Contemplate the symbol of mercury and the number 8. At night while one sleeps and bi-locates, ask to be taken to this chamber whilst in your own soul body. Ask to be taken there during meditation in your etheric body. All sessions must be used within 120 Days of purchase. The misuse of psychic energy became popular long ago when some realized that these abilities provided them with an easy way to gain control, financial gain, and power over others. Practice simple meditationMoon Breath, while saying mentally the word Aum (Moon breath is through the left nostril only). Thank you for considering me to be part of your journey! The intellectual knowledge of truth is a mind activity, the awareness of something previously not known. This device clears etheric mucus and debris from your etheric meridians, chakras, nadis, veins, arteries, and capillaries. Subscribe 56K views 1 year ago In this meditation the Arcturians create three Protective Blue Healing Spheres. This is usually the start of a metaphysical phase in which the truth student seeks out different methods and techniques for attaining spirituality. The Arcturians have created for us all the spiritual technology we need for the ascension. More info here. Let your nature become clear like a limpid lake, and reflect Divine Nature truly, without distortion. Are you trolling? Lifetime after lifetime mankind has unknowingly lived in and accepted the world they see through a lens of false belief, duality, and separation; comfortable in the belief that what they see is reality. These methods involve cosmic codes of consciousness, which work together with Star Magic, that act as keys the unlock portals to all 13 Chakras and all of the 7 subtle bodies. Important work is being done on the Joseph of Arimathea line which is now connected to Glastonbury. Also avoid, like the plague, any foods that are over-cooked, over-processed, mouldy and genetically engineered food. Please note in person sessions are limited to Tuesdays & Thursdays, with limited availability on Saturdays. Meditate upon the numbers 9 and 5 with the forms of the pentagram and pentacle. Dont know if they are clones, demons or possessed but the fact is whatever the case they are of no use unless one wants to live in misery. I also work with many Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels and the Arcturian Angel healing team, all for your greater good and in the highest good of humanity. I remembered where I came from and what I am here to do on this planet. They place the human in the middle of the chamber and use their sound vibrations for healing and alchemy. Practice simple meditationMoon Breath, while saying mentally the word Aum (Moon breath is through the left nostril only). They also offer detox from toxicities/densities and upgrades and galactic activation codes. We are the Arcturian Group. The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the perspective or beliefs of the Era of Light staff. Spiritual evolution is simply the process of remembering who you are. I am here for you no matter what, in person or in the virtual realm! Lord Arcturus has constructed this chamber uniquely to work on physical health issues and ascension symptoms. I even ended up in wheelchair and yet again was ready to kill myself. Their knowledge and of chakra and DNA regeneration are the most highly advanced in the galaxy, and one of the most advanced in the entire universe. Email: nayachcarol@gmail.comFacebook: Carol Nayach Arcturian Light arcturian_light_londonZoom Meeting ID: 9829596972, Carol Nayach Website created by Web Joy. I incorporate healing modalities such as: Reiki, channeling, activations, sound healing, PEMF therapy, infrared sauna blanket, crystal therapy, angel cards, meditation, breath work, kundalini and more! This is an advanced light technology which is anchored into a chakra, usually the solar plexus chakra. One day, my body couldnt handle all the stress anymore and I found myself bed ridden, experiencing seizures, fainting, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, extreme sensitivities, severe depression, increased HR, brain fog, chronic fatigue, pain and inflammation. You are not alone and dont have to go through this alone. Gene. So by healing yourself you are healing everyone and everything in this universe and all others. Of a similar function to ascension seats, this chamber also assists beings with synthesizing and harmonising your levels of awareness and higher light into all levels of body. Everything is being blamed on the elites it was always and is the everyday people who are conducting everyday evil, in the family homes child abusers as family members, at a work place, in the schools down to the grocery stores. You can do this meditation lying down or seated. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Attend live and/or receive the This divine healing method is a set of new healing tools and cosmic energies inspired by higher beings from the star system Arcturus. Meditate upon the waxing and waning crescents, while visualizing a silver crescent upon an indigo background. Balancing the biochemical etheric makeup creates consistency throughout all levels of your body. The Arcturians have been asking me for some time to use social media to increase our numbers. Dark, low resonating energy cannot enter into, align with, or affect high resonating Light energy which is why you need not concern yourself with or fear the demons and evil that some individuals and groups tell you to fear and protect yourself against. We have all noticed how the energy of our group work together is expanding and becoming more powerful. The Arcturians are the most helpful in clearing lower densities and also in helping us to activate and shift our vibration from dense 3D into higher states of light and love. Journey to Healing: Linda Johns is hosting a class, Arcturian Healing Method Level 1, taught by Gene Ang, PHD. Identify oneself with the powers of water, considering water triplicity in all its aspects.This spiritual meditation is to feel the core within you. The Arcturian healing chambers are available any time that you need the energetic/sound/light support for emotional, spiritual, chakral, mental, and physical healing. But everything that is there now in your life and on your world is there as a catalyst to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and we know that the energies being provided to you throughout the month of March are going to help enormously towards that goal. If at any time Client needs medical, legal, financial, and/or psychological treatment, it is Clients responsibility to seek it out. It is good to be in a group energy field., Sing Merkabah, Merkabah, Merkabah ha-Kadosh.. They also offer detox from toxicities/densities and upgrades and galactic activation codes. Thank you to everyone who participated in such sacred work, in service to Mother Earth. Consider a point as defined in mathematics, having position but no magnitude. Our spiritual technology is very advanced and we wish to teach you how to heal and ascend your planet and yourselves. This cannot be achieved engaged in a job or whilst driving! Remember that, and do not think of the third dimension and all third-dimensional ways as being beneath you either. To learn to live from the higher intelligence of the heart instead of being enslaved by the ego mind. Utilizing the state of tranquility and open space for the mind to dwell over material matter. We have quite a lovely transmission for you all today. We would love to hear from you. It was so sweet to see as I was guiding this meditation that the Arcturians are . Know that struggling and effort do not lift a person into a higher state of consciousness. Cease struggling to become what you already are. Created by Rigby Digital Look no further! This part of the journey may continue for many years and it is during this time that some begin to lose hope in the belief that they will ever achieve what they have believed to be spirituality. The world has been ruled by illusion for too long. Merging the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves. Lets dive deep into meditation and spirituality. Be mindful and eliminate addictions to arguing, greediness, controlling of others, and overcome laziness too. Here, high frequency light from the Arcturians is run through your etheric bodys holographic grid in a specific isolated manner. All the practices and efforts you have made in other lifetimes and this one were moving you to where you could finally let go, rest back, and know; That which I have been seeking, I already am. . I saw things differently and my surroundings never made sense to me. For the latest writings, videos, and information about SoulFullHeart community events and group calls, visit Next step is to reach out to me via the contact submission form below. Get 10% off your first purchase when you sign up for our newsletter! Arcturian light computers will very precisely infuse that particular region and any other area of the physical body you requested with high vibration healing light. Any condition related to the immune system like infections and auto-immune conditions. Also, ask the Arcturians to reprogram your biochemical etheric makeup to ensure it is in resonance with your physical body structure. From then on I worked to become a clear channel for the Arcturian energies and as my ability developed I discovered I could channel the energies of many higher beings including Jesus/Sananda, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Metatron, etc. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. God the Mother. ---- Arcturian Love and Joy Chamber: This healing involves a chamber on an Arcturian Starship that one can connect to in meditation that can fill one's being with an intense frequency of Love and Joy. Music by Chris Kemp White ( Matthew Ward Message: Effects of Intensifying Light, The 9D Arcturian Council: The March 2023 Energies. Many serious truth students continue to struggle and put great effort into becoming what they believe they must become in order to be spiritual. You can specify what part(s) you want a particular focus of healing. The intense high frequency energy that continues flowing to earth is affecting everyone because it is disrupting, changing, and even eliminating many of the well established world concepts originally created from false beliefs and which have long been considered as right and unchangeable. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Enjoy this episode to experience the Arcturian Healing Light. Learn to Meditate upon the symbols of the rhomboid and the vesica. Human beings who in reality are creative Divine Beings are hypnotized by and thus live lives that reflect separation and two powers. We are a highly evolved civilisation and have assisted many planets in their ascension. The Arcturians have an advanced throat chakra The vibrations that come out of them shine from their throat chakra, not their mouth. I worked hard to fit in, I worked hard to be accepted by the world. Those of you who do send your wonderful comments, would you consider putting them up on Facebook please? Rachel also has a Bachelors Degree in English from Wellesley College and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, yet claims her true education came from studying abroad in Dakar, Senegal. At one point I was diagnosed with an auto immune condition, was sent home with 20 prescriptions, no cure in sight and for some time I accepted that. Say I will be able to bring my third dimensional body with me at the time of ascension. Run as often as necessary. This is the synthesis of liberation, enlightenment and full body to energy ascension without any amnesia. Session packages are $1,111.00- This includes 6 custom healing sessions in person and/or virtually and text/voice memo support throughout your healing journey. Each time you receive a healing the Arcturians will continue to work on your problem areas and ensure all subtle energy bodies are maintained and remain energised. This is just one of them. 2 ebook, Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings Book, Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials A Master Course, How to Attract Your Soulmate and/or Twin Flame A Master Course, Raise Your Vibration & Ascend to the 5th Dimension, Creating Your Reality & Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams Master Course, Accessing the Healer Within for Healing Yourself & Others A Master Course, Creating Abundance, Manifesting Wealth & Allowing Money In A Master Course, Connecting to Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, E.T.s & Other Beings of Light & Love Master Course, Perfect Health, Infinite Vitality & Ideal Body Weight A Master Course, Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Starting a Spiritual Business A Master Course, Free Guided Meditation Archangel Michael, All the Guided Meditations from the Beings & Collectives Daniel Channels, Follow Daniel on Social Media & Subscribe to His Youtube Channel, The March 2023 Energies The 9D Arcturian Council, Five Simple Steps to Raise Your Vibration The 9D Arcturian Council, How to Become a Spiritual Master The 9D Arcturian Council, This is How You Shift Your Consciousness The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. As you engage in selfless service you clear your karma and are given more assistance.Exchange: 10 via PaypalCLICK HERETO JOIN LIVEZoom pass: Arcturus, SATURDAY 18TH AND SUNDAY 19TH FEBRUARY 2023 Please e-mail me for details. These codes also plug you directly into the earths chakra system so that you become attuned to earth and more effectively aid in her ascension. Oh no, I think is the Arcturian Healing Light Meditation for the Blue Healing Light and the actually the attunement was Arcturian Attunement for Psychic Gift Boost for psychic health for raising your psychic clairs, and they helped so much. Arcturian Prana Wind-clearing Device: The Arcturian healing chambers are available any time that you need the energetic/sound/light support for emotional, spiritual, chakral, mental, and physical healing. We are blessed beyond belief. Feel the great sense of peace and balance. The Golden Dawn Mediation offers an fundamental learning curves towards peaceful awakening. Their healing works in all dimensions of space and time so that a healing in the now will ripple out to all of your lifetimes across all dimensions. But if you're looking to make a podcast of your own, that's something we can help you with. A useful tip to boost your connection with the Arcturians is to spend a few minutes daily clearly visualising with your heart and all your senses that you are greeted by the Arcturians and you are then taken to a healing area on their spaceship Athena or to their temple on Arcturus. I will put our Zoom details in the description and look forward to many more people joining us live. It is all about letting go at this point, and what you are mostly letting go of are perspectives, beliefs, identities, things that have no place in the fifth dimension. Please download one of our supported browsers. An important part of our work is planetary healing, focused on the UK, and creating a city of light in London. We gratefully accept donations to support our offerings and through our Shop page. The first level is a number of transmissions, meditations, and knowledge meant to increase participants healing abilities through building one's energetic structure. elevated state of mind, coherent heart body in alignment with inner universe for ultimate expansion. I was depressed, I was in so much pain and I was hurting deeply. This golden cylinder can be called for directly from Lord Arcturus and acts like a huge magnet drawing out impurities. NOTE: My work has been greatly influenced by the many channelled books of David K Miller from the Arcturians and his Arcturian Group of Forty Project. For more on this, and instructions, click here. This is a matrix of light that is anchored into you by the Arcturians to pull out all negative ego programming from your conscious and subconscious minds, and from your etheric energy fields. Request this healing technology while in the Light Synthesis Chamber. This lattice work can then be used for emotional healing by Dr Lorphan of Andromeda together with the Sirians. The Arcturians would love you to join us. I live for purpose and inspiration, dedication to service, in gratitude and in abundance, in the best place Ive ever been. So glad you found the Arcturian Healing Method. Feel the healing happen. The Arcturian Healing Chamber Transmission: Clearing 'Negative' Alien Interference/Manipulation Watch on Please realise the importance of this work. During our guided channelled meditations together we will be receiving energies from the ninth dimension and above, from the Arcturians and combined energies of all those in the Higher Realms of Light who will be focusing their energies upon us. For donating, please view the following page by clicking here. And one of the ways that you lead people in the consciousness evolution movement is by letting go of those attachments. I incorporate healing modalities such as: spiritual guidance/counseling, Reiki, channeling, activations, sound healing, PEMF therapy, infrared sauna blanket, crystal therapy, essential oils, smudging, angel cards, breath work, kundalini yoga and more!, Ive supported clients through stress reduction, physical injury, mental illness, accident recovery, pre/post-surgery, cancer, fertily, grief, galactic activations, energetic cord cutting, sexual trauma, familial trauma, divorce, job loss, spiritual awakening and much more! In fact Light being the reality, simply dissolves the dark or causes it to bounce back on the sender because it has nothing to maintain or sustain it but belief and fear. It is lowered down over you. Many people listen to our wonderful meditations from the Arcturians on YouTube and experience very positive results. 00:33:14 - This 33 minute mp3 is a recording of a unique Arcturian Healing Method Frequency that came through on 12/12at 12:12 AM PST. A major emotional purge can result. The Arcturian Stargate is a place of unimaginable beauty and an incredible energy of love. I lost my job, was tangled in a nasty divorce, gave up all my money and possessions, including my home and was faced with a million-dollar lawsuit. Offered via package only. Learn more about Anchor Arcturians help us shape synarchic consciousness that theyve spread throughout the solar system. It was then I decided to divorce my husband and unknowingly this resulted in a series of what I then, perceived to be catastrophic events, but now consider my lifes greatest blessings. Call on them twice a day, for example just before going to bed and first thing in the morning. Me and my Arcturian aspect Binkh provide a bridge in this guided meditation for you to connect with the healing chamber that is waiting for you! Repeat with eyes closed visualizing the Earth, 5th Dimensional Travel, Telepathy, Bilocation, and Biorelativity, Begin with thought-projection in consciousness, Create/choose a Merkavah (vehicle for 5th dimensional travel) chariot. I was married, with a beautiful daughter, was a successful CEO, making crazy amounts of money, spending like crazy and living like a millionaire. Arcturian Quantum Brain Upgrade Healing Session In this 50 minute healing session we work with the Arcturian Energies and Consciousness to upgrade our brain structure, subtle bodies, and consciousness in order to think better, sharper, and faster. Gaia cannot ascend without us, we cannot ascend humanity without her. I find myself living what I now like to call my best life! This step by step guide shall help any wanderer get a start-up to Arcturian Meditation. Arcturian Healing Method In-Depth Trainings Spiritual Tours Podcast Talks Blog Testimonials Appointments About Us Shop Featured Products Our mission is to help bring awesomeness to your life Our Practice Retreats Join us for a week of travel and learning Subscribe Get 10% off your first purchase when you sign up for our newsletter! We hope you found something here that sparked your interest and assists you in your awakening journey. (by joint meditation) This is a major activation session that targets the third eye, crown chakra, fourth eye (back of the head/global vision), and sacral chakra, clearing and . Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel facilitates groups of soul-seekers and spiritual entrepreneurs, has a meditation podcast called The Courageous Path and writes a lot. The Arcturians have been asking me for some time to use social media to increase our numbers. As we work to integrate our 5D self and light of soul into our Being, our high heart begins to open and activate. Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. Arcturian Healing Method Level 1: The Arcturian Healing Light (AHL) mp3s. The overarching purpose of the Arcturian Healing Method is compassion and service. We are also planning a retreat to Tregura in the Spanish Pyrenees for May 2023. Look up psychological warfare and pray for your neighbors. Arcturian Healing Method Podcast A podcast on Anchor 4 4 Well, this is embarrassing! (These Arcturians have showed up more and more in the Akashic Records recently they have big eyes and a crystalline blue/purple/silver color) 4 on amazon Here, Quote of the Day, The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Legal Disclaimer: At no time should any of Scranton & Dela Cruz Spiritual Coaching, LLPs services be construed as medical, legal or financial advice, nor should the service be construed as professional therapy. From where you are sitting right now, you would have to jump to a very different timeline in order for it to be completed in that short amount of time that we have just given you as examples. Welcome! Mirror of the Goddess Isis Transmission: Glimpsing the Multidimensional Potential of your Being. In fact the possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination. Alternatively, you can ask for the energies of this technology to be sent to your body on Earth. My entire life as I knew it blew up. Think of the tone in your head before sounding aloud. 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