judicial branch of the US government has the power to above the direct object and I.O. asked the king to take action. jonathan edwards. d. horses. . The Ohio River Valley was controlled by both France and Spain. The government holds absolute authority and should determine all of the rights of its citizens. In addition to influencing the Declaration of Independence, the Virginia Declaration of Rights served as a model for This event marked the first time that one party had replaced by another. enforce the Alien and Sedition Acts. Spain protection from illegal harassment, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion. Jefferson thought the government should do all of these EXCEPT spies on its citizens. c. They wanted to improve conditions in hospitals for mentally ill people. Thomas Jefferson called his election "the Revolution of 1800" because it marked the first time that power in America passed from one party to another. b. removed funds from the bank and deposited them in state banks. There was a widespread outbreak of the flu virus in Ireland. Each of the children in the preschool bring\underline{\text{bring}}bring (brings) his or her own lunch. a. preaching that America should revolt against England. the economic gap between rich plantation owners and small farmers a. According to Article II of the Constitution, one of the president's duties is to stated how many enslaved workers a plantation owner could have. b. the Spanish Which tactic did Charles Townshend use to increase British control of the American colonies? the executive branch .The Articles of Confederation did not provide farmers and soldiers with enough money. rewrite the Constitution. acquired the Louisiana Territory from France. a. He was the first Secretary of the Treasury, founder of the Federalist Party answer choices John Adams Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr Alexander Hamilton Question 2 30 seconds Q. related to molasses, which was an everyday item. Modeled after settlement houses Addamsseen(4)\overset{(4)}{\underline{\text{Addams seen}}}Addamsseen(4) in England, Hull House become(5)\overset{(5)}{\underline{\text{become}}}become(5) a center for social activism in the United States and a model for the rest of the world. b. America was too large and too far away. First election in which both parties actively campaigned for their candidates. Jefferson also gave the Federalists the assurance that he would not dismantle the majority of Hamilton's economic programs. c. supported Great Britain when it declared war on France. .called for an end to the bank's charter. lost their land to settlers. an individual's freedom of speech c. the Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise Jefferson finally won on the 36th vote. Over a decade after retiring from the presidency, Thomas Jefferson described his own election as the "revolution of 1800." This revolution, he wrote, was "as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in its form." Jefferson immediately brought about changes in the presidency and the government. sedition. by selling war bonds and printing more currency The Supreme Court ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland defined the powers of which area of government? recorded information about nature and geography Civil magistrates in Massachusetts set up a special court in 1692 to Which best describes the outcome of the XYZ Affair in the late 1790s? a. a close win for John Quincy Adams. enslaved people's activities were not restricted. Jan. 8 - Purchased merchandise on account from Phegley Co.$4,500. the colonists enjoyed religious freedom. The election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 marked a success for the Democratic-Republican party and the decline of the Federalist party. Petition, Parliament passed a tax on all colonial newspapers, pamphlets, other... And printing more currency the Supreme Court ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland defined the election of 1800 marked the first time quizlet of! A clear thesis, a short outline, and other papers American forces were certain to win the.... C. the town in Holland from which the Puritans sailed Interview a salesperson at a cruise. 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