While some people might find the mysterious and complex nature of the INFJ too inscrutable to deal with on a daily basis, those who put in the time and effort to get to know these complex people are often rewarded with a deep personal connection. Any exception to the rule "after age 17, no attractive and well-reguarded women will EVER entertain the . INFJ women are a unique breed, with warm hearts and unbelievably vivid minds. They may be easily offended when given criticism. . What Attracts the INFJ INFJs are often attracted to people who are passionate souls with so much going on inside of them. Required fields are marked *. A man who initiates a relationship with an INFJ woman soon learns if his feelings are reciprocated. Those guys are just the worst. People sometimes underestimate the INFJ woman, seeing them as simply emotional and nurturing types. For an INFJ, loyalty means more than not cheating. With a combination of these four aspects, INFJ women tend to be highly introspective yet sensitive to other peoples feelings. It would balance me out. Cocktail parties and crowded pop concerts are examples. You said it better than my comment did. INFJ females have healthy boundaries. Their reserve hides passion and principles, which they will ardently defend when riled up. You better just get used to it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Instead I went through my early adult years like a social wrecking ball, pretty oblivious to just how many of the people paying attention to me were not in fact doing so because they, like me, were reveling in the sense of connection and genuinely enjoying sharing social experiences with me, but really just liked my tits and my young looking face and my shapely firm body and the fact that I could hold a solid conversation was just icing on top. We may have a chaotic mind, but we still need structure in our lives. INFJs tend to be principled which means they are not likely to change their mind. They might not be vocal about this, but they definitely expect their loved ones to be able to read the non-verbal cues. We call it being alone together. This includes a recap of our day and dinner, followed by some TV watching and game playing, as well as some foot rubbing, most of which is done with minimal conversation. Its like homecoming. INFJ women believe in what they care about, and thus they do not lean towards false representations of themselves and what they believe. Fortunately my teens were before the age of social media really took off- what a world today's youth needs to navigate, where every one of their mistakes has the risk of being posted online for all to see, while simultaneously they are being pressured to craft a perfect attractive online identity (in addition to their in-person identity), which they'll then be judged for. If you are dating an INFJ female, you should value and respect these opinions. This is such great post, I wish it were higher up. The second thing that makes us extremely attractive is our intuition and understanding of people on an emotional level. Like lots of skinship? Dont give up! Above all, he should never make lovemaking a hurried event. This simply comes from the fact that they are passionate and honest individuals, who know what they believe in. Because I can remember being 14 or 15 and catching adult men looking at me whenever I went out. and what is your personality type? We are the type of people who wont just sit around and complain. This is both a blessing and a curse in many situations, since they certainly dance to the beat of their own drum. People assume alot about me but do not get me. You think maybe some of you are wrong in your self diagnosis, 1% of our population is 78 million people. INFJ women do not struggle to find other female friends, they simple struggle to find friendships that they desire to nurture. However, I give some guys a second chance and find that it pays off. When we find someone who understands us and appreciates our sensitivity an INFP male could work well in this situation then we will really open up to them and have that deep and powerful connection. I wouldn't even go on "tuning out" people who find you attractive. However I was incredibly lucky to find an INFJ man who is my perfect match. They want to have meaningful conversations with their partner. Enjoy it while it lasts. With just a little effort to get past their distrustful and often shy outward appearance, friends and would-be romantic partners of INFJs will be surprised to see just how much their INFJ blossoms over time. Your email address will not be published. Simply understand that any of your relationships are going to start based on physical attractiveness, understand that you can basically have anyone you want, and choose based on how well you connect with someone past the physical. When I was good-looking, I got weird energy off people, like they wanted something but were also making fun of me. INFJs will eventually hit their limit, and when they do they can completely disconnect from someone. Learn how to kiss, slowly and tentatively at first. Shell appreciate this more than anything else he can do. When they do find the right people though, the INFJ will hold onto them tightly. All I know is, some women find me very attractive, I'll only find out once some sort of acquaintance-ship has been established (at work for example). The problem it creates for you in forming relationships isnt a problem in terms of the signals you get from men. INFJs are an attractive personality type because they combine emotional sensitivity with a dignified and somewhat detached attitude that makes them compelling and mysterious. (Source: Mental Floss). While they are core introverts, they will be assertive about what they stand for. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Just like the general INFJs, the INFJ female is known for being logical. They have a strong connection to their emotions, but they tend to remain logical and practical. But in my online experiences, I get . It keeps them guessing and coming back for more. All rights reserved. For the INFJ in particular, humor is especially attractive when it shows that someone is clever enough not to take themselves too seriously. Many personalities think of humor as an essential ingredient for a happy relationship. Being forced into a box is something that INFJs hate, especially since they are often capable of adapting and growing. They want to love your light as well as your dark. Other men are likely to be attracted to an INFJ woman. :). I haven't read all the comments (some are pretty long), but my advice is to leverage it. 6 yr. ago. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Theres a reason why INFJs are sometimes mistaken for Extraverts. In order to be fully supportive and giving to the people they love, the INFJ needs to recharge their internal batteries. I feel like its a curse being such a rare personality. I feel like it is such a good match, I feel its the only person who will ever understand you because they feel as deeply as you do and looked just as perplexed at the world and their lack of feeling. The only girl I've ever 'loved' was INFP and she and I broke up after like 3 years dating. Thank you for sharing your experiences! Of the 16 personality types outlined in the Myers-Brigg personality schema, INFJ is the rarest. But this post was great. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ejike Umesi is the owner of Personality Hunt. I think you would have similar feelings if it were the opposite. The Counselor has a unique ability to intuit others' emotions and motivations . The important thing for most INFJ women is finding a career that aligns with their ideals. This down-to-earth practicality is a surprising contrast to other aspects of the INFJ personality, such as being focused on symbolism, dreams, and visions. I meet young NFs every so often, and if they take a liking to me they'll tend to start asking for my insight or advice about how to find their path, 'cause that's how we do. On top of that, INFJs tend to have a perfectionist nature, which can unleash our inner self-critic and make us enter a spiral of overthinking. Thus, INFJ females will be able to tell when a person is lying, angry, or having a wave of emotions. Best decision of my life! Thus, they will resist any attempt to compromise their independence. We wait.. patiently. Their high levels of empathy mean that they usually devote themselves to helping and caring for other people. INFJs are considered one of the most compassionate and empathetic profiles in the Myers-Briggs system. Before we dive into an INFJ womans traits, we need to be sure of what the INFJ acronym means. I have never felt understood my entire life and I have isolated myself from everyone because of it. Find her at: https://andreiaesteves.com/. INFJs do not tend to open up to others until they trust them absolutely. Yes! 2022 Sarah Kuhn | INFJ Woman | All Rights Reserved |. Even though they give so much of themselves, they do have their limits. :), Thanks so much, Loise! This will allow them to interact with people and touch their lives to a greater extent. Since many people lack compassion and empathy in their daily lives, finding genuinely compassionate people can be difficult in modern society. We need something to inspire us, whether its a cause that we are passionate about or a career that we love. You just need to understand them. However, do not forget that INFJ women are also intuitive, spend a lot of time in thought, and take a structured approach to life. Of all the Enneagram types, Ones (along with Fours) have more relationships than average; they're also the least li, Within the 16 type system, there are eight Sensing personality types. Unfortunately, it is one of the rarer types, especially amongst men. ENFP and INFJ Are a Perfect Match. Shes not the type to go through a series of arguments or pleas. If you are dating an INFJ woman, this is one of their non-negotiables. They want to love the parts of your soul that you don't usually bring to light. Spammers will be fried and served on toast. Of course, we know that this view is narrow-minded and completely unfounded, but it exists nonetheless. Same here. INFJ woman is a good pair with INFJ man. I'm a good looking dude, but fewer people are inclined to tell a dude he is good looking--for fear that he'll get the wrong idea. My dream guy is Shawn Mendez . Within a month we fell in love mutually, that too it was really a passionate unconditional relationship, I cant say enough how much happy we both used to be when we were together. If the relationship is solid, eventually shell tell you everything. I am an INFJ, almost typical. Though not spontaneous ourselves, we usually admire spontaneity in others. How do you know if you're a Sensor? Still, the woman keeps trying. These personalities can spend a lot of time in their own heads, making it difficult for them to decipher their own feelings and motivations, let alone anyone elses. Dont talk about cars, sporting events, politics, or money, unless one of these topics interests her particularly. "I hate being hit on all the time and people asking me out when they don't even know me.". Just like the INFPs, INFJ women love the idea of romance and falling in love. They hope to reach a level of comfort with their partners where theres no space for lies. I enjoyed your Blog. An INFJ females love language is more likely to be physical touch and quality time than any other love language. Writing in the form of journaling also allows INFJ women to contemplate the deep questions which they so enjoy. Thank You. Besides being kind, INFJs also appreciate people who can hold emotional space for them. What do INFJ's find attractive in people? This means that they tend to overthink issues in their relationship. My powerful and uncanny sixth sense helps me understand others but no one seems to understand me. A rich INFJ might feel guilty for having money, but on the other hand they can leverage it to propagate the idealism they're inbuilt with. From personal experience I would recommend this to people who have the opposite problem as well -- people who judge you based on (what they deem as unattractive) appearance. Thus, INFJ females will be able to tell when a person is lying, angry, or having a wave of emotions. Once again, it all comes down to trust. I had been in a relationship (not physical) with an INFJ woman when I used to work in a PSU bank 5 years back, she used to be my colleague. As big-picture thinkers, INFJs show an intense desire to explore ideas and possibilities. INTJ Functions: Primary and Secondary Cognitive Functions of the Scientist, ESFP Cognitive Functions: Primary and Shadow Functions of the Performer. She would much prefer to spend time alone, often diving into the things that she is most passionate about. This is where being an INFJ can become trouble. It all makes sense now:), So happy to hear it resonated with you :). Find out why you do the things you do and how to be your best self. She got married to someone else & I am still heart-broken till this day, reliving those thoughts and olden days every now and then. INFJ men possess very unique qua. Along with their mysterious attitudes, INFJs can also come across as more complex and less direct than other personality types. Because we are both extroverted introverts who work a lot, we generally need time to decompress at the end of the day. If i may call it that. Or finding otherINFJs! Its not that we dont want to be attractive, but because of our introverted nature and the fact that we are usually focused on something else, its not something that we dwell on frequently. That's probably not what you want to do, though. In these circumstances you may feel physically stressed . Theyre both quite old texts, but serve as excellent references and are easy-reading. I think coming generations may discard some social conventions that prove to be archaic holdovers from pre-net times in ways that may surprise us. Press J to jump to the feed. I like those qualities as well. I can only relate to the extent that I used to vary between being ordinary-looking and being downright unattractive (one word: puberty). Shes one in a hundred. INFJs are attractive because we love to help people. I'm actually optimistic for kids growing up after the internet has settled into our culture. Being empathic also involves trying to put yourself in someone elses shoes. I have never found anyone who gets me.. now I know why. I quit modeling, stopped feeling the need to abuse my body, and door slammed every single person I had been spending time with. Especially as an INFJ, or NF in general. People didn't like me for my personality then and they still don't, so that didn't really pan out as a fall-back. I only have few friends and I'm so tired of being alone. INFJs are simply the most intelligent type when it comes to reading other peoples emotions. But I still struggled with understanding my appearance: To what degree did it define who I was? INFJ women may be a rare personality type, but they certainly make the world a better place! I'm Asian, and while sometimes stereotypes drive me nuts, I know that it tends to make people take my intelligence seriously. Shes an attentive lover who isnt satisfied until she can give as much love as she receives. Shes interested in things that feed her curiosity and broad intelligence, that engage her emotions as well as her intellect. No tongue, please. Yeah same here. We truly complete one another in the deepest, must life-affirming sense. These types admire people who can empathically voice their opinions, without ruminating on what others might think of themsomething they often struggle to do themselves. Here are some top traits of the INFJ female. Many people struggle with jealousy daily. INTP women don't exist as far as I know. Hi Stacie, When it comes to love, INFJs are about as idealistic as you can get. More often then not I tell them to look for somewhere they can serve or help others while they figure out what they want for themselves. How could I know who to trust? Omg! INFJ women like to think deeply. Sometimes he has the uneasy feeling that she can read his mind. INFJ females have strong values and beliefs. All rights reserved. INFJs give so much of themselves to the people they love, which can be a struggle in and of itself. This doesnt mean that an INFJ will only be attracted to someone who thinks exactly like thembut they definitely need to be with someone who can match them on that level by sharing a similar passion for knowledge, or a mutual interest in self-growth. Design by. It can be frustrating for them, especially when people overlook their capacity for knowledge and understanding. She aims to please. ENFP females will find it very easy to get along with an INFJ. Key Characteristics of INFJ. This is raj,an INFJ. As INFJs absorb so many of peoples emotions themselves, they value those who understand that the INFJ has her own emotional needs. Some of the language you used in your post to me would be perfect in an email message to her or chatting session, I believe. I wish I could have realized just how useful the skill would be and learned to hone it at a younger age. My 21 year old daughter is infj. My advice? Like other Intuitive Feelers, INFJs enjoy creating meaningful connections with othersbut theyre also reserved. INFJs will often believe very strongly in the people they love, being capable of seeing the very best that they have to offer. INFJ women may be dreamers, but they typically find ways to practically tackle their dreams. They are drawn to those who possess depth and can express this in their own unique ways. It's pretty weird being an attractive INFJ, because I was definitely an ugly duckling and noticed people suddenly treating me differently around age 23-24. . What I think actually happened, with me, is now I choose what groups I spend time with. 2022 Sarah Kuhn | INFJ Woman | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Im an INFJ Empath female and dear God do I wish everyone will eventually know me! People who are their true selves, and wear their hearts on their sleeves, make your INFJ more comfortable to open up and be vulnerable. :). Understanding Myers-Briggs typology helps, however, and I recommend two books for you: 1) TypeTalk: The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, love, and Work by Kroeger and Theusen, and 2) Life Types:Understand Yourself and Make the Most of Who You Are by Hirsh and Kummerow. We are intuitive and insightful people who can see the world through others eyes better than anyone else. Thanks for the reassurance it's not just me being weird. Keep your attention from wandering, at least where she can detect it. They can end all interactions with people because of this particular reason. I want people to get to know the REAL me, not what I look like. All of that passion and principle can make INFJ women strive for absolute perfection which can be a burden to both themselves and others. An INFJ male is attracted to people who are passionate and deep on the inside. I wouldn't go as far as to say that INFJs are clingy, but we're very loyal, which means we can struggle to set boundaries (even in potentially toxic relationships). Id love to hear what you think. He is the very description of an ENTP Selfish, truly does not care about your feelings or how he makes you feel, they very much find people disposable who do not entertain them, loves to argue, can not commit, refuses to say words that express he cares about you, looks at other woman.Pretty much my worst nightmare. This kind of passionate, idealistic drive makes INFJs attractive to others. They are thoughtful people, who possess a rich inner world that most people cannot fathom. They can easily get drained from constant communication with others. These characteristics include: Compassionate: With their strong sense of intuition and emotional understanding, INFJs can be soft-spoken and empathetic. You have to just takecare of yourself and start working on living in the moment. As earlier stated, they are empathetic to how others feel. They are aware and concerned about their partners and friends feelings. It means someone who supports you and makes an effort to truly understand you. INFJ women may start their own businesses to follow their goals. They value compassion and someone who is a good listener. When were around people we love and trust, were chatty. Your last line is so true. We are chatting, the subjects we like to share are books, spirituality and coping skills in the world of extroverts. Like other Intuitive Introverts, INFJs can have a hard time trusting people. Here are some of the things about passion and idealism that make INFJs attractive: Many personality types exhibit passion and ideals, but INFJ personalities combine the unique ability to envision their goals as well as the executive dedication to see projects through to a successful result. The deep passion INFJ women often feel can result in some headstrong women. During these periods of time INFJs can appear distant and sometimes even cold. I got emotional reading this because this is exactly how I feel. Here are other career options worth considering. (Source: Truity). I'm an INFJ and I know that I'm a perfectionist, very serious, hard on myself when things don't go according to plan but also kind, selfless and authentic. You just have to accept the fact that your dating world will forever be full of this unwanted noise, and be happy with the fact that there are far worse problems to have in dating than too many choices. I very dislike player type of guys. When I lost a bunch of weight and started getting cat-called on the street, I found it so disconcerting that I shaved my head so I could be "ugly" again. Hi all, following the thread. They think a lot but may not always have a lot to say. The study of personality focuses on two broad areas: These people are often a mystery even to themselves after a lifetime of introspection, and INFJs can often surprise themselves with their own reactions to things. INFJs are one of the most sought-after personality types on the Myers-Briggs scale, and anyone who knows one personally can understand why. Which makes you more vulnerable to people who would exploit those insecurities so they can fuck you. Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Christina :). INFJs make incredible friends and companions, but they are often fearsome enemies. You are not alone in this feeling. This could be because you have constantly offended them or hurt them. If you could listen to women complaining to each other about bad kissers, this is one of the first resentments youll hear. Everyone needs to find their link to How MBTI Can Be Used in The Workplace: Complete Guide, link to How To Cope with Jealousy as An INTJ: The Complete Guide. Thus, it is not surprising to see a lot of INFJ women build up careers for themselves at an early age. 5 Hobbies an INFJ Woman Would Probably Enjoy, 4 Mistaken Assumptions People Have About INFJ Women. In 2015 we didnt know we were INFJ(haha), just recently we came to know. Would you be open to this? Originally Answered: What is attractive about INFJ's? Its a blessing to be with an INFJ and sharing things with them. This is something they often struggle with, but over time they can learn to accept their flaws as well. I cannot emphasize enough how insanely fulfilling it is to do work that serves and supports other people's needs or just contributes to the well-being of others. Whether it is a film festival or art gallery they are happy in places where they can have meaningful conversations. she keeps getting sidetracked by the wrong kind of man. While analyzing someones Myers and Briggs personality type wont necessarily lead you to find your soulmate, knowing what traits a particular type finds appealing leads to better understanding all round. Attractive INFJ jobs include careers in teaching, social work and artistic professions. I basically have to tell myself I'm good looking because only post-menopausal ladies will mention it. Literally safe, because you have to be nice to them while also deflecting them, which takes grace to do without riling them in some undesired way (positive or negative). Please be courteous. This makes them stand up for things they believe in. : INFJ women can put their creativity and drive to good use in an art-focused career. And it's not like that catcalls stopped entirely either, they just switched over to: Give me a fucking smile twat, what, you think you're too good for us? Its no secret that were very selective about who we let into our worlds. Realize what a power it is you have and learn to use it. They are incredible listeners, and will absorb information from those around them even when those people are not speaking. With our Fe, we get very in tune with our partners. The need to be independent and unique is the main reason why INFJ women are very attractive. I'm past that, and the micro-expressions of contempt are weird to get used to. Copyright 2016 - BeaconStreetUSA. This combination makes INFJ women extremely attractive because we want to create something meaningful with our lives. So, we appreciate someone who can take that burden from us and who isnt afraid of being transparent and sharing their feelings. First, lets discuss briefly about the INFJ type. My ex was exactly like this as you explained. Thus, being an INFJ female is even more interesting. Along with being compassionate, INFJs have a strong emotional investment in making sure the people around them have everything they need. She is drawn to the opposite sex, mayhaps I busted a lung there in panromantic. I quit after a couple of years and became a teacher. Here are some careers that INFJ women tend to gravitate towards. Though quiet and reserved, INFJs value people who can give them care and attention. They are thoughtful people, who possess a rich inner world that most people cannot fathom. I hope a perfect match finds me? We dream big dreams and will go out and do something about it. This is totally amazing. We have the ability to get focused on something and not give up until we achieve it. Or: What's your problem, it's not like you're supermodel gorgeous, get over yourself. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What is beauty? Raj, That is fantastic! So what do we know about the INFJ female? INFJs are attractive because we understand people so well. 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