Uber disregarded the social responsibility of keeping their employees and consumers safe, to maximize profits. For many, Uber is a sure thing. & Pub. All Rights Reserved. Uber has suffered a spate of negative publicity in recent days after allegations of discrimination and harassment from a former software engineer ("Another Uber Engineer Goes Public With Sexism and Harassment Allegations", 2017). 863-872). If Uber can achieve market dominance before it runs out of funding, the inefficiencies in its model cease to matter. The fee for the safety program was to be charged to the customer. Our local operations span across Australia, US, UK, South east Asia and the Middle East. The Uber algorithm takes into account many aspects when allocating work to its drivers: work performance, previous interactions with customer service, customer ratings, cancellation rate, completion rate, earnings profile, fraud probability score among others (Clarke 2021). This resulted in a breach of contract (Prysby, n.d.). But even before that, this wildly popular car-sharing service had raised several disturbing ethical issues: 1. The mission of Uber's Ethics and Compliance (E&C) team is to serve as a trusted business partner to facilitate Uber's success and guide the conduct of all employees. Basically they utilize low-cost provider approach which consolidates that with making quality for the different partners by concentrating on incredible [], One of the most genius ways people are influenced to purchase an item or service is the common everyday magazine advertisement. Users can read menus, reviews and ratings, order, and pay for food from participating restaurants using an application on the iOS or Android platforms, or through a web browser ()Key features: 3. It would ensure higher customer satisfaction, and eventually, reduce the assault on the passengers. It provides a competitive advantage to the owner. The company did not respond to repeated requests for information about its drivers. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. Too many horrible accusations have been made about Uber drivers and numerous lawsuits have been filed. What HR is really good at is hiding these issues and standing up for their company in a lawsuit. This so-called 'gig economy' encompasses popular ride-sharing platforms, like Lyft and Uber; micro-work platforms, like Amazon's Mechanical Turk; and 'crowd work' platforms, like Fiverr, Deliveroo and Upwork, amongst others. Students are not to copy or submit them as is. Uber is a brand that has faced both ethical and legal issues. Paper Info Published: December 21, 2021 Updated: December 21, 2021 Language: English Downloads: 10 Introduction . Cancel via phone or email within 30 days for a full, no-questions-asked refund! All rights It has also courted controversy in most. The technique Uber used was called Greyball. Herein lies the problem. Uber was founded in San Francisco in 2009 and has since expanded their . Uber is a ride sharing service, written by journalist Cathy Rainone of NBC4 "a customer requests a car using a smartphone app and Uber sends its closest driver to their location, using the phone's GPS. Interactive: Human Resource Management Interactive eBook 3rd edition: 9781544320618, 9781544320601. https://www.vitalsource.com/products/interactive-human-resource-management-interactive-robert-n-lussier-v9781544320601. Like mentioned in the required reading, breach of contract is a failure, without legal excuse, to perform a promise stated in a contract. Leighton, P. (2016). (n.d.). Following TfLs decision to withdraw Ubers license to operate in London, there has been a widespread picking over of the ride-hailing apps recent history and speculation about its future. One of the plaintiffs, Ms. Medina stated, The sexist and tech bro culture was strong at Uber, I saw it with more females getting passed up for promotions while male engineers in the same organizations were getting the same level of promotions for less work. The U.S. Uber Ethical Trust Issues Analysis - Report Added on - 2022-04-18 Back in 2016, some intruders hacked the data of third parties who were monitoring and handling the data of Uber drivers. Saadah, K., Yasmine, S. E., & Mubah, A. S. (2017). ETHICAL ISSUES. Unethically Poaching down the drivers of the competitor company. Let's fix your grades together! Uber would monitor accounts, investigate users credit card information, and even check social media accounts, and block certain phones that were known to be used by police. It is better to have people from different backgrounds look at the problem and come up with different solutions because of their different thinking. It's perfectly reasonable to stand on principle, and some will say it's even ethically required. Melvin Meads, my high school band director, used to tell me, "Straighten up and fly right!," after I acted up. Total Assignment help is an online assignment help service available in 9 countries. Uber, unfortunately, is also guilty of breaching a contract. Ubers fundamental problem is that it does not have this advantage. Uber's relation with drivers deteriorated following a decision to alter the company's revenue-sharing formulawith Uber taking as much as 30 percent of gross fare revenue (depending on driver volume), up from 20 percent previously. During the management of former CEO Travis Kalanick, Uber expanded to more than 70 countries very fast. Retrieved from The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/19/business/uber-sexual-harassment-investigation.html?module=inline, Ivanova, I. In my opinion this case study and many others shine light on issues regarding how the HR and upper management reacts to certain cases and problems. Lyft is positioning itself as the ethical alternative to Uber. Hostile work environment means a sexually themed behavior that goes beyond jokes and it bothers a reasonable person to the point that it is difficult for them to perform work related tasks (Lussier, Hendon 2019). In November, a New York court dismissed Uber's lawsuit challenging a city law limiting the number of licenses for ride-hailing services. First, we live in a very diverse country and why not include everyone in the work environment? Breach in PrivacyThe act of stalking and sustaining the track of the customers by using smartphone applications has been accused against the employees of Uber. Murray Goulden receives funding from a Nottingham Research Fellowship. Uber is misogynistic, says targeted journalist, First published November 21, 2014: 10:19 AM ET, report by Farhad Manjoo in The New York Times, These are your 3 financial advisors near you, This site finds and compares 3 financial advisors in your area, Check this off your list before retirement: talk to an advisor, Answer these questions to find the right financial advisor for you, An Insane Card Offering 0% Interest Until Nearly 2020, Transferring Your Balance to a 14-Month 0% APR is Ingenious, The Top 7 Balance Transfer Credit Cards On The Market Today, Get $300 Back With This Outrageous New Credit Card. They have become a challenge when dealing with the case that has . English philosophers and economist Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill described this philosophy as making an action right if it promotes happiness and wrong if it has the opposite effect. 1632-1643). The major security threats were violent attacks from other local drivers, assault, and misbehaviour on behalf of customers, robbery, etc. B. 2018 Nov 15 [cited 2023 Mar 1]. This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. The malicious intend towards competitive companies like ordering and cancelling the rides through bogus accounts should be terminated by the leadership of Uber Company. In the wake of Trump's first immigration ban, Lyft donated $1,000,000 to the ACLU to help the fight. Some of the ethical issues that have risen in the cause of executing their functions at Uber include; false access to private information, unfair competition, lack of professionalism, off-duty behavior and corruption. UBER ethical Issues Driver's Security The issues regarding the security of drivers have been prominently raised among the Uber's drivers community. Uber has also been guilty of violating terms of service, specifically with APPLE. Ultimately whether in the form of debt or equity these sums will have to be paid back, and then some. Don't use plagiarized sources. You can find a skilled professional who can write any paper for you. All times are ET. GradesFixer. Delving into how Uber handled its breach provides an important lesson in bug bounty ethics, particularly what not to do. Uber's main selling point -- that nearby drivers are notified immediately of your desire to get a ride -- is also its chief drawback, at least from a safety perspective. Some, perhaps many, people seeking a ride wouldn't be bothered by being tracked. However, sometimes brands suffer with making an incorrect choice and have to face those consequences. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. UBER has been subjected to many law suits and ethical issues. Isaac, M. (2017, February 19). As of this writing, Kalanick has not publicly responded to the letter. The fare is charged directly to your credit card. The famous modern taxi cab company has been in unethical scandals ranging from sabotaging other ride sharing companies to their drivers sexually assaulting their customers. The following are few of the ethical issues which are highlighted: Ethical issues Passenger Safety: According to New York Times, many UBER drivers have been convicted with sexual harassment and sexually assaulting of the passengers. Uber has been rocked by a steady stream of scandals and negative publicity in recent years, including revelations of questionable spy programs, a high-stakes technology lawsuit, claims of. Retrieved from New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/21/technology/uber-sexual-harassment-lawsuit.html, In, S. F. (2017, Mar 04). Uber's convenience comes with a steep price: increased risk to drivers and pedestrians. Ingrid Avendano was a former engineer at Uber. As per the Money report published by CNN, the Lyft company has claimed that the around 177 employees of the Uber company had booked and cancelled around 5500 rides within a month. Not every company, ride sharing or not, is ethically perfect. Former Google engineer Anthony Levandowski was accused of stealing trade secrets regarding vehicle technology from Waymo and taking it to Uber. The competitive effects of sharing economy: how is Uber changing taxis. The footage of this video also went viral, and the person had to lose his job from the designation of corporate manager in Taco Bell company (Glss, 2016). In the near past, the company has realized that it is very hard to dominate the global market by ignoring corporate responsibilities and existing Uber ethical issues. Yesterday it was announced that the Department of Justice sued Uber alleging it charges disabled passengers who need more time to climb into a vehicle extra "wait time" fees. To this end, we analyzed Uber drivers' forum discussions about their lived experiences of working with the Uber platform. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. Your time is important. Digital collaborative consumption and social issues: The clash of taxi and Uber driver in Surabaya and Taipei. The unethical approach of employeesIf the management of Uber Company wants to sustain the business for a longer period, then the appropriate practice of ethical behaviour should be encouraged among its employees. Although Uber settled with Waymo, this was an example of unethical behavior to try to have the founder status of self-driving cars (Harvard JLOT, 2018). In 2017, Uber had a mixed response to the scandals. Their CEO described his company as the "better boyfriend . The company has never made a profit, and in 2016 alone lost nearly US$3 billion. Every place I worked at had a range of different people and it was very nice to meet and work together with people of different cultures, and I think me being from a different country added to that experience as well. Trade secrets are something not generally known. The commencement of grave crimes like rape and sexual assaults by its drivers are forcing the customers to opt for substitute safer online transport facility provider. Since the ethical issues of autonomous vehicles involve life and death decisions, they are understandably complex and controversial, and opinions are heavily influenced by individuals' personal moral codes. Leadership. The personal data of the customers were being manipulated and utilized by Uber to sustain its business interests and expands its customer base. The Department of Human Resources told Fowler that her direct supervisor was a high performer and they wouldnt feel comfortable punishing him for what was probably an innocent mistake (Isaac, 2017). This technique of Greyball could be considered a violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (In, 2017). The online transportation services of UBER are being made possible by its mobile app, which could be used by the customers to reserve a trip for a certain destination. Their first years sales were $700,000. Students who find it difficult to write detailed essays. Related: Peter Thiel says Uber is 'most ethically challenged company in Silicon Valley'. We will discuss three legal topics that were discussed in our required readings for Business Law and Ethics 311, go over the philosophy of economist Milton Friedman and how it may have influenced the executives of Uber, and finally we will identify an ethical framework other than the shareholder theory that applies to this situation and discuss how it may have influenced the executives of the company. National Post Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docview/1874145214?accountid=8289, Bershidsky, L. (2017, Nov 30). Home Essay Samples Business Uber The Ethical Issues Surrounding the Uber Company. Ensuring HR has a significant seat at the table. It must be noted that Friedman did say the actions of the executives must be in accordance with the law and ethical custom (Denning, 2013). According to Velasquez (2013), moral responsibility allows organizations to focus on practices that consider quality engagement with all the stakeholders in the industry. Uber: An Unethical Company Over the past couple of years, one particular company has seen more than their share of scandals. It is categorized as either a material breach or a minor breach. When Fowler first reported this to the Human Resource Department, they seemed to cover up for the supervisor and accused her of being abhorrent. In his comprehensive critique of Uber, transport expert Hubert Horan made a key observation about the taxi business, which separates it from retail. Either the driver has to bear it, and so is motivated to look to rival employers, or the customer does, with the same outcome. 2023 gradesfixer.com. An example would be the 1,000 defective cars purchased in Singapore to rent out to drivers. NYUJ Legis. The review of the current literature (see methodology in Appendix) has led to the identification of three, interrelated categories of ethical debate: a) the new organisation of work; b) the new nature of work; and c) the new status of workers. Of Uber's eight new cultural norms, all but one have some desired behaviors identified. Hask-Kelchner, H. (2006). Below are discussed some recent incidents which have revealed the existing Uber ethical issues. There is an accountability factor with traditional, heavily-regulated cab services that does not seem to be the case with privately owned companies like Uber. Friedman was an advocate for free trade and minimal government interference with business transactions. (2016, May). Uber's tracking device is merely a way to advance its business interests. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? His personality was not a role model to be set before the huge business empire. But you can one from professional essay writers. Another challenge could be the sexual harassment problem. Uber's main selling point -- that nearby drivers are. Morningstar: 2019 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. And this applies to any field, but mainly to media, business, and IT. As a result of over three years of ongoing research and analysis, this paper is a comprehensive assessment of a number of social issues facing the integration of practices both signified and enacted in an economy driven by apps such as Uber. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Publications at Loyola eCommons. Passenger SafetyThe high rate of accusations and lawsuits against Uber drivers all over the world prove the existence of Uber ethical issues of safety for the passengers. After the calamitous year Uber has had, it should not be difficult for the company to improve its reputation simply by avoiding many of the unnecessary embarrassments heaped upon itself in 2017. According to the U.S. The reason for this, argued Horan, is that the economies of scale are not there for the taking in this market. Examples range from not running the proper background checks and allowing felons and people with driver license issues to taxi people around. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/ubers-history. The report is used to ensure proper diversity and equal opportunity throughout our workforceessentially a road map of Uber's US workforce at a . Uber began violating the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2016 when it first began charging these fees in target markets, the Justice . have further made an impact on the company's reputation. A wealth of data at your fingertips. Wallsten, S. (2015). All subjectsAllied HealthCardiology & Cardiovascular MedicineDentistryEmergency Medicine & Critical CareEndocrinology & MetabolismEnvironmental ScienceGeneral MedicineGeriatricsInfectious DiseasesMedico-legalNeurologyNursingNutritionObstetrics & GynecologyOncologyOrthopaedics & Sports MedicineOtolaryngologyPalliative Medicine & Chronic Benefits/Challenges of a Diverse Workforce. Wyman, K. M. (2017). Business; Operations Management; Operations Management questions and answers; CASE 1 Uber Faces Ethical and Regulatory Challenges" ways when sand omy? Uber has been a major success story, reaching a valuation of $50bn after just five years. If agreed, the drivers are provided with the sign-up kit at the moment. Second, and more crucially, we know we're being watched when we go out for a stroll or a bite to eat. Here's the strange thing about where I live: When I walk. have been charged against various Uber drivers (Saadah &Mubah, 2017). World news: Uber faces probe under U.S. bribery law justice looks at whether managers breached foreign corrupt practices act. The value of Uber continues to increase but with the success has come legal and ethical issues (Hartmans & McAlone, 2016). The true ethical dilemma with driverless cars isn't the trolley problemit's whether we should be testing them on public streets at all. 2. 9/1 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW, 2060, Corporate Finance Planning Assignment Help, Financial Statement Analysis Assignment Help, Activity-Based Accounting Assignment Help, (EUB020L007A) Management assignment on the benefits of adopting sustainable strategies as the CSR approaches in the fashion businesses, Strategic management assignmentanalysing the strategies and competiveness of Commonwealth Bank of Australia, (EMP6110) Environment management assignment for Bunbury outer ring WA to reduce environmental issues, Intrapreneurship assignment on how an intrapreneur can help to identify the innovations and help to build the company, (GDECE102) early childhood learning and teaching strategies assignment, (MBA401) Leadership assignment analysing the leadership of Melanie Perkins as an entrepreneur, Early Childhood Education Assignment on the role early childhood scaffolding has on language and literacy development, (MG628) International marketing management assignment identifying international market expansion strategy for Graze, Customer service assignment on the evaluation of a customer service experience, Leadership assignment on leader-member exchange theory of leadership in contemporary organisations, (ONL701) Emphasizing the environmental issues and concerns in this environment assignment, (MG629) Leadership and management assignment discussing the management of Theranos under the leadership style of Elizabeth Holmes, (INT101) Community service assignment on the work process of government and non-government organization, (MGMT8004) international business assignment analysing the Concept of Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), (SVY1500) Spatial science assignment for examination questions related to spatial science, (WRIT1 - Coursewor) Operations management assignment critically analysing issues faced by Dhofar Power Company, A Comprehensive Guide to Writing on synthesis essay topics, Distribution strategy at Nestle Corporation and transportation of Maggi noodles, Sustainable supply chain management assignmenton managing environmental issues in business, (SCI5110) Waste management assignment on how to reduce waste in One Tree Hill, Organization assignment understanding the business of Burberry by applying organizational theories, Supply chain management assignment on the challenges faced by Cincinnati Seasonings Company, Entrepreneurship assignment reviewing the entrepreneurial journey of Jeff Bezos, Management and leadership assignment analysing the management and leadership style of Elizabeth Holmes, Business strategy assignment determining business strategy of Unilever using Porters Generic Competitive Strategies framework. Finally, but not at all thoughtless, the recruitment process of the employees in the company should be assigned to some other qualified third parties. The 78-page report stated Uber dealt with 3,824 incidents of severe sexual assault and. The scenario has changed, the attitude hasn't. Uber continues to try and claw its way up the ladder at the cost of bad reputation and a poor public image, and the recent upsurge about the . As per the news report from London, an Uber driver was arrested on the charges of sexual assault since he asked the customer to perform oral sex. HR should be there to help, to train, and to take aggressive action and have zero tolerance. There have been instances that the cabs were being damaged by the customers, but there has been no significant support given by the company to the Uber drivers. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. After this analysis Ubers credibility has been shot in my opinion. Stop wasting your time searching for samples! Pol'y, 20, 1. Some of Uber's managers have also been accused with stepping on others, and even with sexual harassment. Though the company has been successful in penetrating most of the local markets all over the world, it has to face many allegations and lawsuits in various countries. There should be some security features introduced for the safety of the drivers. Eventually, this additional cost will be felt. They should thoroughly check the personal and official background of the applicant. 2022 Cable News Network. How CISOs handle the ethical issues around data breaches can make or break their careers. Why exclude someone just because their gender is different, or their skin color, or religion, or birthplace? The engine of Ubers growth to date has been the US$11.5 billion it has raised from banks and investors. Book Your Assignment at The Lowest Price Now! As mentioned in the earlier section of this report on UBER ethical issues, the company had to witness many lawsuits from different counties. The retrospective apologies - rather than pre-emptive plans to prevent ethical issues that could be easily avoided - is a common . The rising report all over the countries also reveals that most of the employees in Uber are practising unethical behaviour. Uber has had numerous examples of a culture guilty of misleading others. Avendano mentioned that although she was praised for the quality of work she performed, her promotions and pay increases were denied. The acts and attitude of Travis Kalanick were absolutely against the traits of an ethical leader. By solving these breaches in privacy, urban ethical issues could be attended to very effectively. Uber's Ethical Decisions 4 behave in a manner that they cannot be questionable in relation to their conduct. Privacy. Retrieved from Harvard JLOT: https://jolt.law.harvard.edu/digest/waymo-v-uber-surprise-settlement-five-days-into-trial, Denning, S. (2013, June 26). Standard & Poor's and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. Vienna, Virginia: Management Concepts. cent sure and w the three arities to the Uber Technologies, Inc. (Uber) is a tech startup that Zappos is adopting Uber's surge pricing strategy in how provides ride-sharing services by facilitating a connec- it compensates its call center employees. Drivers SecurityThe cases of assault on drivers have also been reported frequently like the cases of assault on passengers. The business guide to legal literacy: what every manager should know about the law. Even if it acceptable to practice bribery in the foreign country, the FCPA prevents US companies from doing so (Hask-Kelchner, 2006). Whereas the government bodies carry out surveillance to sustain the well-being and security of the citizens, the private companies do it for their personal and selfish gains. These norms are: "We build globally, we live locally;" "We are customer obsessed;" "We celebrate differences;" "We act like owners;" "We persevere;" "We believe in the power of grit;" "We value ideas over hierarchy;" and "We make big bold bets." Sexual harassment and Equal Pay are not the only two laws Uber has been accused of breaking. Introducing modern advanced technology for the passengers that would help them in instantly contacting the police control room and the relatives at the time of distress would secure the customers and eventually increase customer satisfaction (Wyman, 2017). Lastly, we discussed Utilitarianism as another ethical framework that applied to Uber. Later on in the 1980s, after a few Court rulings, sexual harassment went under that same umbrella. Business Insider. The letter's . Unprincipled LeadershipIt has been accepted by Travis Kalanick, the first CEO of Uber that he tried to sabotage the funding strategies of Lyft Company, its biggest rival. But doing so dramatically increases the rate of having an accident. To win over California voters, Uber and Lyft were considering to shut down their services "temporarily" in California as a means to appeal to voters who vote on Proposition 22 in the November . The company should understand that any sort of assault is illegal and whoever is involved in it should be prosecuted by law. . In conclusion, we have discussed three specific laws that applied to the company which was: Sexual harassment, violation of Equal Pay Act, and violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Uber has suspended its services in Philippines after the national regulator banned it from operating for one month. Rapid growth saw Uber in 100 cities [], OReilly started as a part store in Missouri in 1957. Privacy IssuesThe activities of the company should be limited by the appropriate Information and Technology laws so that the personal information of the passengers could not be mishandled or shared with the other irresponsible units. These reference papers are strictly intended for research and reference purposes only. Retrospective apologies - rather than pre-emptive plans to prevent ethical issues that could be attended to very effectively made Uber... In a manner that they can not be questionable in relation to their conduct:.... Countries also reveals that most of the work written by professional essay writers eventually! Our local operations span across Australia, US, UK, South east and... Competitor company unfortunately, is also guilty of breaching a contract submit them as.... 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