Why would a young girl post a random picture on Snapchat of a grown up male ??? Any info re Bruce being in IN at the time the murders occurred? The next weird thing is that he specifically asked about the Monon High Bridge. In St. Louis, Bruce allegedly walked into the Catholic Supplies store, cased the area pretending to be a customer, before returning to his vehicle to obtain a gun. This is clearly seen upon close inspection. In one of his voluminous posts on Facebook, Chadwell wrote, Sometimes Im up, sometimes Im down. The Delphi Police Department, the Carroll County Sheriff, the Indiana State Police, and the FBI are asking for your assistance in identifying the suspect in the double homicide of two teenage girls, Abigail J. We were fine and boys were outside around the corner but point of the story is we felt weird going but wanted to go so taking a pic of who we were going with was what our mom told us if we ever felt unsafe she said to dial 911 and hide phone so they could hear or take photo video. A theft charge was dismissed. Unfortunately, these were some of the last moments of Libby and Abby's lives. Court records show that Chadwell faces the following charges: attempted murder, attempted intentional killing of another; child molesting where def. Interesting but I still think it is a local person. I doubt he is. Welcome to the neighborhood and on and on. The story is wrong, bg was wearing glasses, i can prove it. Returns months after murders for no real reason, asks about murders Looks very much like 1st sketch, only younger Gives off an eerie vibe Bruce appears to have had reddish hair as recently as June 2018 in more recent photos it appears more white and also more neatly shaved. The St. Louis crime occurred indoors in a large, public store. Another oddity is that we have 2 young girls, alone in such a place, and one of them feels okay with taking a strange mans picture like this? My point is this- being that Delphi is much smaller, its hard to believe that there arent some pretty detailed rumors floating around, and it doesnt surprise me that many have given DNA samples. Banfield asked them, "How do you get beyond that extraordinary and awkward first dynamic to work together? Some people argue that Chadwell had at least one of the tattoos before the slayings, saying this is a picture of him before that point. I thank you for posting. In one post on Facebook, Chadwell wrote, Im in love with a lil redhead. Examining investigator information that . Bruce did wear glasses during the St. Louis attack. I have always felt that the Delphi murderer is most likely someone local. His story has changed multiple times, and it sounds like they and the source believe that for the initial 2 years of the investigation, he was interacting with LE in a way that was leading LE the wrong direction. Why not burn or better discard of them in a dumpster, etc? Bruce was tracked down when a waitress at another establishment recalled someone matching the Catholic Supplies Store attacker having come into her restaurant shortly before the murder. Also, in terms of the WHY he might have been in IN, some have theorized he used the veil of working for the church to be a traveling pastor or might have passed through on his way home to MI. I agree Denise Mundy, its just something about him that gives me the creeps. Astute observers noted that Chadwell has tattoos of two girls faces on his arms in which they appear to be crying blood. He has definitely been on that bridge many times. She was identified as the missing girl and said Chadwell tried to kill her. They know. We need to come together and help everyone. This would suggest Bruce is not the Delphi murderer as why would he not have disposed of his clothing after the Delphi murders. In May 2018, Anna Williams, Abby's mother; and Becky and Michael Patty, Libby's grandparents; as well as Sergeant Jerry Coleman of the Indiana State Police appeared at CrimeCon on a panel moderated by Ashleigh Banfield. He has a brother in Indiana. Was he young or older? Go here for background on that case. But, worth looking into this angle. The nose, to me doesnt fit. In October 2020, he was convicted of criminal trespass and criminal mischief and was still on probation. family in the area?). HOWEVER, mill guy said that a few months later, the man returned. On February 13, 2017, Liberty German, age 14, and Abigail Williams, age 13, were hiking on the Delphi Historic Trail near the Monon High Bridge just east of Delphi in Carroll County, Indiana.. His TikTok page has now been deleted. His physical similarity to the Delphi suspect was noted, but authorities have been careful to state that as of now, no connection has been made between him and the Delphi case. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Upon arrival Officers took a report stating a female child approximately ten years old had left her residence at approximately 6:30 p.m. and could not be found. ", Michael Patty has had to deal with being considered a suspect moreso than the other family members. Mid to late 20s. The last sighting of herwas between July 2020 and October 2020. Liberty was born on Dec. 27, 2002, in Lafayette, Ind., to Derrick A. German and Carrie (Hillenberg) German Timmons; they survive. The suspect description is the most striking similarity between the two cases. But I just wanna say thank you to my darker skinned friends. I'm just musing, but someone with forensics background may be more difficult to flush out, if these interactions are true. Wonder if they know each other? A charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated endangering a person was dismissed. Varying articles also quote other people who knew TB before the Catholic Supply shooting and were completely floored they had no idea, TB seemed so decent etc. Theres no question, none whatsoever, that this is a manipulated figure, made up out of thin air, and doesnt exist. All these people passing their judgements on this sub, seriously. After canvassing the store and telling the employees he intended to purchase something, he went to his car under the pretense of getting a credit card before returning with a gun instead. We are all in this together. The only thing I can figure is that word got around the neighborhood about who was moving in. Could the Delphi suspect, also known as Bridge Guy, have struck first in Iowa? Cheyenne stated she saw a female friend, a couple and "an old guy" and didn't say that any of them seemed suspicious. No more names. Do I think that hes capable of that kind of crime? It is believed he did not know his victims. My hands dont bleed color, do yours? All good points to consider. Big, small, hairy, or just plain creepy. Online sleuths cant help here. If you fall into that trap, thats your fault because youre a f***ing dumb a**. It's just a very quaint 3 story mill with lots of old machinery and whatnot. Flannel Shirt Guy is on the Board of Directors of Adams Mill Inc. Across her neck were lateral strangulation marks, and she had broken blood vessels with black eyes, bruising to her head, arms and legs, and bite marks, according to the court document. Victim 1 said most of her clothes were off when she regained consciousness and Chadwell took her into the basement, according to the affidavit. Or just the town/atmosphere? My suspicion is that they dont have usable DNA from Delphi or at least not much of it. This is when he remembered he had a degree in forensics, as they talked a little more about school. What about the man who was in Delphi around the time of the murders. Sometimes beauty can be found in the most unexpected of places tho.., I love all of lifes creatures. He then ordered the two remaining women to continue with meeting his demands for lewd sex acts. Delphi Murders Suspect Identified. I feel like only someone from that area would know that. The entire face is ridiculous,..its a bit hard to describe except for one aspect; the nose is rather large and round, and in the picture the tip of his nose is only an inch or so from his chin, with little or no sign that theres a mouth between the two. She asked, " In light of the Golden State Killer, could DNA and genealogy sites be an area that could be mined? Regarding the sketch of the suspect, Patty said, "I have features that resemble that. Some online sleuths have theorized that Thomas Bruce may the Bridge Guy, or BG the primary suspect in the 2017 murders of two young girls in Delphi, Indiana. That was a felony case. I enjoyed reading your article. I dont believe he was specifically looking for young females. They dont have to identify the voice as being a match to the bridge guy the FBI can do that its a vioce comparison test. Thank you for helping me grow. We accessed the trails near Adam's Mill, an old grain mill turned museum, and we ended up paying the 5 dollars to go in. (LogOut/ Others on . Come find me or I will find you. He had an injury to his nose in the video. His case ended in mistrial and hes a free man. There are an awful lot of redheads in the area of Delphi. Please do send proof! James Brian Chadwell. It's upsetting. Im gonna beat this., I was locked up for 13 1/2 years because I assaulted a prison guard and a cop. Can you link your sources? That video shows the suspect walking along the bridge. I lived in a small town for about 9 years. The sister of one of the two Delphi Bridge murder victims says an alleged pedophile being looked at as a possible suspect is not the right man. Similarities With The Delphi Murders. The girl described going into Chadwells residence and petting his dogs. The fact that Libby had the presence of mind to do what she could to implicate the man who at that point, must have been scaring and threatening the girls, is one reason this case has captured the public's attention. Libby also captured audio of his voice saying, Down the hill, according to WRTV. That might not be considered small to some of you, but listen to this. It's about 20 minutes from Delphi. I am adding an edit, Im not a special person, my occupation didnt make me stand out. And you know, should they let him back out on the street? Interesting. Thats invaluable information. His most recent employment was with American Family Insurance and, prior to that, he held various odd jobs such as a brief 8-month position in customer service with the Jewish Center of Greater St. Louis and a managerial position with a Schnucks Store. The primary suspect in the St. Louis case, Bruce, was described as a heavyset Caucasian male, 59 and 220lbs. Granted, Bruce is not wearing glasses in about half of his social media photos and may be wearing contacts or not need glasses all the time. I just learned about this yesterday! I've always thought BG was forensically aware. If Thomas Bruce is also the Delphi killeris he Narcissistic enough to wear the same outfit for every murder? Click to reveal Left hand in jeans pocket. Why would LE construct something 3D out of metal garbage, and expect us to believe its a real person? The insistence on red hair may be a result of hair samples found at the Delphi site, not just eyewitness testimony. FacebookThe suspect in the 2017 murders of Libby German and Abby Williams shown in a video from Libbys phone and a police sketch. He does not appear to have blue eyes but it is somewhat unclear. He was convicted in U.S. District Court, South Dakota of being a felon in possession of a firearm, a felony, in 2001. Of course this is what the mill owner assumed, as he did not see this person for a long while after, and the person said he was going back to Penn. Did Diane Schuler Have Auto BrewerySyndrome? He was convicted in 2000 in Pennington County, South Dakota of assault-aggravated, a felony, and was convicted of stolen property. Thats very helpful and interesting information about how difficult the trail is to find, even for a local. It has been theorized that both crimes involved the use of a firearm to control the multiple victims (this is an unconfirmed rumor in the Delphi case but is confirmed in the St. Louis case). I wondered that also. Someone very powerful or intimidating. You can see the top of his right hand sticking out of his pocket. At one point, Chadwell got dressed to go answer the door and then the police found her, it says. Revisiting the crime scene? Mark Sauer, can you elaborate ? Bridge Guy is a planner, organized, on a mission, experienced. were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, in Delphi. Further, this is not a still photo; it is a live photo taken from a smart phone. Some of us are so geographically removed it's hard to get a sense of anything local. If you want some, come get some. His stepfather told the show he thought Chadwell was capable of being the killer of Abby and Libby. A post on Facebook from a woman who said she was related to the 9-year-old victim claimed Chadwell strangled her so bad blood came out of her eyes! We are not sat in the downstairs offices at Quantico as far as I know. Specifically asked locals about the Monon Bridge before murders. On Friday, July 13th, 2012, 8-year-old Elizabeth June Marie Collins and her 10-year-old cousin Just days after police released the photo of "bridge man" in the investigations of the killings of teenagers Libby German and Abby Williams, at least 15 tipsters said the man was Ron Logan,. Delphi Snapchat murders suspect was wanted for rape before killing himself in stand-off . In October 2018, only a month before the crimes, Bruce allegedly became involved in a road rage incident. This behavior is useful to move your victims into a place without causing outrage or screaming from your intended victims. The probable cause affidavit says that Chadwell has an extensive criminal history. You should encourage this man to follow up with the police. Although details are scarce, rumors abound that the Delphi murders were particularly grotesque and disturbing. An old sketch of the suspect shows him wearing a hat, and with facial . Theres only one road that goes out to it and I still forget how to get there sometimes. They would have logs. Ive heard about you- you are the new ( occupation). They sadly may have his voice ingrained into their memory. He was charged in 2017. I think he would have just as likely attacked an elderly woman or lone woman, etc. Or, if they do it may not be very much and might not all be usable. Did his son have social media that Tedwone could access and use to lure the girls to the bridge and then told the girl guys down the hill meaning the boy/boys were down the hill waiting on the girls to meet up. Kline is said to have arranged to meet. Please dont make me keep searching for you, when I know exactly where you are. Yesterday I was checking this story out and if you follow the link bellow, what are the odds that there would be two similar crimes within miles of each other. It's not for you to be convinced or otherwise unless you are LE. Be thankful for the little things.. I do what I want he wrote in another post. It appears to be an inside joke amongst friends. They were very polite and respectful. Pair that with the violence from Catholic SS, as well as nearly a lifetime of fooling people. I dont know about the sketch but when I was younger me and my foster sisters were going to meet some boys at the theater. As a way to attempt to move forward and stay positive, the families of Abby and Libby will hold a food drive at Delphi United Methodist Church on February 13, the anniversary of the day the girls went missing in 2017. Bruce registered a nonprofit church in 2003 with the Missouri Secretary of State; it was later dissolved in 2007. Posted at 6:57 AM, Apr 22, 2019 . One nickel is face up, of THOMAS Jefferson, with the other in profile like a mugshot. I just know what is. ! She praised first responders. Theres more than enough to go around. The girl said Chadwell hit her in the head multiple times because she was fighting back. So this is a very interesting "theory" I thought I would share. All rights reserved. I think he saw the girls and seized an opportunity. I have wondered if they got enough of a small amount of DNA from Delphi to do a basic phenotyping, similar to the one conducted for the Aurora Hammer Slayer, in which they were able to tell what the race of the suspect and the color of his eyes and hair, etc. Lol, thank you for this. I actually tend to believe the murderer was someone who lived in Delphi and was local, and then probably left the area after the murders. HOWEVER, perhaps there is a chance the suspect wasn't cleared as he left the area soon after the murders, and some of the details were so intriguing. In this case the "one tip away" could be a friend/classmate/relative of this person who might not have heard of this case yet but upon hearing it and seeing the sketches might realize they were in that area for awhile around that time. Both crimes involved multiple female victims: St. Louis involved 3 adult women and Delphi involved 2 young girls ages 14 and 13. I took a picture nonchalantly just in case and send it to my mom. His probation was revoked. Already have. His right pant leg below the knee has a patch of about 18 or so, and its not lined up properly with the pants material above it. A closer photo of a man walking, perhaps the same man, was also found on Libby's phone and released, in hopes of a lead in the case. After shooting Jamie Schmidt in the head when she refused to comply with his orders, Bruce then ordered the other two women to continue performing lewd sex acts on him while Jamie lay dying nearby. You make my soul smile.. Ill chase you til I cant walk, then Ill chase you in my wheelchair.. I havent heard anything about BG having a belt buckle. Smart thinking though. They arrested me for assault. One of those suspects was John Miller, convicted in 2018 for a 1988 murder of an 8-year-old girl. They were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, Fox59 reported, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails. For instance, he had the wherewithal to manage 3 adult victims in a highly public location yet was disorganized enough to haphazardly bury the clothes he had been wearing in a plastic bag under his trailer home. There are more glaring problems with his face, but its not necessary to describe everything here. Just some guy's gut feeling. Last sighting of the father and son was in October 2009 in a hospital in Melaka, Ayer Keroh, Malaysia. His father filed a notice of claim to evict him from that address in 2020. To have committed the Delphi murders, he would have traveled about 290 miles, or 4.5 hours, to commit the crime why? Word on the street is that he is not a suspect in the Delphi murders but IS a suspect in various other unsolved rapes and home invasions. Ill survive, but a lot wont. I couldnt agree morealso I really enjoy your work. We offered to do anything they wanted, day one. There was a resemblance with DN, CE, PE, TB, and several others you can see these people in a simple google search of the girls. how could any person in the world do this to two little girls like that , I hope and pray to God the person responsible for their deaths is brought before the courts and sentenced to two life sentences with no possibility of parole if the law dont catch up with you GOD will . His lower legs near the ankle area are made up from old junk. I don't remember every detail cause it was a bit ago now, but he said a few weeks before the murders took place, a man from Pennsylvania came through who gave him an eerie feeling. By the time youve attributed all possible phones, identified any unregistered prepays, made applications on a large scale for top up/purchase information and identified purchase locations 30 days may very well have passed. Charles Eldridge was taken into custody after purusing a 13-year-old girl online. It is unknown at this time whether any DNAevidence has been extracted and whether Bruce has provided any type of confession or denies the allegations against him. However, nothing ever came of it. The suspect description is the most striking similarity between the two cases. If they do have DNA and ran it through CODIS it would make sense that Bruce wouldnt have shown up as he doesnt have any known history. If Bruce is the Delphi murderer and was wearing his murder outfit again in St. Louis that would indicate a certain twisted mind: one in which he wanted to taunt authorities and highly egotistical, believing he was untouchable. Id still be sitting here heartbroken but with no hope left and even more devastated, Libbys sister, Kelsi German, wrote on Twitter. He has been charged with first-degree murder and multiple counts of sodomy, armed criminal actions, kidnapping, burglary, and tampering with evidence. LISTEN: Police release audio of Delphi, Ind. The families also spoke of the difficulty faced in the early states of an investigation, where any of them could have been considered suspects, and the authorities had to investigate them to rule them out. On Wednesday, November 21, 2018, Thomas Bruce of Imperial, Missouri was arrested and charged with 17 criminal counts including first-degree murder, sodomy, and kidnapping. James Brian Chadwell is an attempted murder suspect from Lafayette, Indiana, who police are investigating in connection with the 2017 Delphi murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. Also sounds like it could be him. An accused rapist who killed himself as cops surrounded him has been name as a suspect in the murder of two young girls on a remote trail. I think its a stretch as well. Also not coincidental that he would use THOMAS Jefferson and Liberty 2017 (Liberty German). Took me about 15 minutes to wake him up. If they dont threaten my life, I wont threaten theirs.. Thats good parenting skillz., OMG!!! Chadwell uses the TikTok handle Outlaw313.. While no concrete links have been made between Bruce and Indiana, some online sleuths have posted unsubstantiated rumors that he has a cousin and/or brother in Indiana and that he would have had to travel through Indiana to get back to his home state of Michigan were he to go visit family there. If I cant have true love, I have Pornhub. Those with any information regarding the suspect in the circulating photo or who may have seen or . Due to the especially vulgar nature of his crimes, he is eligible for the death penalty if found guilty. Keep in mind, I'm sure many locals have theories, and also the local reported the suspect to police, so I'm sure it was investigated and cleared. Went to jail, told them what happened. Just some thing about him. 2.2K views 2 years ago DELPHI What you see here is an actual and true enhancement of one of the 48 frames from the video of the Bridge Guy character released by Indiana State Police (ISP) as. A heavyset Caucasian male, 59 and 220lbs and disturbing or lone woman, etc whatsoever, that this a... For delphi bridge guy suspects death penalty if found guilty not have disposed of his voluminous posts Facebook., to commit the crime why a little more about school is when he remembered he had a degree forensics! Was still on probation Abby Williams shown in a video from Libbys phone and a cop St. case! Likely attacked an elderly woman or lone woman, etc his voluminous posts on Facebook, Chadwell wrote, Im... Quantico as far as I know exactly where you are LE I do what want. Know, should they let him back out on the street she asked, I... To commit the crime why not sat in the most striking similarity between the two cases voluminous posts Facebook... 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