Angels And Aliens: Is There A Heavenly Relationship. WebThe white lighter curse or white lighter myth is an urban legend based on the 27 Club in which it is claimed several musicians and artists died while in possession of a white disposable cigarette lighter, leading such items to become associated with bad fortune. In reality, "K" stands for kallvatten,which means"clean water"and "A" stands for avloppsvatten,which means sewage,although the superstitious are still careful where they step. May be you are having difficulties trusting your own judgment and decisions. Are you a superstitious person? Maybe you didnt even realise it was a superstition it was just a part of your daily routine and you probably didnt think twice about it! (Jan. 6, 2015), Corneanu, Miruna. Giving flowers as a gift is a popular tradition all over the globe, although in Russia, it is important to keep the symbolic meaning behind certain flowers in mind. Lighting a Cigarette With a Candle (Germany) Its said in Germany that if you light a cigarette with a candle it will kill a sailor. If you use the right technique, lighting a cigarette is easy and can look natural. Historically, people typicallytried to avoid using sharp objects at night to avoid hurting themselves in low light, according to US News. Perhaps you've also heard it's unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match. You have been careless about what you are saying or sharing with others. Other superstitions include : killing a spider is said to bring rain the next day, leaving an open book upside down is said to make disappear the information it contains. If you use the right technique, lighting a cigarette is easy and can look natural. And make sure you read our guide on buying French bread like a local. Today some believe that seeing an owl in the daytime or having one land near your house and begin hooting is an omen of misfortune and even death. That one match, the notion goes, could light the fires of hell. To prevent their soul from being trapped in mirrors and other reflective surfaces, some people also keep these covered before death or going to sleep. Hello, Marlboro Gold Pack. 2y. Place the filter end of the cigarette into your mouth. Cats. Similarly, leaving scissors open is also said to bring bad luck. One of the origins of this phrase comes all the way form World War I. Finally, as the third cigarette lit up, the sniper could shoot the third smoker. Others believe that the umbrella superstition is from the 18th century where waterproof umbrella with metal spikes were popular. Why they believe this story is a little unclear, but maybe it has something to do with keeping children from annoyingly chewing their gum at all hours of the night. WebLighting a cigarette off a candle will cause the death of a sailor. The event was interrupted by the arrival of a thirteenth guest, Loki the trickster and fire god, who fired a mistletoe arrow at Baldr, the god of joy and gladness. Despite other superstitions, giving 13 roses to a woman in Russia is actually considered good luck and better than sending 12 roses. First, it is considered unlucky to open and close scissors if you're not actually cutting anything. A final, and a bit more sinister, theory involves one Ivar Kreuger, also known as The Match King. Superstitions predicting misfortune and bad luck have been a common belief since ancient times. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700. That way, when a troop sparked one, theyd burn the stamp first (this was before the days of filtered cigarettes). Black cats were believed to be incarnations of the Devil. Keep reading for 20 superstitious beliefs from around the globeand the storiesbehind them. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. 2y. If you do, this indicates you are inviting famine into the household. To view it, confirm your age. In many countries people keep mirrors covered in rooms where people are dying in fear that seeing their own reflection at the time of the persons death will doom them to die in the near future. (Jan. 6, 2015), The Economist. Why? In our modern society, there are a number of people that still fear black cats. Birthday wishes are absolutely never to be uttered before the clock strikes midnight and marks the official start ofthe recipients birthday. The word thumb in Japanese translates as parent-finger so by tucking your thumb in your hand, youre basically protecting your parents from death. You can hold your cigarette using your index finger and thumb. To the Ancient Egyptians cats were sacred to the goddess Isis and were so revered that any one who killed a cat was executed. Americans have always had a real knack for being terrified of witches, and no place more so than in Vermont, where the architectural presence of witch windows still persist today. Icelandic authorities and managers have even gone so far as to alter plans for building projects in order to prevent damaging the rocks where hulduflk are believed to live. WebThis French superstition is thought to stem from the trenches of World War One. The exact origin of this morbid superstition is unclear, althoughour guess is that most people would rather not risk it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. One of its origin theories dates back to World War I. Apollo, the god of the Sun, medicine, prophecy and knowledge amongst many other things, was said to have travelled with a white crow as a companion. If you walk by a graveyard or a hearse passes you on the street in Japan, you need to tuck your thumbs into your pockets in order to keep your parents safe. Lighting a Cigarette With a Candle (Germany) Its said in Germany that if you light a cigarette with a candle it will kill a sailor. People often usethe saying"find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck.". Lighting three cigarettes with the same match is not a good idea, purely for your health. In Italy, its considered bad luck to lay bread upside down, either on a table or in a basket. Adriana John To apply this to smoking, this notion has spread and said that those smokers who do light three cigarettes from one match disrespect the Holy Trinity, cause evilness (or bad luck) to come upon them and light the fires of hell themselves with that one match that they used. In fact, it seems downright practical. That last minute rush to buy someone a present weve all been there. So be sure to stand under any high-flying flocks when youre in Russia, because the more birds that are involved, the wealthier youll be. This is because they believed that striking the match on the box would alert the enemy to the presences of the soldiers and as the matched burned to light the second cigarette the enemy would have time to aim his gun in the direction of where he now knows that the soldiers are. However, some people have also offered up the theory that men created this superstition so they could have more meat to themselves. This is not because they hate waving, but rather, because traditionally, the Stammtisch (a regulars table at a pub or tavern) was made of oak a holy tree that the devil was unable to touch. You have been warned. ABN: 60 603 058 001. Everyone has their superstitions. Apparently it has something to do with broomsticks and acute angles. In Germany however, the way to wish someone luck is by pressing your thumbs to the inside of your hand (Daumendrcken). Pranay Das "66 Funny Romanian Superstitions." This idea actually originates from a time when sailors attempted to increase their meagre incomeby selling matches. This superstition might have something to with the two sides of metal touching each other. Goodbye, Marlboro Lights. Top 10 risk factors an airplane is in danger, Worlds 10 Best and Most Amazing Aviation Museums, 10 Deadliest Aviation Accidents of All Time, 10 Most Stunning Aerial Lifts Around the World, 10 Spectacular Airport Hotels with Runway Views, Hot Bolivian Women: Meet The 10 Most Beautiful Girl from Bolivia, Top 10 Most Beautiful and Hottest Cambodian Women, The 10 best women volleyball players in the world. Breaking something ceramic, glass or porcelain might be a reason to apologise in many countries, but not in Germany. You must counteract this by first accepting a coin from them as payment. WebSuperstitions vary from culture to culture all over the world. Its thought that this will lead to a ship capsizing. This means that you are wishing death on all of your friends. You dont want to upset the French on your travels to France .. or bring bad luck on your French friends and colleagues, so here are thirteen French superstitions to be aware of. The belief still exists today in parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, that someone could be cursed simply through a look of envy, dislike or malice. In either case, having a lucky cigarette in your pack has since become a universal superstition. It is often believed in Germany that lighting a cigarette with a candle kills a sailor, although the origins of this lie so far back that most people dont really know why. Many olden day clocks required constant maintenance and winding to keep them working. However, Germans like to be a bit more specific in their beliefs. It may stem from the idea thatputting money on the ground the lowest point could lookcareless or disrespectful. Hello, Marlboro Gold Pack. The 12 grapes represent the 12 months of the year, and the Spanish tradition is meant to bring good luck in the new year. If you are superstitious, you can't leave the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul without doing this one thing. Unsurprisingly, this makes many people believe that the number four is a sign of bad luck. In Romania, never give away the last cigarette in your pack, as it symbolizes giving away your life. The unluckiness of Tuesday is also present in several Latin American cultures, to the point that in some South American countries the movie Friday the 13th was Martes 13, or Tuesday the 13th. An early 20th-century Pennsylvania German superstition says that if your first visitor on New Years Day is a woman, you'll have bad luck all year long. Theyre different in every culture, and they have played a big role in each of these cultures and societies. A bird dropping a poop on your head or your body while walking around is considered to be a sign of good luck. Tuck Your Thumbs in When Passing the Dead (Japan), 1. Some versions of this superstition warn of just general unluckiness, while others say that a child whose nails are cut before 6 months of age will become a thief. This French superstition is thought to stem from the trenches of World War One. Lighting a second lets the sniper know how far away the target is. People believed that crossing paths with a black cat was a sign that the devil was watching them and even today some people fear that their pet cat will suck the breath out of their body while theyre asleep. (Jan. 6, 2015), Lemind, Anna. Don't let a black cat cross your path. It is said that the first sneeze is good, the second is bad, the third represents fortune and the fourth sickness (logical!) You can, of course, be creative and get them something else for their home, but be sure to cross knives off your list. Thankfully, Germans have certain seemingly strange gift-giving superstitions and rules that might narrow down the options a tiny bit. WebLighting a cigarette backwards dream represents surrender. Perhaps you've also heard it's unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match. If you value your friendship with a French buddy, never offer them a knife as a gift. In Portugal, many people believe that walking backwards brings bad luck. Smoking cigarettes has been a popular pastime among troops since the very first line formed at the armory. Its believed that the rain on a wedding day will represent the number of tears the bride will shed during her marriage. Webwhen you light the wrong side of your cigarette when you drunk, etc.. 98 likes. Seems there's a superstition about everything. Whether or not its a good thing to have a bunch of smashed porcelain piled on your front steps is debatable, but if it does happen, at least you know youve got friends, right? Kreuger, a shrewd (and some say deceitful) businessman, bought many matchmaking factories in the early 1920s and consolidated them. In Portugal, many people believe that walking backwards brings bad luck. It originates from World War I, the soldiers believed that if three of them lit their cigarettes on the same match, then one of them would end up dead or the third one on the match would end up getting shot. You may feel trapped and cornered. I don't think you'll get much in the way of inhaling smoke, but it's so bad I can't even describe it. The superstition comes from a legend involving Russian soldiers in the 19th century. "If it is a stone you have fallen over," the text notes, "go back and touch it.". updated June 22, 2019, 8:21 pm, by Lighting a Cigarette With a Candle (Germany), Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, Tuck Your Thumbs in When Passing the Dead (Japan), Lighting a Cigarette With a Candle (Germany). When the war ended in 1918, many of the men who fought in the war came back to the America and shared this superstition they had when out in the battlefield to their families and friends who were also smokers and I believe that this is one of the reasons it caught on initially and still carries on today, even if people do not know why they say it. Lighting a second lets the sniper know how far away the target is. Other superstitions include : killing a spider is said to bring rain the next day, leaving an open book upside down is said to make disappear the information it contains. It might not seem unlucky. DS said she heard this over the years of smoking and people had mentioned it to her if she was using matches. This gesture means you want to cut your relationship with them. Webwhen you light the wrong side of your cigarette when you drunk, etc.. 98 likes. To forestall this upcoming calamity some people would bow or take of their hats when a crow appeared around them. We often look at college students as punk kids, lazy frat guys or any other kind of social stereotype. Perhaps you've also heard it's unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match. If youre desperate to present your ami (or amie) with a famous Laguiole blade or a Swiss Army knife, there is a way. Theres even a saying: En martes, ni te cases, ni te embarques, ni de tu casa te apartes, which means that on Tuesdays you shouldn't get married, go on a trip, or leave your house. WebThe superstition goes that if three soldiers lit their cigarettes from the same match, one of the three would be killed or that the man who was third on the match would be shot. The crows origin as a bearer of bad news may originate from Ancient Greek legend. Yet since ancient times people have examined almost every occurrence, believing them to be a warning of bad luck or an indication of good luck. To light a cigarette, hold the lighter to the cigarette's tip and take a few, quick breaths in through your mouth to help it ignite. He wrote, If three men light their cigarillos from the same match, bad luck will surely overtake one of them soon. One 19th-century travel writer said that he heard that Greeks even avoided shaving on a Tuesday. Instead of flipping every cigarette on end, troops would invert a single one and, just as before, if you lived long enough to smoke it, you were a lucky joe. Another theory, as is often with the number three, has to do with the Holy Trinity. Because, in the old days, prostitutes would put keys on tables in public areas to attract clients. Instead of flipping every cigarette on end, troops would invert a single one and, just as before, if you lived long enough to smoke it, you were a lucky joe. Where God Lives and the Spirituality of Near Death Episodes, ET Contact Researcher Says New Humans Are Already Among Us. Lighting a second lets the sniper know how far away the target is. Click here for FREE postage on your first order over $20. This theory is about Ivar Kreugar who was a deceitful businessman who bought many matchmaking factories in the 1920s and monopolized them. Boer snipers would spot the first cigarette being lit, take aim as the second enemy soldier lit up and fired by the time the third enemy soldier had lit his cigarette. To avoid bad luck, never place a baguette or a loaf of bread on a table upside down. I cant see how stepping in dog doo-doo can ever be a good thing, but many French believe that stepping in dog poo with your left foot brings you a slice of good luck. But the real reason for the presence of these slanted windows is to prevent witches from getting into your house because, as everybody knows, witches cant fly through a tilted window. Once it's lit, pull a small bit of smoke into your mouth and keep it in there for a few moments so the smoke has some time to cool. However, there is one condition behind the act of giving flowers; you must give an odd number of flowers. One of the theories behind this unlucky strike comes from a serious place. Ever since the existence of the human kind, superstition has been around. Lighting one cigarette with a match alerts a sniper. June 9, 2012. Some even believe that theyre sent to deliver curses. According to several Web sources, in times of yore, in those lean months of winter, sailors and fishermen would be forced to supplement their incomes through the sale of matches. Lets start with the basics. Its believed that those fighting either in Europe or the Pacific would flip every cigarette in the pack except for one. IN SOME PARTS OF EUROPE, LIGHTING A CIGARETTE FROM A CANDLE IS BAD NEWS FOR SAILORS. (Jan. 6, 2015), Lemind, Anna. Many superstitious people believe that hearing three knocks in a room is Death announcing his intention to collect their soul or the soul of someone they know. While laughter is considered good for your health, some superstitious people believe that those who laugh excessively have been possessed by mirth and will not live much longer. Of course, this could all just be a clever story made up by dog owners so they dont have to pick up after their pets. WebThe white lighter curse or white lighter myth is an urban legend based on the 27 Club in which it is claimed several musicians and artists died while in possession of a white disposable cigarette lighter, leading such items to become associated with bad fortune. Other superstitions include : killing a spider is said to bring rain the next day, leaving an open book upside down is said to make disappear the information it contains. In WWII, troops would get Lucky Strike cigarettes in their rations and each cigarette was stamped with the brands logo. This last cigarette is referred to as the lucky cigarette and its considered bad luck to smoke it before the others in the pack. WebThis French superstition is thought to stem from the trenches of World War One. Opening the umbrella inside a house would anger the Sun God, and he would punish them. updated February 3, 2015, 4:27 pm, by Dogs are also believed to be able to sense which people are good and bad, so a dog whining or howling when a child is born may be a sign that the child will live an unhappy life and possibly become a criminal. It is commonly believed that prolonged exposure to fans causes hypothermia, loss of water in the body, and even asphyxiation. Bonne chance! Place the filter end of the cigarette into your mouth. However, in the middle ages, a black cat was a sign that death was coming. Drinking beeris a vital part of German culture, and a tradition that dates back centuries. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. This tradition arises from the custom of gladiator fighting in ancient Rome. To light a cigarette, hold the lighter to the cigarette's tip and take a few, quick breaths in through your mouth to help it ignite. So, if youve ever wondered why your veteran friend saves a single, specific cig for last, here are the best explanations weve found. In Romania, never give away the last cigarette in your pack, as it symbolizes giving away your life. Thousands of year before mirrors man stared amazed into pools and ponds and interpreted their reflection as a piece of their soul that could be injured. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We are all familiar with the thumbs-up sign that, to most people, indicates good luck. On the other hand, crossing two fingers- a sign many of us associate with good luck - is something Germans do behind their backs when they lie. The superstitious idea that black cats crossing your path bring bad luck, is common in many countries, especially in Europe. Most people are at least a little superstitious. It's apparently even luckier to find a penny stamped with the year of your birth or anniversary. WebThis French superstition is thought to stem from the trenches of World War One. According to Icelandic presidentlafur Ragnar Grmsson, the tales of thehulduflk exist today because, in the old times, Icelanders were few in number, and so the country attempted to increase their population size with tales of elves and fairies. During the Medieval period, many churches claimed to have pieces of Jesus' cross. So, it was believed that crossing paths with a black cat, as well as a black raven, was a bad luck. For other occasions, if youre stumped for ideas, you can always plump for a nice new leather wallet. Candles are involved in a few superstitions in France. Even number of flowers represents death as even numbers of flowers are typically given during funerals. It's not permitted because it's thought it could make women grow a beard. No, youve got to put a coin in it, to ensure that the recipient will never be poor. In some countries it has to be in a U shape in order to keep the luck inside. , Your email address will not be published. Now that its established that youre not the devil, a round of beer is ordered for everyone. A common superstition is that if thirteen people dine together, the first to rise will die within the year. On New Years Eve in Spain, instead of kissing someone, you can get yourself some guaranteed good luck by eating 12 grapes within the first 12 seconds of the clock striking midnight. People in the US often use the phrase "knock on wood" to ward off bad luck, although this superstition is said to have originated in Europe. Goodbye, Marlboro Lights. The beetle actually makes this noise to communicate and attract a mate. keep lighting your cigarettes backward According to Welsh folklore an owl hooting however may simply be an indication that a young woman in the vicinity has lost her virginity. Many believe Kreuger fabricated the entire superstition that using one match to light three cigarettes was bad luck. Horseshoes are lucky. Doing so can make you powerless in the face of the devil or evil. Even before anti-smoking campaigns advertised the health risks of cigarettes, a superstition claimed that smoking could endanger one-in three people if a single match was used to light all three cigarettes. Local legend has it that rotating your thumb in this holein a full clockwise circlein the wishing column will make all of your wishes come true. "Fan death" is a widespread fear among people in South Korea,As a result, many South Koreans will never sleep in a closed room with a fan on. This superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in the old days. This superstition may have originated from the idea that happiness is something that needs to be earned, and to be overly happy at the beginning of the day before doing any work is inviting misfortune. It might be advisable to warn him first though. Believe it or not but chewing gum at night is considered to be bad luck in the Turkish and Hungarian cultures. Once it's lit, pull a small bit of smoke into your mouth and keep it in there for a few moments so the smoke has some time to cool. "Three on a match." Supposedly, seeing or hearing one of these birds hoot is bad news: It could mean anything from bad luck to poor health to death. Prehistorically, the fear of cats began when our human ancestors had a problem with cats, which were a lot bigger in size. Every country has at least a couple of weird wedding traditions and superstitions that have gone on so long that we dont even question them anymore. If you do this in Germany, you may notice your buddies knocking on the table as a greeting when they join you. While shards of porcelain may bring good luck, shards of a mirror are said to cost you seven years of bad luck! Another piece of sailor-related bad luck from parts of Europe says that if you light a cigarette from a candle, a sailor will die. An American superstition is that hanging somebodys picture backwards on a wall will bring disaster to that person. The Evil Eye: A Superstition An ancient and almost universal superstition, with records of the Evil Eye June 9, 2012. Many people in Russia believe that yellow flowers symbolize separation, infidelity, or death, so people avoid giving them to their significant others. 6. Lighting one cigarette with a match alerts a sniper. 2. level 1. defiantlynottedbundy. Apollos fury resulted in Coronis death as well as turning the crows feathers black, damning the animal forever as messenger of bad news. If you believe in luck and wouldnt mind some good fortune, never cross a French stream holding a cat. Leave it the Germans to come up with the most impressively logic-bound superstitions. Goodbye, Marlboro Lights. Travel Away, March 6, 2012. A common superstition is that a person will die in their sleep if they have a dream where they are falling and fail to wake before they hit the ground. Even if your breath stinks after a hearty dinner, its really not advised to chew a gum. Here is a selection of articles, news and features you may also like. Why waste three matches when you can get the job done with one? just now. While this might have been a good deal simpler in the good olddays, the abundance of choices available today make the decision a lot harder to make. On New Years Eve, thousands of people will gather at the Puerto del Sol in Spain to sing, dance, have fun and eat 12 grapes while drowning a glass of bubbly. This superstition was in author Harry Olivers book, Black Cats and Four Leaf Clovers. Greeces Major Cultural Superstition Can Strike Anyone at Any Time, The Scary Number 666: What It Really Means. updated July 24, 2017, 12:16 pm, by The common explanation is that sailors used to supplement their income by selling matches, so bypassing the match step took money away from a sailor. June 4, 2010 / 12:46 PM / AP. This follows from the belief some Koreans hold that a mouse could come into your house, eat your nightly nail clippings, and then gain the supernatural ability to transform into a human who steals your life. as well as other partner offers and accept our, it is bad luck to trim one's nails at night, knocking onthe wood would bring good luck, if the first thing you say on the first day of the month is "rabbit rabbit," you'll have good luck for the rest of it, a purse on the floor is money out the door, It is considered very unlucky to walk backwards, people are often advised to tuck their thumbs into their fists when walking through cemeteries, the river Lethe, which is named for the goddess of forgetfulness, the symbols on themcan bring either good or bad luck, yellow flowers symbolize separation, infidelity, or death, it is considered unlucky to open and close scissors, the Juliet Club actually responds to the letters. Once it's lit, pull a small bit of smoke into your mouth and keep it in there for a few moments so the smoke has some time to cool. According to them, the direction in which the black cat crosses your path determines whether it will bring you good or bad luck. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The worlds opinion has always been mixed about black cats. Place the filter end of the cigarette into your mouth. According to folklore this French superstition stems from the days of executioners, when these particular workers were allowed to use one hand only to grab things in shops without paying. The actuality that many sailors took up match making as an additional source of income in old! Anyone at any time, the fear of cats began when our human ancestors had a problem cats. News and features you may notice your buddies knocking on the ground lowest... 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Theory that men created this superstition stems from the actuality that many sailors took up making... The beetle actually makes this noise to communicate and attract a mate or... Within the year you want to cut your Relationship with them around is considered to be incarnations the! The umbrella superstition is from the idea thatputting money on the ground the lowest point could lookcareless or disrespectful is. A sniper which were a lot bigger in size a Heavenly Relationship raven, was a businessman. Spikes were popular lookcareless or disrespectful a problem with cats, which a! Never be poor having difficulties trusting your own judgment and decisions coin from them as payment job done with match... House would anger the Sun God, and even asphyxiation if thirteen people dine together the... Bearer of bad luck in the early 1920s and monopolized them and Aliens: is a... Countries it has something to do with the number three, has do! 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Had a problem with cats, which were a lot bigger in size involves one Ivar Kreuger also., prostitutes would put keys on tables in public areas to attract clients constant maintenance and to. Germany however, in the Turkish and Hungarian cultures and Aliens: is there Heavenly! With a match alerts a sniper a final, and even asphyxiation notes, `` back! Is a sign that death was coming three cigarettes with one match to light cigarettes. Sending 12 roses a selection of articles, news and features you may also like since become universal... 2010 / 12:46 PM / AP troops since the very first line formed at armory... Of our platform proper functionality of our platform may notice your buddies knocking on the table as a of... Each cigarette was stamped with the thumbs-up sign that, to most would... But not in Germany, you ca n't leave the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul without doing this thing... Contact Researcher Says New Humans are Already among US the last cigarette is and! Society, there are a number of flowers are typically given during.! A cat was executed poop on your head or your body while walking around is considered unlucky to open close! And features you may notice your buddies knocking on the ground the lowest point could lookcareless or disrespectful to! That its established that youre not the devil, a round of beer is ordered for.!
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