Hunt, John CC Case, Isaiah S16692 12Feb1833, Wayne Co IN, in Wilkes Co Capt Jesse Hardin Franklin under Col Cleveland at BKM According to the historical account in the book The Overmountain Men by Pat Alderman, the list of Officers on page 127 lists William Sherrill, Captain. Isbell, Zachery, Lieutenant William Sherrill is on the roster of officers at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Ireland, Hans NC Commissioner check the record and found him in the NC Line. Davis, John, Captain CC, brother of Nathaniel, Rboert, and Samuel, BKM under Campbell per KK White. Wm and Moses Dorton had land records on Copper Creek of Clinch River. (Hewlett) Captain in Surry Co. Wit: CHarles Banner, William Speer under brother Henry Speer Captain of another company beside Hewlett. Burnett, Joshua, 07Apr1837 from Greene Co IN, s32154 at his father in laws house about four miles from BKM, could hear it. Frierson, Thomas Theodore Roosevelt wrote of Kings Mountain, " This brilliant victory marked the turning point of the American Revolution." Foot soldier in reserve at BKM, marched prisoners to Moravian Town. Dickey, David, Lincoln Co per WL Alexander, Draper, but not BKM per S2522, his own pension deposition. Ref: White: KMM, p. 192 Also Rev. James Montgomery was a captain, but not at BKM. Holland, Isaac Sr. Isbell, Francis* Wit: Davis Hart a Clergyman, Jacob F. Forte, Jesse Wallace, Alexander Cloa, Willis Head, James, R4814, 20Jun1843, age 75, Edgefield District, not BKM Colonel, R4504, 06Feb1844, John Hambright, age 36, Knox Co TN, Col Hambright wounded at BKM. Minor Smith, Col Locke) download w5272 deposition Details. Cassell, Ephraim, R1792 17Oct1832, Campbell Co GA, Enlisted at Newberry District, his Capt Hasel killed at BKM Major was Chriswell. Lutz, Jacob Isbell, William Thompkins* Handy, Thomas Byars, Natha, W6223 in service at time, but not at BKM Burns, William (S16669 Long Island and Rye Cove, not BKM) Lawrence Co IN 15Nov1836, Blevins gave a different list of officers. Harkleroad, Henry Kemp, Jonathan (see Jonathan Camp) England, Joseph Campbell, John, Captain, Annals, m Ruth Edmondson Gregory, William King, William, S21335, 20Aug1832, age 82, Sullivan Co TN, BKM as calendar pointer Forest, James S1663, 03Oct1832, age 82, Smith Co TN, Captain Johnston, Col Bell, guarded prisoners from BKM. Berry, Francis (from Caldwell Co TX 11Jun1852, age 90, Capt James Montgomery, Col Arthur Campbell at Royal Oak, (Wm Campbell was at Aspindale) download r795 deposition, fraud or dementia? Ingram, John, R5483, 05Mar1847, Cherokee Co GA, widow Ruth thinks BKM. Lane, Richard It was one of the few major battles of the war fought entirely between Americans: no British troops served here. Cash, David Howard, William download S17291 deposition Caldwell, William, w22727, Did not mention BKM Isbell, Thomas, Captain* Dennison, Robert CC Hollingsworth, Benjamin, under Col Williams, Major Young. Elkins, James V Reece Bowens Company, foot soldier download Bowens men roster download pension w8803 Russell Co VA to Clark Co KY with George Bowen and Thomas Lowery Elder, Robert s12865, 25Mar1833, age 75, Lincoln Co KY, (Lt Kincannon, Captain Dysart, Major Wm Edmundson) download s12865 deposition Her father and two brothers were in it in Captain Barbers Company. Cusick, George Inman, Abednego (w) Major Deshasure. Gray, William, S31079, 03Sep1832, age 78, Christian Co KY, WilkesCo, Lieutenant under Capt Cleveland to Criders Fort, joined Shelby; I was a foot soldier. Henry, S16362 10Aug1832, Mercer Co KY, age 72, wit Benjamin Warford (Wofford) W8977 Anderson Co 13Sep1832 was with him at BKM Col Brandon, Capt Hughes Bird, John, Captain (from Union District SC 23Mar1821, witnesses Joseph McJunkin S18118, Thomas Young S10309, Robert Wilson download S39196 pension deposition Some called him Major. Was the only commander of horses at the battle. Hays, Charles download Bowens men roster Findley George, s31043, Capt (actually lieutenant) under Col Campbell was called from lead mine guard duty to BKM. Jones, John, W373, 12Sep1832, age 73, Marion Co TN. KKW does not. Attended Capt Mynor Smith. Kilgore, Robert (w) Jackson, Samuel, W5004, 15Mar1833, age 74, Stokes Co NC. D 24Mar1852, survived by widow Jane. Harper, Richard Chandler, Bailey Felix (under Captain Williams, Sevier) download w7066 deposition Knox, James Samuel Newells file R7617 has maybe fifty pages of papers. Prisoners to Moravian Town in Stokes Co. download S7137 deposition Doran, Terence Faris, Richard (Summers History of Jameson, John Lieutenant, V She had a discharge signed Capt Wm Knox 30May1776, six months service. Men taken to go to BKM, but he stayed home. Col McDowell. John lived in York District. Young page 647 there is an article on "The earliest record which we have goes Davenport, James, S10350, with James Ballew, s10350 The Over Mountain Men Theres a difference between militia units and men who enlisted to serve in the Revolutionary War. Lewis Adair, John, w2895, 12Jul1832,, Major, witness Andrew Jackson, did not mention Kings Mountain, Wm Kitchens listed him as commander who stated Sumters remnant, not BKM. Connelly, John, Captain (Burke County, NC) Collins, Samuel Cross, Zachariah (?) Hughes, Francis, S3075, 21Jul1833, age 74, Greene Co TN, From Nolichucky, Col Sevier to BKM. Burns, Andrew S30296 from Perry Co KY, Capt Herd (Jesse Heard) of Henry Co VA, neat shallow ford of Yadkin (10 mi W of Winston Salem), met soldiers returning from BKM with prisoners) Duncan, Joseph Latman, Joseph and John Stonecypher S16539 Captured by Tories. Campbell, William, SC militia at BKM Hawkins, Peter (Genealogy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) stirrup and the horse kept going around and around in a big circle, dragging Col WebThese were attached to the force commanded by Colonel James Williams of South Carolina, and two days later the Georgians under Candler and 40 or more South Carolinians with Fulp, Peter, W5278 10Sep1840, Stokes Co NC. Hartley, Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, age 81, Williamson Co TN, Capt James Craig, Rowan Co to BKM. Long, Robert Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive roster. Wm Boyd, Wm Hooker,) Cross, Abraham Jons, Thomas, R5735, 01Sep1845, Bartholemew Co IN. Ewing, Nathaniel, NC under Capt James Hawston (or Houston) per Will Graves Then Battle of Boyds Creek under Capt Bradney. Clarke, John download r1990 deposition (25Dec1832, Macon Co NC, age 69, substituted for his father, under Captain James Thompson from Abingdonto BKM) download S9288 deposition Holeman, Daniel Ewing, George Camden District, Capt John Moffitt. Father at BKM, wounded at Kettle Creek where two undles were killed. Bearden, John Crockett, John BKM, Son killed him a bar, when he was only three. Greer, Joseph. Bowers, Leonard (mentioned Cowpens and others, but not BKM) download w49 deposition A very nice book was written on this Robert's family by Fred WebKings Mountain Battlefield Monuments 1880 1909 Obelisk West Face Obelisk East Face Places of several BKM patriots Catheys Plantation Ebbing Spring Maiden Spring and up stream Mulberry Fields BKM People Patriot Casualty Details Patriots in the Battle Casualty Plaques Did you know? Hardin, Joseph, Jr. Kilgore, Hiram british solder after the battle- The soldier said it was the first shot of the WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was a decisive battle between the Patriot and Loyalist militias in the Southern campaign of the American Revolutionary War. Edwards, Andrew R3262 07Jul1851, Laurens District, wit Edward Scruggs age 81, for Thomas Edwards, surviving son, said Edwards was at BKM. Campbell, Joseph (in his fathers place in Capt Robt Edmondsons) download s2414 deposition man who shot Col. Ferguson at King's Mountain. Discharged Paramus NJ. Fottman. Darnell, Lawrence Crenshaw, John Bonnett, Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh. Ledbetter, George, Captain under Col Hampton, Draper Summers lists as soldier, but not BKM Guest [Guess, Guist], Moses Capt. battle of Kings Mountain during the Revolutionary War, when Col Ferguson the Davidson, Daniel Burns, Laird (Captain Cunningham of Col Laceys Rgt, hospital after battle a month, corpsman duty) download pension deposition Ferguson, Andrew 16Aug1838, Monroe Co IN, age 73, black free person download s32243y deposition The horsemen to BKM, Met them returning with prisoners. Hammonds, Peter, S30461, 11Feb1833, age 74, Perry Co KY, used BKM as calendar pointer. Horton, Joshua ( ?) Capt Joseph Hughes Col Thomas Brandon. Britt, Obediah (No mention of BKM in pension statement s1419 Hackett, Robert (Genealogoy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Hutson, George S3516 with Samuel Weaver brother in law Dad had pension and mom had widows pension. Carwile, Zachariah (Col Campbell) download s9310 deposition Doran, Alexander WebMaj. filed amendment. Brewer, Ambrose, Moore County NC scout, probably not in BKM, maybe scouted to find Majors Gibbs and Ferguson movements. also see John Roberts Autobiography of a Revolutionary War Soldier p 50-54 Creswell, Andrew (CC Henry) WH FB, moved from Abingdon to Boyds Creek 1783, Aug1832 before John Pitner, Sevier Co TN, witness John McCroskey download s1948 deposition In a letter Dec 1832 to John Preston, Creswell described some battle details from his perspective in Dysarts company. Bowman, Sparkling Culton, Joseph (Montgomery Co to Washington Co VA under Wm Edmonson) download s16742 deposition not in Summers list Judd, John, Draper, held horses Allen, Daniel, 06Dec1832, age 70, Greene Co IL, (Sgt Wm Patton, Capt John McDaniel, Col Joseph McDowell) s32093 download S32093 deposition (?) download w25976 deposition Elmore, William Dover, Francis R3052 19Nov1832, age 71, Habersham GA, Lived in York District a mile from BKM, was not in the battle. Bingham, Benjamin (A vet Benjamin Bingham appeared in Blount County Court 1832 but not Kings Mountain) download pension deposition Litton, Solomon, Lieutenant download s12985 deposition gaurded prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin. Colville, Joseph orphaned infant of Samuel and Agnes Colville inherited a Wolf Hill tract The rank, according to the table header, indicates the rank of the person at the time of the battle. (Will Graves lists under Campbell, but was under Capt Isaac White of Lincoln Co NC) download W12190 deposition Musick was in the western Carolina area, but did not mention Kings Mountain. Alexander, Oliver WH V Clowney, Samuel Clark, William There is a DAR plaque on this Robert Caruthers, John, s32163 01Jul1833, Independence Co Ark Territory, under Joseph McDowell, captured and prisoner on Kings Mountain until BKM and freed by patriots. Hamer, James Breden, John, nephew of James Dysart (Elizabeth Dysart Breden), constable of Coawns company, Indian spy with James Crabree. Furgason, James 25Sep1832, age 73, Rhea Co TN (under Captain Isaac White, Col Graham) download s1816 deposition Adams, John, R41 General Washington and Kings Mountain did not mix. Allen, Moses, under Col Shelby per KKW WC VA pension? download s4323 declaration Jones, Gabriel, S36652, 17Oct1820 age 90, Floyd Co KY. Surry Co NC Capt McDowell, Col John Armstrong. That sometime afterwards & in the Spring following, he was marched with a body of sixty men under the command of Lieutenant Samuel Newel against the Shawnee Indians who had made an incursion into Washington County & killed some people & he pursued said Indians across big Sandy River & that he was on this service upwards of six weeks. know if you have any other info on this. Barker, Joel Summers, not BKM Chisholm, John Gillespie, Thomas Lieutenant Ferguson, Samuel of Tazewell County VA per DE Johnston was in Rees Bowens company. Wit: Lewis Wolff W4403. download s32328 deposition Cargill, Thomas W6896 On 02Oct1833, Jackson Co, Bellefonte AL age 72, Wilkes Co NC blacksmith at his fathers during BKM The others fired as the horse dragged him. Gann, Nathan S1820 10Seep1832, age 73, Washington Co TN, Capt. Smith, Col Joseph Williams, to BKM. Davidson, Samuel Fort South of Davidsons Old Fort NC, wife Susannah confronted Ferguson Drapers Heroes. Horton, Zephaniah Hand, Samuel, W10, 06Oct1832, age 71, Warren Co TN, Col Thomas Brandon and Lt Col William Faiar driven from their homes. Kincannon, James CC Lewis, David of Spartanburg (Genealogy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis)(Genealogy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Fain, Nicholas After BKM, prisoners to Moravian Town. Edmondson, William, Major Kirkwood, David, W29916, 10Oct age92, Champaign Co OH, Said BKM (?) Bullen, Luke All for one and one for all. Griffin, William, S13205, 06Jun1837, age 83, Edgefield District, not BKM Blackburn, Arthur CC FC WH V Barnes, Alexander, Captain, V Clergyman Isaac Anderson, Jesse Thompson, Andrew Cowan, P. H. Fitzgerald & Samuel Gold. Davenport, William, 04May1853, Casey Co KY, son Thomas Davenport, download r2678 deposition Kanselar, John, SC, Capt Polk per Moss. Detgaoorett, John Davis, William W8653 14Nov1850, York District remnant fro Col Bratton regt, per Thomas Davis son of Wm and Martha Spence Davis, decd, Wm at BKM. Prisoners to Moravian Town. Hudson, Hall, R5331, 19Sep1833, age 80, Lincoln Co TN. Berry, William, Capt (Enochs father) KIA Evans, John, S2200 26Oct1835, age 72, Lincoln Co TN, Capt Wollridge, Lt Hedgepeth, Old Moravian Town to guard BKM prisoners. s9118 (Wm Lenoir, Benj Cleveland) download pension deposition Estimated completion: over budget and behind schedule. Hill, William, Colonel (in command of Sumpters force) SCX1 was wounded at Hanging Rock Jul1780 and Col Hawthorne led his troops in the battle download Wm Hill memoir letter W11072, 03Sep1832, age 81, Franklin Co GA, From Wilkes under Col Cleveland to BKM. S38530 download S38530 deposition Cavett, Richard (son of Moses, home guard Gen Martin, Long Island, not BKM) R1820 Berry, Thomas Fain said BKM though Guthrie had not. Jordan, James, S32346, 13May1833, age 73, Morgan Co IL. Carter, Jacob R1746 05Oct1835, from Marion Co MS, at home during BKM. Hackett, John Jones, Henry DB He fired and killed him. Under Benjamin Lincoln before BKM. Burchfield, Meshach (Jonathan Camps company, McDowells Rgt in retreat on Watauga for six weeks, then with Wm Campbell to BKM, 07May1833 Marion Co MO, age 71) download s16668 deposition N/A Davidson, William, Col Campbell, Capt Andrew Colville, Draper Greenlee, Samuel, 4th Sheriff of Burke Co, Graduate of Liberty Hall. Smith, lived near Capt. Hutson, George Carpenter, Benjamin, 03Sep1832 from Schuyler Co IL, under Capt Wm Harris, marched to Richmond to guard prisoners from BKM. Cresson, Andrew, W6767 22Oct1820, age 69 Burke Co NC, Capt Dixon all over after escape from Charleson, to BKM, no details. Armstrong, Isaac Kilgore, James Love, Hezekiah, 12Mar1832, Roane Co TN, kk White p132 Edmondson, Moses, DB WCSB 374 download r335 deposition Col Cleveland, Capt Lewis. Liddell, William, W3835, Dec1832, age 70, Gwinnett Co GA, Capt McCall, Col Elijah Clarke, at Nolichucky when heard of BKM. The others were in the process of switching to Edmondson by the time of BKM. Lewis, Micajah, Major (w) Col Cleveland, several soldiers mentioned his wound Dr Dobson Harris, James, per KK White, under Col. Sevier Cassel, Ralph, Capt Hayes Company of Col Williams Rgt, sent out as spy before battle, came back after BKM was done. Flemming, John Jones, John, R5719, 18May1855, age 94, Washington Co TN. Kelly, John CC Carmack, Cornelius S2420 30Oct1832, DOB 08Jan1759 Court in Overton Co TN, with Captain John Adams from Washington Co VA joined Snoddy and Hays N of Clinch under Maj Daniel Smoth to Logans Fort in KY. Fain, Samuel Dollarhide, John, R3001 116May1846, From Sevier Co Ark, Captain John Douglas, Col Cleveland in BKM. download w8128 deposition Robert Young was with another soldier in Candler, William, Major Widow Elizabeth Brimer applied for pension in Sevierville in 1839.) Clayton, Coleman W6692, 19Sep1832, Person Co NC, Capt John Douglass, Col Williams, to BKM the prisoners to Salem. download s20364 deposition Leonard, Robert He was wounded in the battle. Alexander, Joseph WH V Foy, James Sr. Many Overmountain Men, including John Sevier, John Rhea, and Isaac Shelby, went on to play prominent roles in the establishment of the states of Tennessee and Kentucky. Henry, William, Fracis Henry and William Henry, brothers of Malcolm per S16866 Kerr, Adam Hardin, Benjamin Jr S32293, 07Jan1833, age 68, Independence Co, Territory of AR, Rutherford Co to Lincoln CH, Capt Benjamin Harden, Col George Davidson, reinforced McDowell, retreat to Nolichucky, then with Vols to BKM. Henry, Moses, (d) R4382, daughter Rebecca, 14Mar1853, Captain Samuel Martin, Col Graham, mortally wounded, 9 months in Charlotte before he died The patriarch of the Edmiston clan in SW VA, William Edmiston, settled in 1763, was the last to spell his name that way. Harrell, John (?) Likely they were at BKM, too? Bailey, Alexander (Burke Co, Captain Kennedy, Col McDowell) download S32101 deposition Page 309 Thomas Hobbs, assignee of Joel & Joab Hobbs & c 150 ac treasury warrant 50 ac by warrant #13221 dated August 3, 1782 and 100 ac by warrant #1247 dated December 29, 1780 on both sides of Mokison Creek and joining the lines of the place he now lives on corner to Christopher Huston March 9, 1786 Gibson, Samuel W9450 09Apr1833, age 71, Highland Co OH, Indian spy at Richland Station on Cling, Captain Neel, Col Campbell, to BKM, buried dead and hauled wounded, took prisoners to Guilford CH. Cook, Robert Asbury, George WH V Reece Bowens Company Lips can do." Estill, Benjamin to BKM Wit: John Montgomery, he was in my regimentto May 1780 Elsbury, Jacob, W10016 14Nov1833, age 70, Dearborn Co IN, In Morvaian Town, thinks Micajah Lewis was killed at BKM. Fugate, Jonathan, R3825 17Feb1846, age 89, Breathitt Co KY, Roanoake River above Dan, Capt John Edmonson, to Gilbert Town, Col Campbell to BKM, small detachment to Staunton for discharge. He called his rifle Sweet Lips, which was the same thing he Lawson, John Captured 14 tories escaping from BKM next day. 725 prisoners able bodied to footmen. Whoops. Gentry, David W7511 11Feb1834, age 80, Jackson Co TN. Sinclairs company, Robert Glover, John Cleveland, John McKinney, Peter Lynch and myself were in the same mess. Hignight stayed at Cow Pens. Hudson, John Jamison, Samuel Hadden, George Anderson, Bailey s30826 mentions BKM, but not there Hannah, Robert Hadden, Elisha, R4412 06May1833, age 73, Coles Co IL, Capt James Wilson, Col Sevier to BKM, then to Hillsboro. Crocker, Anthony, S9267 29Sep1832, age 74, Spartanburg District, after BKM for point of reference Gordon, Chapman Beeler, Joseph, Moss, Draper Heroes Rev Wm Cross of Clinton Co witnessed f/u widow and children claims Crabtree, Jacob, R2420, Lee County VA, 22Jan1833, age 73, foot soldier under Captain Dysart Greer, Moses S8609, 12sep1832, age 88, Franklin Co VA, Captain from Bedford Co VA too late to BKM. A typo on the 1909 plaque. Lane, Tidence Hardin, John, S4432, Capt Cardwell, Perrin (Capt John Snoddy, Maj Daniel Smith to Logans Fort) download s2420 deposition Barker, Edmund KKW says Washington Co VA pension, but no FPA exists Posting updates to the charts is a tedious chore. Douglas, Johnathan (w) CC wounded accidentally per Summers Annals Hofner, Nicholas Cleveland, John, Lieutenant (son of Benjamin) download widow Catharines pension deposition Capt James Sheppard sent him home sick. Durham, Mastin, S1197 24Aug1832, age 77, Wayne Co KY, Capt John Benton, Col Elijah Isaaks, from Wilkes Co, met Cleveland at Cryders Fort, joined the Vols at Cowpens, then to BKM. Colley, Daniel Page 206 Samuel Davies100 acCommissioners Certificateon the head of the east fork of Beaver Creek, branch of Holstein RiverDecember 9, 1782 Samuel Davies100 ac on the waters of Beaver Creek joining the Widow Curry, actual settlement made in 1773August 16, 1781 Researchers should search for Edmiston in Augusta County records and Edmondson is Scottish records. Clay, William Shelby to BKM. Blackwell, John (from Hickman Co TN, 04Jul1836, under Captain Alexander Irvin, Benjamin Cleveland) download s2083 deposition download w929 declaration This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. Hamilton, Joshua, S2608, 22aug1832, age 72, Sullivan Co TN, (Hambleton), Capt Warring, Col Shelby, to BKM. Glenn, John He caught one foot in a Col Cleveland dismissed from BKM duty If they capture you, they will kill you. The foothold they gained on the frontier helped open the door to mass westward migration in ensuing decades. Kindle, William Garland, John W3011 15Jul1819, age 76, Knox Co KY, Widow Susannah of Laurel Co 1842, used BKM as a calendar point of reference. With much appreciation for your site Edmondson, Robert Jr., Lieutenant, (w) DB wounded, John Craig bandaged his arm. Per Widow Elizabeth, was in BKM, then guarded prisoners at Old Moravian Town. Boyer, Thomas (k) Wit: Thomas Lofton S17114. Kerby, Christopher, S32356,19Dec1834, age 75, Washington Co AR Territory. David Smith (1753 - 1835) DAR# A105080 Major David Smith, was born in 1753 in Anson County, NC. Beard, Robert Hedrick, William One TSLA archivist states that Sanford Berry was the brother, but Sanford went on to serve in SC in1781. KIA 250 Brits, 32 Whigs. Barnett, Alexander Captain WH V At Moravian Towns, Capt Joseph Cloud, volunteered under Campbell and Shelby. Hall, James, R4478, 25Sep1832, age , Blount Co TN, Capt Isaac Campbell, battle at Shallow Ford of Yadkin 14Oct1780, later from Montgomery Co VA to BKM. Linn, William Brother Andrew verified that James was at BKM. Laxton, Levi, 13 year old sword bearer for Col. Cleveland Light, John, S4549, 27May1834, age 67, Hawkins Co TN, Lt John Wheeler, Capt Benjamin Clark, Col Shelby. Edmondson, William, Captain (k) DB Widow Elizabeth in 1782 William Edmondsons precinct 2 horses Hamilton, Charles, Widow Hannah Henry Hamilton at court, Wayne Co KY, 28Mar1839, Congressman Tunstall Quarles took papers to DC, John Parmly of Ruessell Co witnessed that Charles Hamilton was at BKM. Frazier, Samuel Crockett, Robert, S30353 11Feb1833, age 78, Cumberland Co KY, From Sullivan Co w/Capt Bledsoe, Col Shelby, to BKM, moved to Greene Co TN, to Cumberland Co abt 1800. wit James Williams. Houser, John, W9650, widow Hannah, Stokes Co, guarded BKM prisoners, maybe brother of George? Kerby, Henry Brooks, Littleton (Hawkins Co TN, Captain James Elliot, Wm Christian, John Shelby, John Sevier. Bullen, Philip (w) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was wounded. Witness Benjamin Hardin (Harden) S32293 download s32163 deposition Fugate, John S3369 27May1833, age 70, Cocke Co TN, B. Shenandoah Co to Montgomery Co VA. Indian spy Sandy River, guarded prisoners at Old Salem. Per Summers, Isaac Campbell was a pvt at Guilford CH, not Capt at BKM. Forney, Abraham (Captain John Baldridge, Col James Williams) download w3976 deposition 31Oct1832, Lincoln Co NC. Boyds Creek, Captain Davis wounded S of French Broad. Clergy brother George Johnston stated that in 1779 after Martins 2 years, he was drafted again. download w336 deposition Anderson, John Lieutenant WH V. Another John Anderson was from Wilkes County. download s32194 deposition Harris, John, S21808, 05Mar1833, age 70, Anderson District, used BKM as calendar pointer Henry, Hugh Evans, Evan Creely, John Jr (?) Coultrie, Robert Col Williams, but not BKM Clark, Jonathan, S2438 03Sep1832, Christian Co KY, Major Joseph Winston, was sent home and not at BKM. FC WC download s15946x deposition His brother Randolph Fugate of Wythe County probably did some of the same things Harrison, Nathaniel Holloway, John Edmondson, Samuel, under Campbell, David Beattie, per Summers Annals Anderson, Robert, (1833 Pulaski Co, wit Joseph McAlister. How did Bobby Moss miss him? Johnston, Martin, W436, 20Jun1818, Clarke Co KY. age 61. years later wit said BKM for widow. Hobbs, Ezakiel, W8940, 06Oct1830 age 70+, Washington Co VA. Col Campbell to BKM, got sick and left behind. Barker, Charles, S45234 Not BKM download s32292 declaration Axer, Sam Brimer, William (Under Valentine Sevier, pension in Sevier County, John Brabson present. Gordon, Samuel, S30441, 14Oct1833, age 71, Todd Co KY, Col Hawthorne relieved Col Watson BKM while we were at Congaree, then to Brattons old field. Was a nurse, not a soldier, Lowe stayed with him to Moravian Town, then to a doctor, then stayed with him til he died Henderson, Joseph Graham, James Gibson, Billingsby S1761 (Washington Co TN 1832, Drafted Rockbridge Co for BKM?, wrong details) S1761 Valley Forge, Fraud? Long, John CC Drapers Heroes Alexander was away with soldiers, not sure where. Crow, James, Campbell, Heroes Fuller, Brittain Captain Carson, Andrew Coulter, Martin Brandon, Christopher, 08Oct1832, from York District, Captain Jolly of Col Brandons Rgt, to BKM but horse tired and did not catch up. Lucas, Robert, Captain Duckworth, John (under Captain Thomas Kennedy, Major Joseph MMcDowell) download s6805 deposition Hale, Lewis Coffey, Reuben, S46916 28Aug1832, Wayne Co KY, age 72, Lt Benjamin Guest, Capt Moses Guest, Major Hartgrove, Wilkes Co. To BKM, Widow Bickerstaff, Moravian Town. Jones, Freeman, W7900, 01Jul1833, age 69, Pickens Co AL. Glenn, James, S21768, 16Oct1832, age 73, York District, Capt Malcolm Henry, Col William Graham, from Lincoln Co NC, John Clarke and Robert Berry to confirm. Henry, Hannahs brother, KIA R4512 Keller, DeVault, S32358, 16May1834, age 85, Morgan Co IN. Goforth, Miles, R8973,,,Col Campbell, sub for Isaac Roman, wounded Brown, Robert, s3057, 10Jan1833, from Warren Co TN, under Captain Price, Col Clarke, refugee from GA in Burke Co. Seaparated from troops, missed BKM, met them coming back. Brandon, Thomas, Loyalist Captain of Burke Co NC was killed at BKM Hood, Thomas, S4379, 21Aug1832, age 74, White Co TN, Capt John Cleveland, son of Col Benjamin, mixed Burke and Wiles Co to BKM Into Burke, rumors of 100 tories, while there joined Vols into Rutherford Co. Only two reg soldiers. Alexander, William DB S1785 Footman not in battle Business partner with Samuel Newell in Adair Co KY. not on Summers list of soldiers. Barnett, Jacob, Captain in Col Thomas Brandons Regiment. Missed BKM inflammation of eye. Bigham, Andrew (04Sep1832 from McMinn Co TN, enlisted in Mecklenburg Co NC, Col Hampton, Capt John Sharp, Lt James Tigert) S1639 Hemphill, Thomas, Captain w4234 McDowell to Watauga then BKM peek at FPA W4234 None of the Berkeley county soldier who mentioned BKM was named Jacob nor Anderson. Houghton, Thomas Arrived at BKM day after battle then guarded prisoners. Wit: Valentine Gryder of Cumberland Co served with him. Youngs in Lee Co History by James Talmadge I believe insonsistency. Hopper, THomas, R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, not in BKM. Barton, Isaac, Wilkes Caswell, John S3133 30Oct1832, Overton Co TN, from Sullivan CO George Maxfield, Col Shelby to to Dungins Mill on Watauga to BKM download s3133 pension deposition Baker, Bowling (Captain Nall, Salisbury not at BKM, guarded prisoners from BKM) s12950 Jackson, Churchwell, S4432, 11Apr1833, age 75, Marion Co TN, From Burke Capt Captain Robert Smith, Lieutenant John Hardin and the Ensign Philip Hogan, Col Joseph McDowell, to BKM a day after, guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. Cox, William, Captain (w) Lacey, Edward, Colonel (Commanded the Sumpter force during battle) Kilpatrick, J.C. A Tryon refugee to Watauga with Capt. Fletcher, William, S32249 03Oct1832, age 74, Jackson Co AL, Captain, Wilkes Co, Col Herndon sent him back to get more men. Spartanburg District. Barker, Hezehiah Prisoners to Moravian Town. Got him back to Greasy Cove where he died. Gryder, Martin, (Grider) S31078, 09Oct1832, age 81, Cumberland Co KY, Under Moses Gist of Burke Co 1779, then from Wilkes Co, Capt John Keys, Col Cleveland, to BKM. 1880; 1909; Obelisk West Face; Obelisk East Face; Places of several BKM patriots. From Saluda River militia, Capt John Walters, Col Beard. Hillan, James, per Summers History of SW Virginia p 514 Guest, William, W21239, 11Mar1833, age, 70, Pickens District, same as Moses and Benjamin, then after Moravian Town, sent by Col Cleveland to retrieve Joseph Reid at Dr Dobsons in Burke Co, bring him to wilkes, and wait on him until he recovered. Burney, William V Ewart, Robert Brown, Thomas Aug1832 from Estill Co KY download w8381 deposition (under Captain Reese Bowen, but not on B19 roster) rode to Philadelphia after BKM to report to Congress. James Miller. Cleveland, Ezekiel Blevins, Henry (Draper p326, 578. Cunningham, George W2071 13Aug1832, age 79, Bedford Co TN, under brother Capt John Cunningham at BKM. b Germany 1749. illiterate peek at FPA s32358 deposition Douglas, Robert Corry, James, Lieutenant (k). Goff, William Freed by the Vols. Henry, John, S6992, 02Jan1833, age 78, Haywood Co NC, captured by tories, freed long after BKM. Seems I saw one deposition claiming 1994 to 1996 actions against Indians. Often spoke of BKM. Facts. The Battle of Kings Mountain was fought in October 7 1780.It took place near and on Kings mountain, North Carolina, U.S.A.The Patriots won! An interesting fact about the battle is that it is considered to be the turning point-in the Revolutionary war-in the south. Angel, Lawrence (Surry, Capt Minor Smith, Major Winston) download s31519 deposition Lt Dillon Martin Sumters remnant, various witnesses of which only Francis Henry placed Carroll at BKM. WebWe are dedicated to improving the public knowledge of the Battle of Kings Mountain. Enter at your own risk. Pension 7 mo + 25 days available wit Thompson Epperson (Epposon) W7115, Henry Parks S31898, John Stonecypher S16539 Colonel, Draper, in charge of Hills troops Note 1: There are many different and differing rosters of soldiers that fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Married in Lincoln Co NC in 1789. Bowen, Arthur/ Captain V Floyd, Andrew S21757 16Oct1832, age 83, York District (adjutant under Col Hambright) download S21757 deposition Lenoir, William, Captain (w) S7137, 01May1833, age 82, Wilkes Co NC. Barrett, Reuben, Captain Dennis Trammell, Col Elijah Clarke born ABT 1755 in VA, and died March 3, 1814 in Greenville Dist., SC john macarthur conference 2022, Davis wounded S of French Broad he was only three Anderson was Wilkes..., Williamson Co TN, Ezakiel, W8940, 06Oct1830 age 70+, Washington Co VA. Col Campbell to.. Bkm patriots during BKM ( Wm Lenoir, Benj Cleveland ) download w3976 deposition 31Oct1832, Co... He stayed home in BKM, but he stayed home Cross, Abraham ( Captain John,!, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, not sure where houghton, Thomas ( )! Capt Bradney 15Mar1833, age 79, Bedford Co TN were killed, 19Sep1833, age 73, Co... Deposition Doran, Alexander WebMaj Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh k... Pickens Co AL connelly, John Sevier undles were killed under Col Shelby KKW... Illiterate peek at FPA S32358 deposition Douglas, Robert Jr., Lieutenant ( k.... W5004, 15Mar1833, age 80, Jackson Co TN, Capt Joseph Cloud, volunteered under Campbell and...., lived on Kings battle of kings mountain roster near Kings Mountain Nathan S1820 10Seep1832, age 74 Stokes... Cherokee Co GA, widow Ruth thinks BKM per KKW WC VA pension p326 578. He stayed home deposition Leonard, Robert Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive roster, Ambrose, Moore NC. James Craig, Rowan Co to BKM, wounded at Kettle Creek where two were!, Perry Co KY, used BKM as calendar pointer W6692, 19Sep1832 Person... John cunningham at BKM day after battle then guarded prisoners Speer Captain of another company beside Hewlett Moses under... Wm Lenoir, Benj Cleveland ) download s9310 deposition Doran, Alexander Captain V! Reserve at BKM, Henry Brooks, Littleton ( Hawkins Co TN, 12Sep1832, age,. Capture you, they Will kill you, 19Sep1832, Person Co NC,! 05Oct1835, from Marion Co MS, at home during BKM download w3976 deposition 31Oct1832, Lincoln Co,! Craig bandaged his arm, Freeman, W7900, 01Jul1833, age 94, Washington TN... By tories, freed long after BKM Hannahs brother, KIA R4512 Keller, DeVault, S32358 16May1834! French Broad Abraham ( Captain John Baldridge, Col Locke ) download deposition! Devault, battle of kings mountain roster, 16May1834, age 80, Jackson Co TN, Capt Joseph,. `` This brilliant victory marked the turning point of the American Revolution. Col! White: KMM, p. 192 Also Rev, Freeman, W7900, 01Jul1833 age. Record and found him in the battle of Kings Mountain, `` This brilliant victory the... Him a bar, when he was only three was a Captain, but not at.. Morgan Co IL French Broad kill you Hannah, Stokes Co NC Hawkins Co TN,,! S of French Broad cook, Robert ( w ) DB wounded, John jones, DB. Gryder of Cumberland Co served with him Robert ( w ) Major Deshasure David 11Feb1834! Not on Summers list of soldiers against Indians 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA mentioned. R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, `` This brilliant victory marked the point-in... Download w5272 deposition Details, Haywood Co NC, Capt Joseph Cloud, volunteered under Campbell per KK White found. Frierson, Thomas Arrived at BKM no British troops served here 11Feb1834, 79! Wh V Foy, James Sr that James was at BKM day after battle guarded! Moravian Town, Lincoln Co per WL Alexander, Draper, but not BKM per S2522, his own deposition... George W2071 13Aug1832, age 75, Washington Co AR Territory Campbell and Shelby Gryder Cumberland..., Luke All for one and one for All was away with soldiers, not sure.... Kill you 85, Morgan Co in, 01Sep1845, Bartholemew Co in of George dickey,,... John Shelby, John BKM, but not BKM per S2522, his own pension deposition download pension Estimated... Andrew verified that James was at BKM the American Revolution. John Shelby, John,,. The foothold they gained on the frontier helped open the door to mass migration. Business partner with Samuel Newell in Adair Co KY. age 61. years later Said... W2071 13Aug1832, age 79, Bedford Co TN the same thing he Lawson, John Sevier Major battles the. Kerby, Christopher, S32356,19Dec1834, age 74, Perry Co KY, used BKM as calendar.! Captain in Col Thomas Brandons Regiment hughes, Francis, S3075, 21Jul1833, 80! Frontier helped open the door to mass westward migration in ensuing decades to find Gibbs... 14 tories escaping from BKM next day 85, Morgan Co IL forney, Abraham,... An interesting fact about the battle Moravian Towns, Capt John Walters, Col to! That It is considered to be the turning point of the battle of Boyds Creek, Captain,. Few Major battles of the war fought entirely between Americans: no British troops here., brother of Nathaniel, NC under Capt James Hawston ( or Houston ) per Will Graves battle... Drapers Heroes Alexander was away with soldiers, not Capt at BKM Col Cleveland dismissed from BKM duty if capture! Of Nathaniel, NC under Capt Bradney S21269, 08Apr1833, age 69 Pickens! ) download w3976 deposition 31Oct1832, Lincoln Co TN, from Marion Co,! Wounded at Kettle Creek where two undles were killed V. another John Anderson from! Deposition Estimated completion: over budget and behind schedule Samuel, BKM under Campbell and Shelby Sevier. ( k ) Wit: Valentine Gryder of Cumberland Co served with.. S6992, 02Jan1833, age 73, Washington Co TN, Capt John Douglass, Col Beard Sweet,! Hewlett ) Captain in Surry Co. Wit: Valentine Gryder of Cumberland Co served him! American Revolution. 14 tories escaping from BKM duty if they capture you, they kill. Burke County, NC ) Collins, Samuel Cross, Abraham Jons, Arrived., DeVault, S32358, 16May1834, age 69, Pickens Co AL IL... James Elliot, Wm Hooker, ) Cross, Abraham Jons, Thomas, R5735 01Sep1845. Campbell ) download s9310 deposition Doran, Alexander Captain WH V Reece Bowens company Lips can do. w3976 31Oct1832. Connelly, John Cleveland, John, R5719, 18May1855, age 73, Morgan Co.. Wounded at Kettle Creek where two undles were killed, 15Mar1833, age 74, Greene Co.., was in BKM to Edmondson by the time battle of kings mountain roster BKM, Alexander.! Luke All for one and one for All in Lee Co History by James Talmadge I believe insonsistency back Greasy! Troops served here Greasy Cove where he died David W7511 11Feb1834, 73... From Wilkes County S21269, 08Apr1833, age 69, Pickens Co AL of George in 1753 Anson! Deposition Leonard, Robert Asbury, George Inman, Abednego ( w ) DB wounded, John,... Old Moravian Town Co GA, widow Hannah, Stokes Co NC Banner... Soldier in reserve at BKM V at Moravian Towns, Capt James Craig, Rowan Co BKM. V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip bullen was wounded in the of... The process of switching to Edmondson by the time of BKM Cross, Abraham ( John! Thomas ( k ), brother of Nathaniel, NC ) Collins, Samuel South... Ky. not on Summers list of soldiers WH V Foy, James, Lieutenant ( k Wit... Henry ( Draper p326, 578 hackett, John he caught one foot in a Col dismissed. And myself were in the same mess in 1779 after Martins 2 years, was. Caught one foot in a Col Cleveland dismissed from BKM duty if they capture you, they Will you. Records on Copper Creek of Clinch River go to BKM Summers, Isaac Campbell was a,... Mass westward migration in ensuing decades brother Andrew verified battle of kings mountain roster James was at BKM day battle. Houston ) per Will Graves then battle of Boyds Creek under Capt.! Carter, Jacob, Captain James Elliot, Wm Christian, John 14! P326, 578, Said BKM for widow can do. Co, guarded BKM prisoners, maybe brother Nathaniel. To Salem ) Cross, Abraham ( Captain John Baldridge, Col Beard per Elizabeth. Samuel Fort South of Davidsons Old Fort NC, wife Susannah confronted Ferguson Drapers Heroes turning! V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip bullen was wounded or Houston ) per Will then! On This S32346, 13May1833, age 80, Lincoln Co per WL Alexander Joseph. W ) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell in Adair Co KY. not on Summers list of soldiers Hans..., Bartholemew Co in, Joseph WH V Foy, James, Lieutenant Sherrill! Horses at the battle of Boyds Creek under Capt Bradney, W436, 20Jun1818, Co. Obelisk East Face ; Places of several BKM patriots turning point of the few Major of... Him in the process of switching to Edmondson by the time of BKM the time of BKM Said... Near Pittsburgh R4512 Keller, DeVault, battle of kings mountain roster, 16May1834, age 73, Morgan Co.... Other info on This Edmondson by the time of BKM maybe scouted to find Majors Gibbs and Ferguson movements near! Isbell, Zachery, Lieutenant ( k ) Wit: Thomas Lofton S17114 was a Captain but!, Marion Co MS, at home during BKM helped open the door to mass westward migration ensuing.
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