The lady next to me had an exciting moment (she went oohhhh) when a male dancer was leaping around and his thong showed beneath his costume! He seems to live the role and somehow seems to keep him fresh every time I've seen it. I'd definitely go back, and I'd book the same seats too! As this was a birthday treat for my mother I wasn't too concerned about the price and thought the 47.00 tickets a reasonable price to pay for such a great day out and such good seats at a top London show. I have to say this was by far the best visit to see this long runner in a long time, and only have one gripe. I adored Carlotta. Angie Christie (Mrs) I first saw John playing the part of one of the students in Les Mis many years ago - he stood out even then! Looking at, and listening to, those sitting around me, I rather got the impression that it has become nothing more than a tourist attraction that has to be seen on a visit to London, like Buckingham Palace or Piccadilly Circus. The only reason I went was to see Alex Rathgeber, because I had read a review about him titled 'London's Best Aussie'. I wanted to experience a West End show as even at only 24, I saw it as one of those things you have to do sometime in your life. and Christine wasn't a shade of the beautiful, haunted talent she once was. PS: Paul Johnsons review referred to histrionics and caricature that werent evident on this occasion. Earl Carpenter has to be the best Phantom, how he packs so much emotion into it every night for so long I really don't know, and Rachel Barrell is an excellent Christine- both deserve Oscars in my opinion. _____________________. Managed to get 3 tickets in the stalls row M, seats 20,21,22 - checked out this guide and thought fair value was acceptable. How much is it to Hi, What time does the Wednesday Matinee start for Kinky Boots please? Really enjoyed the show, Earl Carpenter as Phantom and Rachel Barrell as a superb Christine. That low dress circle sits over the back half of the stalls, so the view of the stage is badly compromised from row O. Slightly limited view of the floor (especially at the back of the stage) but it didn't affect the show, Won these tickets via Today Tix for $10 each. The Literary Theory Handbook introduces students to the history and scope of literary theory, showing them how to perform literary analysis, and providing a greater understanding of the historical contexts for different theories.. A new edition of this highly successful text, which includes updated and refined chapters, and new sections on contemporary theories The young man sitting behind me (who was taller than me) spent the whole performance with his knees banging against the back of my seat! "After deciding it was finally time to see The Phantom of the Opera, I didn't want to pay too much for something I wasn't sure I would enjoy. For the first performance I sat in a premium-priced seat in the stalls and for the second right on the front row, (I decided on this because I had the misfortune lately to end up behind some pretty tall people when sitting further back, which can somewhat ruin the enjoyment even in top-priced seats!). It needs a reason to be kept going; new energy and fervour. The rest of the cast were generally good, although Oliver Thornton as Raoul unfortunately, was pretty awful. It's typical that much of the show seemed to take place here - with very little on the alternative side of the stage - so, with that in mind I highly recommend sitting to the right hand side of the theatre if choosing. Katie B John did not let the audience down once - he is faultless, and I feel so lucky to have seen him play the part. They afford some brief, but generally pleasant, glimpses of his habits and career; and in a letter, in which Pliny makes application on behalf of his friend to the emperor Trajan, for a mark of favour, he speaks of him as "a most . This sweeping, irrepressibly inventive novel, is a romance, but a romance of But it usually works as a traditional two-tiered bank of seats with a narrow causeway separating the sections. I was just wondering how restricted the view will be from there. I had totally forgotten the background story (of course I knew the Phantom/Christine bit) and so it was like watching it all for the first time. We sat in the Grand Circle D17 and D18 which is right in the middle. When we bought the tickets I wasn't that excited. The view was excellent as it was really close to the actors. The acoustics in this theatre are good anyway but the sound from the stage was very clear. *based on 10 bookings made through various agents' websites. Delivering a range of family entertainment, pantomimes and musicals, it is one of the most prolific venues in the city. Earl Carpenter as the Phantom was so fitting. Melbourne Theatre Companys purpose-built theatre has a few detractors, who claim that the venue is subtly elitist; the further back you are, the more disconnected you feel. No seat is far from an actors point of command; and the span of the seats matches their effective span of vision. Please.) That said, they were perfectly adequate; and, of them all, I thought the role of Madame Giry was played brilliantly. I find it bizarre that you would attack the staging and fly work of "Phantom". _______________________. Tickets in the balcony seem to be a waste of money unless you can buy row.A #phantomoftheopera #pha. They were definitely met. CLICK SEATING PLAN TO ENLARGE IF REQUIRED. No seat is far from an actors point of command; and the span of the seats matches their effective span of vision. The scene with the gondola, the dry ice and the candles was breathtaking and seamlessly done. You can't miss the beautiful, street-facing entrance, and although there is no designated drop off area, cars can pause to drop off passengers nearby on Grote Street. The musical itself was fantastic. He was brilliant and earned the standing ovation he received at the end. It was quite painful to see it in front of me. Phantom Phans I would love to hear from you! Saw this last night (30th March 2005) and unfortunately we didnt enjoy this show. With Sofia she seemed a bit more mature to compliment; but with Katie she acted so much younger, they did seem like childish yet lovable girlfriends. Ahhhh.The Monkey has got it about right in this case. ____________________. I had to read it up on wikipaedia afterwards, oops. She has the kind of voice that you would never get tired of listening to. Vol. That's it really, one last thing - Scott Davies received a standing ovation when he came on to take his bow - this was the only standing ovation I've ever witnessed for this show, I think it was mainly for his own performance as opposed to the show as a whole. The show itself is unfortunately starting to look a bit tired - some of the choreography and performances could do with being 'tightened up' a bit, and the proscenium arch of the intertwined naked figures could do with a good clean - and some of the drapes need washing! The flares were startling and I could feel the heat from them, the chandelier was scary, I would recommend these seats anytime. I was so close I could easily see the microphones of the performers. for a total of only 50! Most of it was drowning in an excess of sentimentality and melodrama. I've just returned home from the matinee of "Phantom" (2nd October 2010), a show that I've seen about 30 times, but not been for 4 years until now. Seat prices change according to demand for a particular performance. You can even enjoy a show from the front of thegrand circle, but be prepared to abseil down to them from a great height. The costumes, especially the lavish "Red Death". We were 3 rows from the front, and was very close to the stage. I took my mum and my boyfriend to see this show in October 2003, for my mum's 60th birthday. The lack of dazzling performances also meant that I had more time to consider the technical merit of the show - the lighting looks dated, the flying looks basic and sluggish (two of the guys from the auction house having to shoulder charge the chandelier off stage in the overture? ___________________________, I am demanding a refund for the two tickets I purchased through for the 14th February 2012 performance of Phantom. Different shows have different set up on stage so if they say restricted viewing I would would take them at their word. The music is so beautiful and the set amazed me with the chandelier and staircase. I recently saw Phantom at Her Majesty's Theatre as an early 2008 Christmas present for a friend. Went to see The Jersey Boys on Wednesday 8th Feb at His Majesty's Aberdeen. How anyone can say 'he had no voice to speak of' is beyond me. I may even go as far as to say that Earl's voice is more powerful and his performance is better than Mr Crawford! Christine's interaction with the Phantom when she gives him a ring and kisses him being especially moving. Yes, it looks great and familiar tunes always make for an easier evening out, but why does all the emotion have to be so overblown? When the actors sang on stage is sometimes was hard to hear, and when the actors sang off stage or a recording was playing it was much louder, so they either make the sound louder when the onstage or quieter when they are off. InterContinental (IHG) Hotels in Melbourne. Was a pity but nonetheless a spectacular show! That first row or two in the centre of the dress circle are hard to beat, although the middle of the stalls is pretty fine too. But I had no need to worry at all! Although you are blocked 15% of the stage, the play is so powerful that you can work around it. Not just slightly rubbish, but really, really rubbish. Ticketek says the seats are restricted by support poles. The Phantom magic has returned for me ! Still, it was a relief to hear a non-American accent (both Patric Wilson and Emi Rosum needed voice coaching). Excellent view of the stage and I enjoyed it very much. The Theatre advised me where the best seats were and this was reflected in the top price 58 (we paid 38) they were emphatic that the seats we had were not restricted viewing. These seats are very good. We sat in the Royal Circle and found the seating cramped and the view inferior to a good Stalls seat. Becky __________________________, We saw the show for the first time on Saturday 7th October 2006. Belonging to the 6 footer club, I have not yet had trouble fitting into seats at Her Majestys. It is dragging the West End back. Brilliant view, although little leg room - but that is because the theatre is old, so has to be expected. The only real disadvantage was that it's quite close to a speaker on the wall, which sometimes makes it difficult to locate a voice on stage because the sound's coming from a different direction. He made me cry at the end, he was just so incredible - especially when imitating the music box and when Christine gave the ring back. Legroom was just tolerable, but otherwise comfortable. ALW had intended the show to run at the Palace but was beaten to it by "Les Mis". Sat in seats K9 and 10 (Stalls), which provided a very good view, as did all seats in that row, but I think the seats should be down priced from Row N back, as they really are not worth full price. UK The restricted view seats can be found in the Boxes and in the end seats of the first three rows of the Dress Circle. She was also excited by the falling chandelier and ducked as it passed over, but I would prefer to be further away. But wait until this cast moves on. Lizzie still loves the Theatre! I was right behind the conductor, but as is written elsewhere on this site, he isn't very tall and from where I was seated wasn't much of a problem. Unfortunately, the audience seemed as badly behaved as ever at this show - one woman sat behind me was munching crisps during the first act, whilst a man sat behind me was translating the show for his friend. if you are in Royal Circle (where I was) you have to choose a seat to stage right because we were unable to see many scenes that occurred in stage left without leaning well forward. Whilst I thought the cast was good, no-one really blew me away. I cannot honestly fault anything at all and we are going again for certain - it's the best show we have ever seen. In placing before the reader this unabridged translation of Adolf Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, I feel it my duty to call attention to certain historical facts which must be borne in mind if the reader would form a fair judgment of what is written in this extraordinary work. Konrad from Berkshire. This was incredibly disappointing too. I first saw this magnificent production in December 2004 and in May 2006 will be seeing it again for the 4th time. So, without further ado, we give them to you. BEWARE These seats have restricted viewing (although not sold as such ) the floor of the balcony cuts off the top of the stage. That first row or two in the centre of the dress circle are hard to beat, although the middle of the stalls is pretty fine too. During one of the pastiche opera sequences the high notes of the 'Prima Donna' threatened to bring the chandelier down without the help of the Phantom. Perhaps its stalls and pay the big-ticket prices? _____________________________________________, 30th November 2017. The show is fresh again and it's definitely worth the ticket price. The show itself still does hold up well as a spectacle - the chandelier, the mirror, the boat, masquerade sequence all still make you go wow and make the many tourists gasp! Plenty of leg room for the aisle seats, as lots of room in front, but was also adequate when moving in. Ciara Hemming. We sat in the Grand Circle in the front row and didn't find the bar an obstruction at all. His Majesty's Theatre. The leg room however was ridiculous, and I couldn't have my legs directly in front of me. Sitting anywhere else in this row, I would have had to change seats, as I physically wouldn't have been able to last the duration of the performance (34inch legs) Thankfully, the overwhelming performance and amazing view made me quickly forget about the leg room, but feel this should be mentioned when you buy the tickets. The cast and costumes, the music was superb. This utterly detracted from the action unfolding in front of us as we were unable to focus or immerse ourselves in the performance due to the distraction of our pain. Row D Seats 16 and 17. Judy Harrison. To return to the See Tickets 'incorrect information issue', I emailed them the next day outlining the problem I had encountered. When he tried to bellow 'you will curse the day ' his voice just cracked massively and you could barely hear him as he struggled to get the rest of the line out. This is a really great and unique show which will probably never be matched. The melodrama is what makes the story so interesting. If they ever get around to rehabbing this tired theater, they need to adjust the rake. This highly-touted and virtually iconic show is, in realitya bit clunky, dated and simply not all that great. Since The Phantom of the Opera premiered in 1986, the musical continues to wow West End audiences with its tale of dark romance, jealousy . My girlfriend and I went to see 'Phantom of the Opera' last night (6th January 2009). ** 'First Cover' the first choice actor to take a lead role in case of another's illness. Rachel Barrell is the best Christine I have ever seen, it was such a relief to see a real actress/singer after the horrors of Emi Rosum in the movie. Amazing seats which made the premium price worth it. Not only was this happening but I was leaning to the right (luckily it was towards my friend in seat G1) which made my right leg dangle lower than my left one!! Not sure who I saw as the Phantom but he too was good, as was the actor who played Raoul. Yes view is restricted. But towards the end of Act 1, in the 'All I Ask Of You' reprise he seemed to lose his way. We loved it so much we went back a week later with my parents, this time sitting in the Upper Circle in seats D 12,13,14,15, very good seats, with a better view than the more expensive seats we had first time round, again a wonderful performance, my only complaint is that the volume could be louder. ), four 'ladies' decided to do just that after the show had just started and decided they would sit on the row in front of us so everyone on that row had to stand up while they very unhurriedly took their (stolen) seats. ?.My Lawyers are watching! On my first viewing (from the Upper Circle) I remember being amazed when the rows of candles appeared for the Music of The Night scene, but from row C this effect is muted, also the cloud which is so effective from further away obscures the action I reckon rows G and H would be much better, or probably the main green area of the Dress Circle. There is overhang from the Circle but with the (new) Phantom staging its not cutting out anything. I have seen this show about 4-5 times over the years and I for one was moved to tears by his performance. Terrible sightlines and no legroom. I loved the chandelier, although it was literally centimetres above our heads, some lady in the audience screamed and many of the audience gasped as it was unexpected. This one runs and runs. The show is almost impossible to describe, as it is so good. The rest of the cast were very good, and it was a great evening. Sofia Escobar and John Owen-Jones were incredible as the two leads, both with a combination of astonishingly good voices and great acting. Buying through lastminute meant I couldnt choose my seats Slight block from the right and left side of the stage depending on which side your seats are on. Glad I went to see it but must admit I wasn't totally blown away - will probably be another few years before I venture back to the lair. Phantom's 23 years have led to it becoming stagnant. At this point, I didn't know what was happening to me, the music caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up and I felt a shiver down my spine. Undoubtedly Lloyd Webbers biggest achievement, but not his greatest work. His voice was beautiful in my opinion he was the best phantom I have seen. I phoned the See Tickets box office number the day before I went (as the theatre does not have its own telephone line) to check that you could purchase day seats like other theatres in London. I had worried I would be too near, but as the stage is not so high as it is in productions such as 'We Will Rock You' at the Dominion Theatre was, for me it was PERFECT (in spite of less leg room than usual on a front row) and wonderful to be so close and to see all the facial expressions of the performers! ___________________, My first West End show. Truly stole the show at times. Some of these seats however are only slightly restricted, and it is possible to sit in such a way that you have a great view of the stage at a heavily reduced price! Nobody accuses "Madam Butterfly" or "Carmen" of being out of date because their musical styles are obsolete. Also being further back meant I didn't have to look from side to side when the action was spread out, and I didn't have to look almost straight upwards trying to glimpse the Phantom in the chandelier. It would seem this row has been made smaller due to the premium seats in front of it, but having the asile seat meant I could stretch my legs out fully was the only saving grace. Port Talbot Went to the stage door. Phantom of the Opera, 14Apr2019, I wanted to watch the play so bad, I took a chance on the seat. _____________________, Thought I'd drop you a line with regard to my most recent trip to London to finally catch "Phantom," a show that I've wanted to witness for a long time but not enough to fork out for the always-top price and hard-to-get-without-booking-early seats! London Saying that I thought the set and costumes were well produced. Despite its early implantation, the Papal Inquisition was greatly resisted within the Crown of Aragon by both population and monarchs. I sat in the Upper Circle's B36, which is priced at 21 due to its very restricted view. Chris Rouse. Unfortunately - 50 is rather a stiff price to pay to see such a good performer. You're usually laughing so long as you don't have the last side seats in rowM in the dress circle. *** 'Alternate' An actor assigned to play a lead role on fixed dates when the lead actor is absent either on holiday or taking a 'rest' day each week.) anonymous Nov 8, 2022. Not much legroom in the front row of the Circle (I know, I know, you warned us) but thoroughly enjoyed it, now seen it three times. __________________________________, October 3rd 2016. Sat in Dress Circle row A23 and 24 and they were excellent seats. ___________________. The girl lead was very good, as was The Phantom although the same cannot be said for Raoul he had a very weak voice and was totally overpowered by Christina (not sure of the name of girl who played her - but the dark haired one). Key moments were missed - if I didnt already know what happens in key places Id be confused as to what was going on! As for my verdict - it is still the best show in London and a must see (many times)! Maybe he is quite new to the role, I'm not sure, but he is instantly forgettable; and there was far greater chemistry between Christine and the Phantom - she should have stayed with the Phantom and told Raoul to clear off! The other seats are also restricted view, but this is worse. Series Dedication The Red Gambit series of books is dedicated to my grandfather, the boss-fellah, Jack 'Chalky' White, Chief Petty Officer [Engine Room] RN, my de facto father until his untimely death from cancer in 1983, and a man who, along with many millions of others, participated in the epic of history that we know as World War Two . All the cast is friendly and gives out autographs and takes photos. We were seated in the Grand Circle, D5 and D6. I have to say I was more impressed than I was expecting. _____________________, I went to see The Phantom of The Opera on the 1st December 2009 with a group of friends. I truly wanted him to kick the Phantom's butt and get the girl, ha ha. You all make Phantom sound dreadful, so any one just put off by what these other people have written - ignore them ! Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm I have always loved the music and have watched the recent DVD release a few times but NOTHING compares to the live stage version. The curtains need a good wash (as an earlier reviewer noted, I think), but it was still great!!! The venues unpredictability is a large part of its charm. RECOMMENDED: How to score cheap theatre tickets in Melbourne. proof that an orchestra and Europop are hardly mutually exclusive. I was totally "involved" whilst watching this one, feeling exhilarated and frightened, then sentimental and even a little tearful at the end!! Theatremonkey braces itself for the backlash when it admits it found this show utterly, utterly lame. In fact, I would say about a maximum of 10 minutes through the whole show is spent watching people lean. Legroom is a bit tight in these seats but it didn't detract from my enjoyment. The material has been carefully compared I recently went to see 'The Phantom of the Opera' and thought it was excellent! Ramin is worth the ticket price alone. The best thing about Hamer Hall is simply being in it, now its had its multi-million dollar makeover; its the only venue in the world that makes bright orange feel classy. When the Phantom was on top looking down he seemed to be looking directly at us. Stalls F16 and F17: I would not recomend the seat for first time watching, but for a repeat visitor it's aceptable. We are currently on our way back home to tiny Ume, but thanks to TheatreMonkey we left England on a high note! I am 5' 11" tall and my knees where jammed against the seat in front. I had no interest in opera, only knew one song and only knew the story in brief (and the Phantom was the only character I remembered) before I went to see it. Would have been happy to pay full price for better seats but no cooperation from Theatre Tickets Direct. Phantom of the Opera, 27Apr2017, there is a pole right in front of the seat, with no warning. ____________________________, There are few productions still running in London with just as much panache and zest as they had when they started, and I truly think that Phantom is one of them. Thank you all very much for a fantastic night out. But at least youll hear every note. I thought the voices of Christine and the Phantom were absolutely superb. John Owen-Jones made a decidedly un-menacing Phantom (great Valjean but ropey Phantom - remind you of anyone?) I was tempted to have a word with the sound desk operator on the way out and tell him to turn Carlotta's mic up, there are lots of times when her mouth moves and not sound can be heard. While he had a great presence about him on stage, I didn't feel he fit the part, and as a trained tenor myself, I thought he should have been able to resonate his lower register better. How to score cheap theatre tickets in Melbourne. Sarah Ferguson has said Queen Elizabeth II was her 'total idol' - and admitted that when her former mother-in-law's corgis 'bark at nothing', she believes it's because the late monarch 'is passing . However, make sure you see Celia Graham as Christine when you book this show. The problem is that I've heard them performed much better elsewhere. A "Must-See". I think all the seats in the stalls at both sides at the back will be the same. To add more atmosphere, they should make all of the sound louder. Theatres use "dynamic pricing." And would someone please get rid of the dummies used to make the stage look busier than it actually is!! The cast sounded like a train wreck when they all sang different lines at once. Best seats are EE 29 and 30. Good view of the stage though quite high up. If you're in the stalls you won't see the chandelier fall or like below the knee on everyone. We tell you the seats to buy, which to avoid, and how to get them at the best prices, Haymarket, Current new cast was excellent too John Owen Jones and Celinde Schoenmaker. The management pairing of Barry James (greatest Thenardier in my opinion) and Gareth Snook are the best I've seen, they work well together. _____________________. This means there are no curves, and no sightline issues at all. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. See this show about 4-5 times over the years and I could easily see the Jersey Boys on Wednesday Feb! Key places Id be confused as to what was going on good voices great. Our way back home to tiny Ume, but thanks to theatremonkey we left England on high... Enjoyed the show for the backlash when it admits it found this show room - but that because... Maximum of 10 minutes through the whole show is, in realitya bit clunky dated. Of leg room however was ridiculous, and I could easily see the were... 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