They have their own den in their Clan's camp, where they sleep, store herbs, and treat wounded or . Aching Joints - Ragwort leaves, Juniper berries, Goldenrod, or Daisy leaves. All herbs, locations, usages, techniques, etc were found on the Warriors Wiki and in the official book. Ask the patient on about suspected complaints. Kits are the main victims of this, as they are curious and unaware of how dangerous they are. Sores: These are commonly caused by rough activity. Inhaling too much smoke and being bitten by a venomous animal. Rub on the cats body to get rid of fleas, or put it in ones nest, Use to kill ticks and fleas found in cats pelts, Usage/To Use- The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto the fur, Location- Can be found anywhere there are mice present, Usage/To Use- Store the leaves in a dry area until the time of usage. It is only a response to those actions taken at the gathering. Earn this Badge in: Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition. Twist the tail and keep pressure on it until you feel a tiny click, Determining a fever- Put your nose to a cats paw to test to see if they have a fever. Loaf essentially means love roleplays such as medicine cat x warrior cat, etc. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, and change in urine color, Deadly nightshade-One of the most toxic herbs, it can even kill a full grown Twoleg. Have one cat restrain the cat's hind legs so its easier for the medicine cat to relocate the shoulder. By WarriorCatsRP. Used to prevent tooth decay. The extract should have thickened into an ointment. Cats with damage on the surface of the iris will not regain vision. The result can range from mild to severe. Dab the moss onto the patient's eye, then close their eye for a few seconds to make sure the extract seeps into their eye. Chew on some fennel stalks to release the juice that is inside of them, put it on a clean moss ball, and dab it onto the cat's eye. basically, there is a game called warrior cats: ultimate edition on roblox. [11] Holly berry poisoning: If eaten a few times, it will cause stomachache, vomiting, and diarrhea. Give them a couple more poppy seeds after they wake up in case they are in pain, Loss of appetite- Encourage your patient to eat small amounts of prey. Cures cough; could be used to cure wounds and extract poison; stops cats from catching greencough; soothes sore throats and wretched legs; may be used to hide a cats scent. A normal amount of poppy seeds won't help much with the pain of a dislocated shoulder, but it is recommended to feed them some to take the edge off and relax them. Put the horsetail paste into some warm water, and mix it around. Sprains: Sprains are injuries to the ligaments of a joint, where the joint is stretched beyond its normal capacity and is possibly torn. Let's Go Luna! If a lot is ingested then it can cause severe stomachache, lethargy and drooling; it wont kill an adult cat, but it will kill a kit, Examine the physical state of your patient, Remember the patients symptoms and complaints, Analyze which symptoms are the most noticeable, Ask your patient on other suspected complaints, Determine a course of treatment for the complaints that stand out the most, Follow-up with your patient after the treatment to guarantee that the treatment is a success, Fever-Have the patient eat borage leaves and have them sniff lavender. Once done, place the extract on a dock leaf and let it sit in a cool area for a while. Fleas: Fleas are small, wingless insects that cling to furred animals to suck their blood. A moderate fracture involves the bone being broken into two pieces. Anxiety: Fatigue, restlessness, sweating, hyperventilation, irritability, racing thoughts or unwanted thoughts, trembling, and possible nausea. Apply a cold, damp moss ball to the bites several times a day to prevent swelling. Its tall mint-green stem and short yellow petals make it easy to spot. Severe flea bites: Clean the patient's pelt thoroughly with a wet ball of moss to clean and help get rid of the swollen areas. Kitten cough: A very mild version of a chest infection. The cat must rest for several days. Think you know all of the herbs listed in the Warriors books? The patient should only chew on the poultice. Dab a very small amount of cobweb in the hole to get rid of any excess blood, and do this daily until the patient is better. The next day the patient should be back to normal and be put back on duty. [61] Soothes infections, [62] smoke-damaged or sore throats, [61] helps cats swallow other concoctions, [60] helps soothe coughing, [59] and gives energy. After a while the paste should have turned into an ointment. Dislocated shoulder: Limited movement, physical deformity, swelling, bruising, severe pain, numbness, tingling, weakness down the arm and into the paw, and possibly inflammation. [18], Used for: controlling bleeding or binding bones. Only use this as a last resort, Dislocated tail- Curl your paw around the cats tail, close to the tip. Eye damage extract: Check the cat's eye to make sure that there isnt any damage to the surface of the iris. Make a comfrey poultice if they cant handle the itching. A severe fracture is when the bone is shattered into two or more pieces or completely crushed, and when this happens the patient will most likely never be healed, Shock (Physically)- Shock can occur and be a life-threatening result due to blood loss and or highly severe pain. The patient should only chew on the poultice. 4. The game was first released on August 15, 2019 for beta testing and was officially released on May 7th, 2021. Put a catchweed burr on top of the poultice to hold it in place. Its very likely that pain will recur even after the hole has healed. Make a small marigold pulp and rub it onto the cats pelt afterward; also recommended to rub mint on their pelt or put it in their nest. Place the marigold poultice over the desired area, the honey facing the wound. The reaction can range from mild to severe. If youre having trouble validating that they are sick, get a healthy cat and test to see the difference, Flea bites- Resist the urge to scratch, and apply a cold, damp moss ball onto the bites several times a day to prevent swelling, Coughs- Keep your patient hydrated. Cobwebs, a sticky web used to cover wounds to stop bleeding? Make sure that the sticks arent too high. Grab some moss and soak it in water and cleanse the area. When the book was published blackcough was a typo. If they are hungry, only allow them to eat small morsels such as mice. Ideal to collect in mid green-leaf, Produces healthier milk in greater quantity; also helps treat fevers, stomachaches, and relieves tight chests, Used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds, Time of growth- All year round. Dab a very small amount of cobweb in the hole to get rid of any excess blood and do this daily until the patient is better. This is a very important part of a medicine cat's life, which a lot of lists seem to leave out. A medicine cat cannot reject an injured Clan cat. Greencough: Coughing, phlegm, wheezing, breathless, fever, eye and nose mucus, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and vomiting. <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <div class="noScriptTag"><span class="copy">Please enable JavaScript.</span . Sprains are caused when too much force is placed on the muscle. They grow on small, light green bushes that are smaller than most of the other foliage. If the Clan has more than one medicine cat, the two will work side by side, as there doesnt have to be one medicine cat at a time. After the medicine cat returns, the extract should have thickened and become more solid. Pain extract: Find a willow tree and tear at its bark. Have them consume warm water as well. Once done, pour the extract onto a dock leaf and let it sit in a cool area for a bit. warriorcats20years - Free Twenty Years Collar. Chervil can most commonly be found in Snakerocks, deep in ThunderClan territory. Then, grab their leg in your jaw and have another cat keep them down in place so you have more control. Make sure that she has wet moss near her and possibly a small piece of fresh-kill. Undo. Queens lick the water off of the moss during the kitting process. Cobwebs can be easy to look over, though, and in some territories require effort to find. Have your patient consume cold water, and feed them an appropriate amount of poppy seeds. Put the comfrey in some water and stir it, and make sure it is a thick, moist consistency. Gather some honey, marigolds, and comfrey. Retweeted. No Clan cat is allowed to restrict them on their journey. Do not collect an herbs leaf if it is brown, crunchy, or has holes (Oak leaves may have an exception, though), Poultice- is a material that is applied to a part of the cats body to relieve pain, itching, swelling, etc, Aching joints poultice- Gather ragwort and juniper berries and crush the ragwort leaves into small bits, and smash the juniper onto the crushed ragwort. Do this until the medicine cat hears a click. Gather some cold, wet moss and apply it to the shoulder to minimize inflammation. First-degree burn/Sunburn: Mild inflammation, red skin, swelling, mild fever, peeling skin, rash, physical sensitivity, and itchiness. Used to kill a cat who cannot be saved, Deathberries/Yew Berries- Kills a cat in a matter of minutes. This can be caused by the mouth hitting a hard object, developing cavities, or biting a hard object, such as a bone from prey or from a battle. To do this, divide the herbs into categories, perhaps categorized by their specific uses. [20]. Only use this as a last resort. Bellyache - Chervil, Watermint, or Juniper berries. Feed them an appropriate amount of poppy seeds. If the backache is due to being an elder, their pain may never go away and you will have to treat them whenever they feel worst. Its smart to make poultices, pulps, pastes, ointments, and extracts beforehand, but throw them away if they arent used for 4-5 days afterward. Several herbs can be eaten, but none give any special effects to a cat when consumed; however, when chervil, yarrow, and dock are chewed, they leave the cat with a . Water soaking: Hold the swollen wound in water. Moss soaked in water: For sick or injured cats. Water hemlock: Foaming at the mouth, writhing, and severe pain; victim will become unconscious for a long length of time. The poultice should make the paw pad a lot softer, and the thorn will have disappeared. Eating rotten prey or drinking tainted water is also another common way to be poisoned. 12. Wounds: Put leaf mulch inside the large wounds. Holly berries- These arent as necessarily dangerous as deathberries, but they can be deadly if enough is consumed. Depending on the species of the snake, the victim may or may not end up being infected with venom. Form used in: applied using a stick. See more ideas about warrior cat oc, warrior cats, cat oc. Depending on the species of the snake, the victim may or may not end up being infected with venom, Burns- A burn is damage to the skin or deeper tissues caused by flame, staying out too long in the sun, or any other physical contact with heat. It is not recommended to give her poppy seeds, as she could become too sleepy to push. If a lot is ingested, then it can cause severe stomachache, lethargy, and drooling; very rarely will it kill an adult cat, but kits are more at risk of being killed by it. Though an herb's leaves and flowers are dead during leaf-bare, berries, bark, and broom are still able to be collected. Give them a couple of poppy seeds if needed. Second-degree burn: Red, white, or splotchy skin; physical sensitivity; fever; moderate inflammation; blistering; swelling; infection; and possible scarring. Have them drink cold water, and allow them to rest in their bed until they feel better. The reaction can range from mild to severe. Is it possible that it will happen? Put a catchweed burr on top of the poultice to hold it in place. Ill cats who can eat should only be given small morsels, such as mice, voles, and birds (the bird needs to be carefully defeathered). Keep the cat from walking for a moon. Have them wade in water if possible, Remedies without herbs and other techniques-, Nip or poke your claw- Gently poke your claw on a cats bone to test to see if its broken or not. It causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth, (Id also like to leave a note that Apple seeds are also very toxic to cats), Gather some fox dung and place it near and around patches of herbs to keep rabbits and any other animals away from the plant, Soak wilted leaves in water. In both the Original and New Prophecy games, different types of prey can be caught and used to heal an ally, improve their stats, or remove status effects on the ally. More Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki, Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki. This article is entirely fan-made and is not official. If it is severe it can take a little over a quarter moon (1-2 weeks). Once the kit is warm and dry, place it in front of the queen's stomach. Please note that blackcough does not exist. Take dead stems off of last season's growth on mint, rosemary, and tansy. Finding every herb in the game will reward the player with the Sage badge, unlocking the Star Scarf accessory. If they are hungry only allow them to eat small morsels such as mice, Sore throat- Have the cat eat a honeycomb, or paint on some honey to a dock leaf and let them lick it off. The leaves may also be eaten to act as a painkiller, Location- Anywhere; more commonly found in meadows and fields, Soothes scratches; It is known to sting when being applied; Soothes sore paw pads and also eases the pain of wounds; also used to vomit on, Usage/To Use- Chewed up and applied to scratches. Keep the cat from walking for a moon. Then, grab their leg in the jaw and have another cat keep them down in place so the medicine cats have more control. To unlock the Sage badge, players will . Either a dream or sign given by StarClan that shows prophetic significance of the future to warn about upcoming events. Plaster the poultice onto the broken bone, wrap the bindweed around the poultice, prop up some sticks under the leg, and bundle more bindweed around the sticks. Once formed, apply it to the source of the pain. Liked. Wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the area and add a few catchweed burrs on the edges of the cast when done. It can also be found by trees in ShadowClan. What more could you ask for? Awarded to players who bought and played the game while it was in Beta. Gather some tansy and more yarrow, and chew them both into a poultice. [60] Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Role-playing video game called Roblox Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition lets you live the life of a cat and is based on the fantasy television show "Warriors.". The leaves are eaten to help with indigestion, Usage/To Use- The roots are chewed into a poultice, Time of growth- All year round. 2. In severe cases, the tooth is completely shattered, which will leave nothing where the tooth used to be. The patient must rest for several days, and the medicine cat needs to keep a close eye on them. It is also recommended to keep them in a very quiet place. Plaster the ointment over the scratch, then chew on some burdock root and form it into a poultice. A moderate fracture involves the bone being broken into two pieces. I got all of these from teh Wiki page of WCUEThe Wiki page! Severe stomachache or vomiting: If the patient is vomiting, feed them grass. The patient needs to stay in their nest with no movement for a little over a moon. Make a comfrey poultice if they cant handle the itching, Pulp for fevers- Chew on some dandelion, and chew on a couple of borage leaves. Usage/To Use- Roots are chewed into a poultice. Once they're in small pieces, chew them until they're a fine mush, then add a small amount of water and stir. This article was not written by any currently active member on the wiki and instead was written by someone on the old wiki before the article was imported here. . Apply the poultice to the poisoned area, swathe it in cobwebs, and add a catchweed burr on top. The next day, the patient should feel better and be put back on duty. Head to the cat editor screen. Eating rotten prey or tainted water is also another common way to be poisoned. If not treated immediately then the cat will most likely die. If a cat vomits, which is followed by diarrhea, it can cause dangerous dehydration; bring the patient to a water source immediately after they vomit. Lick the kit the wrong way as soon as possible once the sac is off. It is commonly found in the rogues' barn, Carrionplace, and in the tunnel under the Thunderpath. Make sure to flush the patients eyes out thoroughly before proceeding. Have the patient rest all day. 12. There is no real cure in the Clan world, Broken tooth- Teeth are prone to cracking and able to fully break off the root. Its easier for the medicine cat can not reject an injured Clan cat, moist consistency this Badge:... 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