A nurse is talking with a client who reports constipation. What should the nurse do next? The nurse should recognize that the client is at risk for an allergic cross-reactivity to which of the following substances. a. hypertonic saline Which suggestion should the nurse include in the teaching plan? The nurse observes that the tube is connected to the wall suction, but it is not draining. C. Administer the enema while the patient sits on the toilet. Fresh fruit & whole wheat toast C. Rice pudding & ripe bananas D. Roast chicken & white rice B . Constipation is a clinical diagnosis based on symptoms of incomplete elimination of stool, difficulty passing stool, or both. Appendicitis B. Use the elements listed in the table to build medical words. D. Decrease insoluble fiber intake. d. Increase fiber slowly over a period of time to prevent gas. \text { derm/o } & \text { myc/o } & \text {-al } & \text {-osis } & \text { an- } \\ The nurse needs to collect a stool specimen for culture from a client. A. The bowel wall is stretched which stimulates peristalsis, B. What independent nursing interventions can be performed? C. Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables Instruct to splint incision when coughing and deep breathing Choose from the available options the most suitable response: 1. D. "Carbonated beverages can help control odor. Ensure that the client ingests a gallon of bowel cleanser, such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution, in a short period of time. c. "I will have a fecal occult blood test done every 5 years." C. Lubricate 5 inches of the rectal tube. He is timid and reluctant to talk about his urinary retention problem. b. c. softens and facilitates the removal of intestinal polyps B. increased sedation is achieved by higher doses of medication. c. pseudoconstipation 3 in (7.5 cm) A nurse is performing digital removal of stool on a patient with a fecal impaction. The nurse should explain the type of ostomy he will have is? A. c. "Do you prefer hot foods or cold foods?" c. Daily irrigation is necessary to assure passage of stool from an ileostomy. a. B. Defecation ________: This location is used for a temporary ostomy, with the stoma constructed as a loop. A. A nurse is replacing the ostomy appliance for a patient whose newly created colostomy is functioning. a. administration of a small-volume enema The nurse is replacing a client's ileostomy appliance and has identified that the diameter of the stoma is 3.5 cm. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? D. Adhesive past, If a fecal hemoccult came up to be positive, what color would it be? C. Ipratropium (Atrovent) Monitor urine pH. A. D. Reddened areas over bony prominences, B. The nurse is preparing to auscultate the bowel sounds of a client with a nasogastric tube in place set to low intermittent suction. Eliminate mouth care to reduce the possibility of dislodgment C. Hypertonic; Fleet's "This test will show if you have colorectal cancer." a. Administer the solution gradually over 5 to 10 minutes. b. c. A high urine glucose level "Where do you do your grocery shopping?" "Warfarin takes several days to work, so the IV heparin will be used until the warfarin reaches a therapeutic level.". 4. peripheral vascular function. What is the appropriate nursing intervention for this client? How many grams should be in the daily diet? Which factor is responsible for primary constipation? nurse is providing teaching to client who has peptic ulcer disease and is to start new prescription for sucralfate. If the specimen contains barium or enema solution, document this on the container. d. White cell count of 12,000/mL (12.00 109/L) Both ends of the bowel are brought through the abdomen to the skin surface as two separate sections. Select all that apply. When the nurse discusses dietary changes that can help prevent constipation, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend? During discharge instructions, you tell the patient they need to do the test how many consecutive days? B. c. Disconnect the nasogastric tube from the suction for 1 hour prior to the assessment of bowel sounds. Do you take Pepto-Bismol? A nurse is testing a client's stool specimen for occult blood. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results for a client who has a history of atherosclerosis and notes elevated cholesterol levels. ", A nurse is caring for a child who is in the postoperative period following a tonsillectomy. During the assessment, the nurse notices the stoma is pale. Patient complains of black stool. 2. _________: is typically created as an emergency procedure to relieve an intestinal obstruction or perforation. Select all that apply. a. b. c. Paregoric contains morphine and may be addictive. The nurse should recognize which of the following foods provided together on the same dinner tray can be in violation of the clients religious practices? a. brown rice (Select all that apply) A. e. diet soda with lemon, During data collection of a client with bowel elimination concerns, which appropriate questions would the nurse ask? b. Place the client on a bedpan in the supine position while receiving the enema. a. d. Since it uses a closed system, risk for urinary tract infection is absent, a. It is used to relieve flatulence. Every 8 to 10 hours B. D. Black, What important consideration should be taken when doing a fecal impaction? A. 162. \end{array} b. The nurse should plan care based on which of the following factors contributing to this postoperative complication? d. pasta, Data must be collected to evaluate the effectiveness of a plan to reduce urinary incontinence in an older adult patient. D. Apply barrier cream, Ostomies of the upper GI tract, Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy, are often used for what? The client drinks 8 glasses of fluid daily. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? Place the assessment steps in the correct order. Which of the following assessment findings requires immediate intervention by the nurse? E. Breast Milk, Incontinence is described as the inability to control defecation often caused by Which of the following is an expected finding? B. B. Which foods will the nurse recommend to avoid for a client with uncomfortable, frequent episodes of flatulence? a. The stoma is typically located on the lower left quadrant of the abdomen, and the output is formed. B. d. Steamed haddock, For which client would digital removal of stool be contraindicated? b. to prevent involuntary escape of fecal material during surgical procedures Tape a dry gauze pad over the distal stoma to collect drainage. How far will the nurse insert the suppository? d. clay colored c. Insert generously lubricated finger gently into the anal canal, pointing away from the umbilicus. Which statement provides evidence that an older adult who is prone to constipation is in need of further teaching? C. Absent urine output for 2 hr What outcome does the nurse identify that will be optimal for this client? When comparing the steps of a return-flow enema with a cleansing enema, what nursing intervention is unique to return-flow? Bloody, mucous-like bowel movements can occur. C. Weight loss Having Ms. young ignore the urge to void until her bladder is full Then calculate the velocity of each object after the collision for each situation. D. Blood-tinged mucus, C. Frequent swallowing and clearing of the throat, A nurse is completing the admission assessment of a client who has a kidney stone. A. Isotonic; Normal Saline A communicating wall remains between the proximal and the distal bowel. 1. ________: This is the location for a permanent colostomy, particularly for cancer of the rectum. d. Stroking Ms. youngs leg or thigh, b. Output is liquid to semi-formed. (Select all that apply.) Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to avoid? b. Limit intake of food high in animal protein. e. Teaching the client about the test Weight loss B. Bruising C. Constipation D. Blurred vision 26. d. Carminative, The nurse needs to collect stool for occult blood testing from an 8-month-old client. a. dark brown a. decreases A client who is constipated should eat eggs and pasta to relieve the condition. A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a client who will undergo surgery. Which statements accurately describe the action of specific antidiarrheal medications? d. Thoroughly cleanse the skin surrounding the stoma and allow it to dry completely before applying the ostomy pouch. Coffee Which data collection finding, if observed by the nurse, would confirm the nurse's suspicion? 2. a. C. Hiccups Handling the specimen A nurse working in a hospital includes abdominal assessment as part of patient assessment. This type of enema should be avoided in ___________ and ________________. E. Encourage the patient to rock back and forth while defecating, A. 1. skin integrity A client with constipation has been instructed to increase the intake of foods high in fluid. c. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract What should the nurse recommend that the patient eat to best increase the bulk and fecal material? How often should the nurse irrigate this tube? TPN is administered through a large central blood vessel; The solution contains sugar, proteins, and fat for increased calories; tests to monitor blood and urine glucose levels will be done The nurse is caring for a burn client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) at 75mL/hour. a. c. Visible waves of abdominal peristalsis d. Position the client on his side and administer a glycerin suppository. . C. Inadequate fluid intake. Place the client in a protective supine position to facilitate easy removal. The client traveled to South America two weeks ago. b. Postoperative ostomy prolapse can be avoided by twice daily irrigation for the first 4 weeks after surgery. b. b. "The client uses spray deodorant several times an hour to mask odor." B. d. "All four abdominal quadrants auscultated. c. "Do you use laxatives?" Scrambled eggs C. Strain urine for 48 hr. Bear down hard when defecating Drink four to five glasses of water daily. A nurse is teaching a patient with a new ileostomy about incorporating preventive strategies at home. c. Electrolyte imbalances What type of output is first expected from an ileostomy postoperatively? D. Review the pain scale, B. B. (Take the specific energy of coal to be, 30MJkg130 \mathrm { MJ } \mathrm { kg } ^ { - 1 } Which of the following clients should the nurse identify as being at risk for the development of pressure ulcers? This position is more comfortable for the patient. A nurse who is planning menus for a client in a long-term care facility takes into consideration the effects of foods and fluids on bowel elimination. (d) The stationary object is 106 times the mass of the moving object. Paralytic ileus 2. "Actually, people's bowel patterns can vary a lot and some people don't tend to go every day." Heart rate of 88 beats/min B. What nursing intervention would the nurse perform next based on this patient reaction? Which type of solution would be best suited to this client's needs? C. 6 D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. A nurse is reinforcing teaching a client who has peptic ulcer disease and is starting therapy with sucralfate. Select all that apply. ", Which procedures can be delegated to an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? a. Prone d. Increased anal area pigmentation, An older adult client tells the nurse, "I give myself a mineral oil enema every day." A. C. Use sitz bath d. lentils Some people love workinginthekitchen\underline{\text{working in the kitchen}}workinginthekitchen, while others dont. B. D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. b. cabbage Cleanse the skin around the stoma with warm water. 4. d. stopping the infusion, The nurse is caring for a client with constipation related to a small bowel obstruction. a. A nurse needs to administer a hypertonic enema solution to the client. 3. f. shrimp. c. Sliced red apples d. a turkey sandwich with whole-grain bread The nurse is evaluating stool characteristics of an adult client. A nurse is assessing four female clients for obesity. b. Constipation Diarrhea b. Anal fissures What solution best meets this client's needs? b. jejunum Position the bed flat and assist the client onto his or her left side. b. ice cream with lunch and dinner "I eat two eggs for breakfast each morning. d. ileum, A registered nurse is overseeing the care of numerous clients on an acute medicine unit. a. A nurse is caring for a client who has a fecal impaction. Causes abdominal discomfort Blood pressure B. Peroxide Teach the client how to use the PCA pump C. No purpose b. develops healthier bowel elimination patterns Press water from a sponge rather than bringing it. A nurse is following a health care provider's order to irrigate a client's NG tube. Overall, acute gastroenteritis accounts for than 1.5 million outpatient visits, 220,000 hospitalizations, and direct costs of more . Lower the solution after instilling about 150 mL of solution. Older adults should peel fruits before eating. Ignoring the urge to defecate. The nursing student is performing a focused gastrointestinal assessment. A client who has peripheral edema B. ______: The output is semi-formed because more water is absorbed while fecal material is in the ascending and transverse colon. d. Left lateral, A client with no significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea over the past week. D. A client who weighs 28% above ideal body weight. A patient has a fecal impaction. The healthy adult should drink four to six 8-ounce glasses of water per day. D. Diarrhea, What are some interventions used for fecal incontinence? The male urethra is more vulnerable to injury during inspection In which patients would diarrhea be a possible finding? Patients typically experience other symptoms such as hard stools,. A saline osmotic laxative b. alcohol Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Keep the ulcer bed dry. Gastroenteritis is prevalent in areas lacking adequate clean water and sanitation facilities. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who is experiencing preterm labor and has a new prescription for nifedipine. Diarrhea Replace legumes w/broiled meats B. Consume 1/2 cup bran/daily C. Leave the skin on when eating fruit D. Decrease fluid intake while increasing fiber Why does the left side in Sim's position or left lateral position most appropriate for insertion of an enema? Take 500 mg Which of laxative acts by causing the stool to absorb water and swell? d. The client eats five to six small meals per day. A nurse is assisting a patient to empty and change an ostomy appliance. C. Mineral Oil C. Reposition the client every 2 hr c. Will include fish one to two times per week. The nurse asks participants, "How will you know when a client begins to accept the altered body image?" The client has a nasogastric tube connected to suction. Insert the tip of the tubing 8 cm (3.1 cm). In light of the fact that the client's last bowel movement was the morning of surgery, what action should the nurse first take? A nurse is administering a cleansing enema to a client who is scheduled for a diagnostic procedure. Complete each statement by writing the correct word or words. C. Clean stoma with alcohol C. Increase cellulose and fluid in the diet C. Cheese b. A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who has a pressure ulcer on his heel. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client that reports having constipation. E. Assist with early ambulation, A client is being prepared for gastrointestinal surgery and undergoes a bowel preparation. a. administration of an antidiarrheal drug and continuance of the amoxicillin C. Select all that apply. Using your knowledge of the given term and its correct spelling, write a brief sentence for the term as it might appear in patient documentation. What will be the most likely outcome of the nurse's action? c. Provide a light meal before the test and administer two Fleet enemas. A. Flank pain that radiates to the lower abdomen e. Encourage the client to retain the solution. Remaining cards (76) Know retry shuffle restart 0:04 Flashcards Matching Snowman Crossword Type In Quiz Test StudyStack Study Table Bug Match 1. B. Consume 1/2 cup of bran daily. b. Eat plenty of raw vegetables before testing. b. primary constipation B. a. hypertonic saline b. What is the best response by the nurse? a. small-volume cleansing enema with isotonic solution A nurse is talking with a client who has gout. Sit on the toilet 30 minutes after eating a meal. When a client reports cramping during the administration of a cleansing enema, which nursing action is appropriate? b. b. Constipation related to physiologic condition involving the deficit in neurologic innervation, as evidenced by fecal incontinence Irrigate all catheters with sterile normal saline. Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device The patient states "Something just isn't right". In assessing the client for complications related to positioning, the nurse is most concerned with which finding? Red meat b. Percussion d. Reposition the rectal tube and check for any fecal content. a. social and emotional setting of the client. c. a client with a urinary tract infection A. Povidone-iodine B. Adhesive tape C. Latex D. Anesthetics. d. hypertonic saline, A client is prescribed a large volume cleansing enema and is concerned as to why the large volume is indicated. c. Inspection Which type of solution does the nurse gather? When the client has the urge to defecate. A. The parent asks if the specimen for testing can be collected from the child's diaper. A nurse on a medical-surgical unit is caring for four clients who are 24 to 36 hr postoperative. A nurse is establishing health promotion goals for a female client who smokes cigarettes, has hypertension, and has a BMI of 26. B. BPH has manifestations from urinary obstruction and a decrease in bladder contractibility and compliance. All steps must be used.) The client presses the call bell and tells the nurse that about feeling dizzy. a. light brown Which intervention is most important? a. When was your last bowel movement? A. Dehydrated Select all that apply. d. a client recovering from prostate surgery. b. Disconnecting and reconnecting the drainage system quickly to obtain a urine specimen. d. "Is the stool difficult to pass?" Removal of a client's NG tube has been ordered. 10 C. the risk of constipation is decreased. a. Soapsuds enemas act by stimulating peristalsis through intestinal irritation. A. b. application of a fecal incontinence device a. ____________________ Refrigerators and storage cabinets will be able to order foodstuffs online beforethecookknows\underline{\text{before the cook knows}}beforethecookknows the supply is low. What assessment questions would you ask someone who has constipation? Which of the following actions should the nurse take to alleviate the clients concern? a. a diabetic client with renal complications The nurse is caring for a client who has returned from gastric resection surgery with an indwelling nasogastric tube. The client has a daily fluid intake of 2,000 to 3,000 mL. Use between 500-1000 mL of solution. a. b. c. black C. Leave the skin on when eating fruit. d. Cirrhosis of the Liver, A nurse is caring for a client recovering from abdominal surgery who is experiencing paralytic ileus. c. "The client is willing to look at the stoma." c. Drink a soft drink daily to prevent gas and allow fiber to break down. c. Transporting the specimen Which responses by participants indicates a correct understanding of the material? Me molestaba que Carlos y Miguel no BLANK (venir) a visitarme. (a) The moving object is twice the mass of the stationary object. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor and report which of the following adverse effect of the medication A. d. administration of a large-volume enema B. Ignoring the urge to defecate C. Inadequate fluid intake D. Increased fiber in the diet E. Increased activity ANS: Excessive laxative use. B. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) C. This position allows the solution to flow downward by gravity along the curve of the sigmoid colon and rectum, thus improving the effectiveness of the enema, What is the fluid amounts for large-volume enemas? a. duodenum E. Urinary incontinence, B. c. The catheter is inserted 2" to 3" into to meatus Digital removal of stool may cause parasympathetic stimulation. What intervention would be most appropriate in this situation? What important information should be included in the teaching? Identify the sequence of steps the nurse should take to properly administer the enema. Select all that apply. The bowel wall is stretched which stimulates peristalsis. (Select all that apply.) click to flip Don't know Question Which symptom is a known side effect of antibiotics? Which nursing action is the recommended preparation for this test? As long as pure _________ soap is used, it is considered a safe procedure. Black tea (Select all that apply.) The nurse should explain the option that will allow is? Hematest-positive nasogastric tube drainage 3. b. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis If the patient was instructed to avoid foods that may have a laxative effect, the nurse would advise the patient to avoid which of the following foods? B. Instill 200 mL of fluid every 15 mins. D. Orthostatic hypotension, A nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative following abdominal surgery and reports incisional pain. Before administering this medication, the nurse should complete which priority assessment? c. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and administration of an antidiarrheal drug Report the onset of bright red bleeding to the surgeon. What color is your usual bowel? A nurse is scheduling tests for a patient who has been experiencing epigastric pain. Excessive laxative use B. Nursing questions and answers. A. C. Do you use anything to help you defecate? A bulk-forming laxative A nurse is administering a large-volume cleansing enema to a patient prior to surgery. D. Sore throat on swallowing, How does the nurse position a client with postoperative nausea and vomiting? d. Clients who want to self-irrigate their colostomy must sign a contract and agree to use the equipment only for its intended use. B. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? c. increases the volume of the stool, making defecation easier Excessive laxative use B. 4 A nurse is assessing a client who is preoperative and reports an allergy to bananas. a. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? B. A client who is postoperative Day 1 has rung the call light twice during the nurse's shift in order to request assistance transferring to a bedside commode. substiture salad dressing for Mayonnaise on sandwiches. c. Encouraging a generous fluid intake if not contraindicated by the patient's condition. B. The nurse is administering a rectal suppository. Select all that apply. d. Loperamide is an antimicrobial against bacterial and viral pathogens. prior to the enema. Increase dietary intake of raw vegetables Limit activity CONTINUE Previous question Next question C. Increase exercise activity. A nurse is caring for a client who has osteoporosis and takes a daily calcium supplement. A patient with the diagnosis of diverticulosis is advised to eat a diet high in fiber. Clean the wound from the outer edge towards the center. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about reliable sources of vitamin B 12 with a client who is pregnant. c. Blood pressure of 120/70 mm Hg a. Which guideline is recommended for this procedure? Repositioning the patient over the bedpan in the dorsal recumbent position might help. b. Abdominal distention Which of the following should be included in the client's diet? b. provides an outlet for diarrhea to be funneled into a collection unit 3 Auscultation "What are your normal bowel habits?" b.nature and amount of food eaten by the client. C. Use water-soluble jelly for lubrication. f. Attapulgite does not interfere with the absorption of other oral medications. B. B. A. C. This position allows the solution to flow downward by gravity along the curve of the sigmoid colon and rectum, thus improving the effectiveness of the enema. A nurse is preparing to perform a urinary catheterization to obtain a urine specimen for a client. Discontinue the administration of the enema They include increased intracranial pressure, glaucoma, and rectal or prostate surgery. E. Lean turkey, A. Kidney beans Calculate the rate at which water must flow away from the plant. "I need to take a laxative such as milk of magnesia if I don't have a BM every day". D. Whole wheat bread What should not be used on stomas? A nurse in a provider's office is obtaining a history from a client who is being evaluated for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In the hospital, a clean technique is used for catheter insertion Encourage the use of the incentive spirometer every 2 hr b. D. Decrease fluid intake while increasing fiber. Which of the following actions should the nurse take when collecting the specimen? Preventive strategies at home against bacterial and viral pathogens assessing four female clients for.... Use anything to help you defecate assessing four female clients for obesity quadrant of the following is an antimicrobial bacterial! Anything to help you defecate take first by participants indicates a correct understanding of the upper GI tract Gastrostomy! Calculate the rate at which water must flow away from the plant discontinuation of the following statements should the should... Achieved by higher doses of medication comparing the steps of a client no... Of magnesia if I do n't tend to go every day. tract Gastrostomy! Described as the inability to control defecation often caused by which of amoxicillin... Tube connected to the assessment of bowel cleanser, such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution document. 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