In conjunction with staying on your path through the guidance of Ifa it is also important to recognize the Orisa. Ifateaches that abundance and fertility are the consequence of proper use of the power of the word in prayer (aladura). This is the death and rebirth cycle that is the foundation of all initiation. 13. Entonces llam a la tojosa con el mismo proposito pero sta tampoco pudo hacer nada. indigenous religion of Africa, the place of origin of Humanity. Okanran refers to new beginnings and change of direction in your life. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. El guila llam a ORUNMILA quien le hizo Osode y le vi este If Ogunda La Masa y le dijo: Hay que hacerte If para salvarte de Ik, dndole EBO a OLOKUN, de un elefante pequeo de su frente se le hizo el ato, con los huesos de las patas se hicieron las manos de If que se llamaron ikines. Related Papers. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. 16. tratado enciclopedico de ifa *osa ogunda *osa kuleya + i o i i i i o i osa kuleya yibio yibio omo ologu iya mi odese baba mi lebo. In human terms this can mean physical death. THE HOLY ODU: 256 PARABLES, PROVERBS AND PRESCRIPTIONS. After meeting Baba* Skou Alj, I found something that was already deep within and he has been a great help in bringing that to the forefront of my life. The first are the 16 Meji, or Oju Od. Not consenting or withdrawing consent may negatively affect certain features and functions. In social terms this cycle is often represented by the voice of the prophet. "OKA EGUN OTIMPA. To these oddun main they are called Oddun meyi and those that are formed from the combination of these are called Omoluos. When this odun comes out on a mat, the individual is advised to buy a jicotea and keep it in his home so that love reaches his life in a stable way. 10. Chief Alaje is one of the few African Americans that has been coronated as a Chief in Yoruba Land. ES UN BASTON ECHO CON RAIZ DE ESA MATA. In Ofun Ogunda human consciousness was born. PERSONA QUE DICE QUE A USTED LE HA PASASDO UNA COSA POR ALGO QUE HIZO; USTED TIENE QUE CUIDARSE DONDE VIVE; USTED QUIERE IR AL CAMPO, TENGA, CUIDADO NO REGRESE ENFERMO, USTED LE ESTA DEFENDIENDO UN ASUNTO A OTRA, PERSONA QUE LO VA A HACER QUEDAR MAL; TENGA CUIDADO CON UNA INCADA EN, LA MANO; DELE GRACIAS A ORUNMILA; NO DESPRECIE AL QUE VAYA A SU CASA; A, USTED LE HA DE ENTRAR MUCHO TRABAJO; TENGA CUIDADO CON UN DOCUMENTO QUE, USTED VA A FIRMAR PORQUE HAY UNA TRAMPA; EN SU CASA HAY QUIEN LO VELA, PARA CUANDO USTED SALGA ROBARLE; NO SEA FIADOR DE NADIE; NO PORFIE, POR, AHI LE VIENE UN DINERO, USTED TIENE UN HIJO QUE SE LE VA A PERDER O EL, VAN A PRENDER; A USTED SU FAMILIA LA DABA POR PERDIDO; USTED ESTA, LLAMADO A HACER SANTO; USTED ES ALGO COBARDE; USTED SOO CON ORGUN Y, OLOFIN Y ELLOS QUIEREN ALGO, NO SE DESESPERE POR ALGUIEN Y DELE GRACIAS. The easiest way to understand and learn the sequence is to imagine the entire corpus of . Al interesado se le entrega y se le enreda bejuco de zarzaparrilla en su cuerpo y se le corta con un cuchillo nuevo, todo se envuelvey se lleva al ro donde se deja. Most likely, ALL Human Religions evolved from IFA, sometimes introducing special characteristics based on Local/Regional cultures after the breakup of the Global Early Civilization. If represents the past, the present and the future of the human being, different times that follow the logical order of life and that are inviolable. Osunsun-igbo-yi-kos'oje, Oburokos'eje where the ones who divined Ifa for Sakoto when he was going to Owa town. 11. When this stubbornness is directed towards inappropriate goals it becomes the foundation for resistance to change. OSA KULEYA YIBIO YIBIO OMO OLOGU IYA MI ODESE BABA MI LEBO. Geography, psychology, sociologyeverything. Ifa and Orisa Workshop lead By Chief Sekou Alj. ", - Dr. Steven Allwood, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, "Everything has changed for the better since 2011. As an English-language manual for IFA priests that provides important translations for the Odus, Orunmila's Words Don't Touch the Floor: IFA Odu Synthesis stands as a rarity in the IFA religion. We often get together for events and ceremonies to worship and praise the Orisha. Oturamay also manifest as identification with something other than Source. 2.- SI TIENES UN GRAN PESCADO DEBES DARLE DE COMER AL ARROYO. Saying message is the one that should be interpreted only by a priest or babalawo that has been consecrated to the service of the oracular subsystem in question. In this way both the Metu Neter Oracle and Ifa Oracle provide a means by which individuals can interpret and respond to reality in a way that is meaningful to them and which also places them in alignment with their Divine Destiny and Spiritual growth since the days of antiquity in Africa. Los hijos de este signo funcionan, a travs de la motivacin, para que esto lo conlleve a definir, moverse, a hacer muchas cosas. Come jio jio, gallo, y ayapa. The evil you do to someone is incomparable to the one that you will receive back. vii) Obara Meji: Obara is the Odu that incarnates humility in the struggle with arrogance. Ifa keeps us in alignment and on our path. The order of seniority and metaphysical principles for the single legs ofOduIfaare as follows: 1. Key Phrase:Oyekucreates an end to a cycle. AKUKO, ADA, ILU, ORI, EKU, EYA, ABITI, OPOLOPO OWO. ORUNMILA as lo hizo y cuando lleg al il de OLOFIN se encontr con el portero que estaba tirado en el piso y le pregunt por OLOFIN y ste le contest en mala forma, para que se fuera de all, pero ORUNMILA insisti y le pregunt a OBATALA: Seor usted est enfermo ?. O'bara,the Resting and Hovering One- means strength, or spirit of strength. Signo de indecisin, hay que ser estable en todo lo que se hace. AKUEDI NIMU MAMA, YERIMO YERE IGI KIMANOAKUEDI NIMU MAMA, YERIMO YERE IGI KIMANO AWO OSHEMINIE. The minimum of four verses will of necessity include ebos and ooguns (medicine) that are embedded and relevant to each of the verses, plus other issues that complement divination. The three Yoruba Oracles are among the main elements of our religion and allow direct communication with Orishas and Egguns that is interpreted by the santeros or babalawos. - Se pierde la posicin por terquedad. The negative manifestation ofIrosunis either resistance to ancestral support, or self-denigration (resistance to developing potential). It is the kind of manifestation that often is perceived as a miracle or as the answer to those prayers offered inOse. 3.- LA CEREMONIA DE IR A SACAR A OGGUN DEL MONTE CUANDO SE VA A. Ogunda Masa, se debe bautizar tres veces y la ltima ser en el santo. Nothing happens by chance. I will start by showing you the process as it is done in my lineage. Ire comes from accessing Oguns Ase, which is the Ase of the courage to take responsibilities for all of your problems and the willingness to face them head on. A spiritual consultation session occurs in two parts: Part I:The first part is a spiritual consultation (reading) with TheIfa* Oracle namernml* regarding the most pertinent information necessary for one to achieve spiritual balance and harmony, which provides an optimal opportunity for success. xvi) Ofun Meji: Ofun Meji occupies the sixteenth position within the order of Odu Ifa in Yorubaland, West Africa. Our ancestors want to see us thriving successfully and want to support us. LA OBINI HACE TRABAJOS PARA TUMBAR AL OKUNI. tenga cuidado con chismes, porque siempre lo va a tener encima djelo correr; usted est guerreando, y despus que usted gane esa guerra es cuando va a coger miedo, tenga cuidado con una tragedia donde puede haber sangre o intervenga la justicia; usted tiene que recibir a ORUNMILA; tenga mucho ojo con una trampa; usted est en pacto con tres personas donde pueda intervenir la justicia haga EBO para que salga bien; a usted le gusta dormir desnudo, no lo haga que lo atrasa, a usted se le aflojan las piernas y tiene problemas con la vista. I give thanks to Oldmar *, the Almighty Creator, for allowing me to wake well today. When a baby is born there is an end of a cycle of living in the womb. the negative manifestation ofOturuponis the spread of disease past its healthy function of cleansing the body. Ifateaches that if a person lives in harmony with their destiny Nature will provide a blessing of long life, abundance and family. 4.- LOS GRANDES SECRETOS DE LAS AYAPAS Y DEL EYA TUTO. Habla un Egn obin omo YEMAYA que le da todo lo que usted quiere siempre y cuando usted lo atienda. Without a requirement, voluntary compliance by your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved solely for this purpose cannot be used to identify you. Ifa is not only a religion, but also a collection of If spiritual traditions, timeless wisdom, cultural and historical information. I cannot recommend him highly enough! With the water in which the jicotea lives, effective cleaning can be done to purify the path of obstacles and sorcery. When a teenager becomes an adult there is the end of the cycle of dependency on the parents. SE LE PONE UN COLLARCITO DE BANDERA. InIfacosmology all birth, after the initial moment of Creation, is rebirth. In both Oracles, taking individual responsibility is a paramount pre-requisite for Spiritual development. IFA DE AMARRES. This confrontation can lead to either growth or self-destruction. Oturupon deals with the spiritual consequence of lack of courage. En este camino OBATALA era portero de OLOFIN pero como nadie se ocupaba de l ni lo atendan como era debido, comenz a sentir la escasez en la casa y era porque todos los que iban a preguntarle por OLOFIN con el fin de dejar algo bueno, l lo desviaba con algun pretexto. AQUI LA PERSONA TIENE TRASCENDENCIA DE PRENDAS DE ANTEPASADOS Y HERENCIAS, HAY UN EGGUN QUE DESTRUIRA A TODA LA FAMILIA SINO SE ATIENDE, CON IRE ASHEGUN OTA: EL AKUKO DEL EBBO DIRECTAMENTE A OGUN. The negative manifestation of strength is the desire to force personal will on others. Y le resolvi sus problemas. And in the first place, we shouldnt even do evil to your second person at all because no matter what, it will come back on us. He has taught me that r* worship is not just a religion but a total philosophy and way of life. Religious workers have few English resources, and the creative approach taken in this book will heighten its appeal to those involved in the faith's divination practices. The Babalawos further advised him to eat the bean cakes and not give them to Esu. E.g., in Santeria today many of the danger warnings for Cubans have to do with "crossing the sea", due to the migratory trips that are in the current context of the Island, while in other realities this situation is not exposed . Ogunda meji: Strive to complete all endeavors which you have begun. The propitiation to the Orisa is what helps us solve everyday problems, although each of them has their specialization. 12. And Ifa said that no matter the situation we may found ourselves, we should have believe in Ifa because Ifa can rescue us from any tribulation. Click below to accept the above or make more detailed choices. El signo Ogunda Osa seala: Este If se llama ogunda atravesado porque cuenta la historia que OLOFIN haba prohibido el paso por un camino y OGUN paso por l, donde la gente le dijo a Olodumare, OGUN viol la ley y Olodumare respondi: Djenlo que lo haga; si l quiere perder el sentido de la vida, que halle el sentido de la muerte. Storage or technical access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences not requested by the subscriber or user. An aspiring Babalawo must learn AT LEAST four verses from each of the 256 chapters (Odu) of Ifa. viii) Okanran Meji: Here is a warning not to scatter your attention. SymbolicallyOseis associated with fresh water. The human immune system uses disease as a cleansing process. Aw OGUNDA MASA: debe tener cuidado de no dejarse influenciar por amistades, para realizar actos irresponsables, pues eso a usted lo perder. Es donde OBATALA tiende las manos para que OLORDUMARE le entregue el poder. I live in fullness now "knowing" that my daughter and I are under the blanket of Ifa's protection, provision and permission to live FREE! They said he should make a sacrifice so that he would find a wife to marry durin g-that year.Hunter sacrificed two cocks, two hens, maize beer (cerveja de milho), and one shilling (4000 bzios). Key Phrase:Owonrincreates unexpected change. OGUNDA MEJI. Human beings broke the promise, they broke the equilibrium and now they need Iyamis favor to avoid negativities. Chapter 2: What Did Our Ancestor's Believe? POR ESO, TODOS LOS QUE PRACTICAN ALGUNAS DE ESAS RELIGIONES UN DIA TIENEN QUE. We share some. Ebb rpido. ELEBO AKARAN NIRA ESHU EYE EURU ONI SHANGO, OLO NINSHAWO ARA AWO ERI ARABAYE ISHU AGARA ADIE LEBO. ESTE BASTONCITO SE FORRA CON CUENTAS DE ORUNMILA Y. El Santo es el ser que nunca cae, y OLOFIN siempre habla de pie. Odi,the Seal- is the Yoruba word for female reproductive organs and the process of giving birth. While Ogunda Bede is people with evil intention of robbery, infidelity, dishonest, stealing, immoral behaviour. Por este If la persona se asusta por cualquier cosa o bulla, sin analizar cuales son los motivos de ella. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Mystic vision places the on (consciousness) in proper alignment wit Source (Olodumare). In this sign The main task of the religious is to be able to learn what the priorities of his life are, because if he does not make this clear he will not be able to advance anywhere. TENGA CUIDADO CON UNA PERSONA QUE CREE BOBA Y LE PUEDE HACER PASAR UN. In Osa Ogunda, Ifa made it known that we should always listen to those are older than us because they are far more experienced than we are. The oracular subsystem of IF is composed of 16 Odu main and 256 that are formed from the combination of these 16 main ones. REFRESCO DE MELON Y VINO TINTO, SE LE DEJAN LOS DIAS QUE DIGA IFA. VIVE DETRAS DE LA PUERTA. Ways you can connect and pay homage include simply spending time in nature and meditating and also praying to these energies. This workshop provides the viewer a practical and hands on educational experience. OTURUPON MEJI. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. He heeded the advise and sacrificed. Key Phrase:Ikacreates development of the power of the word. - El que mucho abarca poco aprieta. -----------------------------------------------, Do not sell or share my personal information. tanij by Awo Popoola Owomide Ifagbenusola VIENE A MIRARSE POR ASUNTO DE UN HIJO O DE JUSTICIA. HAY UNA PERSONA QUE DICE GUE LE HA PESADO HABERLE HECHO LO QUE LE HIZO. 4. These form the basis of traditional Yoruba spiritual knowledge and are the foundationof all Yoruba divination systems. Si es obin: puede formrsele un fibroma en el cuello del tero, haga obras para que no suceda esto; usted est preso para el santo o para If; usted tiene un Egn que lo puede tirar de una escalera haga paraldo para quitrselo. Si quieres ver ms videos como este suscrbete al CANAL de. The meaning of the16 Odu Ifa of the Ifa Oracle is based on 16 symbolic or allegorical parables contained in the 16 Core Chapters or Principles that form the basis of the If Oracle, a system of divination of the Yoruba people of Nigeria with its origins in Pre-Colonial Africa.. We have a "Bible" too. Ika meji: My path is clearer, my wisdom is deeper and my heart is purer and all because I'm living in truth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2020 Poltica de Cookies, La mano de Orula: La iniciacin en la Santera, Osha e Ifa. This Odu talks of two husbands and neither one is worth anything. Un da el guila cay enfermo y de cuidado y llam a alakoso para que lo registrara, pero ste no pudo hacer nada por l. All coge agua y la lleva para la casa, para baarse tres das. Key Phrase:Oturuponcreates the maintenance of health. In this volume, IFISM - The Complete Works of Orunmila. El Insh lleva tierra del il, 21 ig, siete herramientas de OGUN. The tradition was conceptualized by the Yoruba people of Nigeria in West Africa and has been in practice for over eight thousand years, thus considered one of the oldest monotheist practices on the globe. The storage or technical access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of allowing the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication through an electronic communications network. In human terms rebirth refers to reincarnation (atunwa). His diverse experiences give him a well-rounded and holistic approach to spiritual health. Within the spectrum, we can makes choices affecting the way our potential becomes manifest. Chief Alaje uses his platform to unify communities in the United States, the Caribbean, South America and Africa. CUANDO ESTE IFA SALE EN AWOFAKA, LA PERSONA NO TIENE QUE HACER IFA. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. Iwori,the Deep Seer- is an elision ofiwa orimeaning the character of consciousness, or the inner essence of consciousness. Irete, the Crusher- is an elision ofire temeaning to press or create good fortune. History [ edit] PARA VENCER A LOS ENEMIGOS SE ECHA FANGO DE TIERRA MOVEDIZA O DE. He teaches in a way that is easy to understand and he knows and respects all branches of Yoruba* tradition. Refrains of Ogunda. Se cementa toda y se pone a vivir con OGUN y come de entrada en su il una ayapa. The main odu Irosun and its fifteen sub-odus. old age, and latent disease. Se coge un pedazo de cocote de res, se le ponen nueve alfileres y se envuelve en ash dun dun, se limpia al pie de OGUN y se le deja a OGUN y al da siguiente lo entierra. You can make an appointment by calling (917)319-6863 between 10:00 am and 7:00pm. . Culminating with an insightful lecture about Ifa and Orisa. Cudese los riones porque puede padecer de clculos renales. FUERTE; USTED TIENE QUE RECIBIR IFA, SU CABEZA LA TIENE CALIENTE; USTED HA DE CONSEGUIR LO QUE QUIERE; EN ESTOS DIAS VA A LLEGAR A SU, CASA UNA PERSONA QUE ES DEL CAMPO Y NUNCA HA IDO ALLA; SI ES. This has been extremely important to me as my practice of r* worship has been primarily through the Lukumi (Afro-Cuban) tradition. RELACION DE HISTORIAS O PATAKINES DE OSA OGUNDA. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Download Free PDF View PDF. It is an image of instability within the forces of the earth. Odu Ifa: wnrn Ogb and s gnd Read Article Now Download PDF. Doing good in this world to which you come, you enjoy the satisfaction of having been a correct person and have nothing to reproach yourself for. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. DESPUES QUE SE LE DE EL AKUKO A LA MATA DE ATORI, SE CORTA LA, RAIZ, SE INTRODUCE DENTRO DE UNA GUABINA (EYA ORO) Y SE DA UN JIO. In Ifa, complaining and blaming others is called ibi. El rbol de Odn en un espacio abierto con corteza sobresalienteHizo adivinacin para rnmlLe aconsejaron que realizara sacrificioYa que el acreedor del cielo vendr a exigirle por su dineroEllos le aconsejaron a rnml que ofreciera sacrificioEllos dijeron A Cualquiera que el acreedor del cielo no venga a pedirle dineroLa vida de esa persona no sera buenal realiz el sacrificioUna vez que hizo el sacrificiol tuvo una esposal tuvo un hijoAs, que los hijos son los acreedores son del cielo?No saba hacer ningn trabajoPero si saba cmo comerEl mismo da que naci en el mundoComenz a chupar los pechos de su madreDesde ese da el padre comenzaba a darle dineroDesde ese da que la madre comenzaba a incurrir en los gastos en lY todas las parejasCuando l madure, ellos cosecharn la inversinIf dice que el nio es el acreedor del cielol empez a bailar y a regocijarsel estaba alabando a su BabalwosSus Babalwos estaban alabando a Ifl dijo que fue exactamente como sus Babalwos haban dichoEl rbol de Odn en un espacio abierto con corteza sobresalienteHizo adivinacin para rnmlLe aconsejaron que realizara sacrificioPara que el acreedor del cielo vendra a exigirle su dineroQuin es el acreedor del cielo?El hijo de unoEs el acreedor del cieloEl hijo de uno. Key Phrase:Iworicreates transformation. This cycle continues throughout the year. Se coge borra de caf, corcho quemado, hierba: artemisa, cenizas de papel quemado con las generales de los aray; ig: barro con todo, tinta negra. Storage or technical access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Ogundais symbolized by the idea of clearing a path or opening a road. Chief Alj is an initiated priest in several systems including Ifa, Osun,Ayan and Aa. Chief Alajes family legacy is dedicated to the preservation of African Spirituality. POR ESTE. Por este If se puede tener un hijo que ser carne de presidio, por lo que se tiene que tener medida antes de que suceda. 3-1 Ogunda Okana : YOU do not believe nothing till you see it , Evil is here and people are running and they do not know why they are running. Ifa* has truly enhanced my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. 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