A publisher called Beacon Publishing Group (there seem to be a few legit pubs called Beacon, though) is using cover images of books it does not publish in its "Available Now" section on its website. Is it a scam? They are a wonderful company to work with. If it's another one that I haven't been able to find with a quick Google search, then you should be vary wary. See the "Vanity Presses" part of our article (the first one). To help you protect your work, your bank account, and your dignity, here are the types of shady companies and book publishers you should avoid: Who wouldnt love it if a publisher offers to reprint one of your self-published titles or publish your next book, right? Every author or speaker who needs to get their message out should use traditional publishing with random house who takes over your book rights and pays out a meager 8.25% of every sale? At Reedsy, we vet each professional by verifying their professional experience, ensuring that every freelancer on our platform either has a wealth of traditional publishing experience, or is a seasoned and well-reviewed collaborator on indie books. Ive contacted a few authors who have used them but would like more input. BBB has no opinion of them yet. He pushed me for one hour to make a huge deposit payment at the same day. Administration Anyone had experience with this Company? File your review. What's your opinion on WebNovel? https://authoracademyelite.com/ourauthors. It is available on line at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Walmart - Hard Cover, soft and all digital formats. Scroll down and check it out :). I am already published with a registered copyright. I would like to know as well. We're hearing a lot of 'book fair' offers but if you've been contacted out of the blue, then chances are they're looking to make money off of you. My personal experience. to get featured in New York Times. Cookie Notice We have spent a considerable amount of money for the printing (paperback US $5 - $7 per book) and distribution through Ingram of our book over the past couple of years with not a lot of return. Their submission page seems to indicate that authors pay no fees if the book is selected for publication, which is a good sign. Please advise. I Googled the name but got no red flag reviews. Before you recommend that I could do this myself, please know I a fairly computer illiterate and it will probably not get done. Has anyone had experience publishing a children's book with Outskirts Press? It seems like it would cost me the same or more to do it all individually!- thanks much. Beacon Publishing Group publishes great authors and books in all genres. - they have a paid "beta reading" service, when beta readers are generally free; I am wondering about White Bird Publishing--it seems to be a hybrid publisher but not claiming to be. Thank you for shouting at me. I have published with them before but they were bought out recently and I am unsure about them now, as I have heard some negative things. Thanks! If it is a reputable company, no problem. it's not a publishing company but they offer marketing for your book.. Is Rushmore legit. Hi, do you have any experience with Advantage Books? My gut says its not Legit. Thank you for saving me my money & my sanity! They look like a self-publishing services company, with relatively low prices (especially for cover design) but a number of oddities: Well I spent 6 months learning everything from scratch. I'm in a vicious battle with them myself right now. What can you tell me about Outskirts Press. There is a fee. That doesn't sound like a great deal at all. Has anybody had dealings with Mulberry publishers? They are located in Richmond, Virginia. Thanks in advance. And they don't need money from me to do that. I hope you get your money back and they cease preying on writers who are sincere about bringing the plight of mental illness to readers. He even tried to give me a good deal by lowering the price to $3,000. Yes, they have done everything they said they would do, except put my book in bookstores. It's free to publish and sell on Amazon both for the ebook and the print book you should never pay a third-party company for that. And, in a couple of incidences I told the company I will not be harassed or intimidated to publish when I felt the manuscript was not completed to my liking, Thanks for such invaluable information. If you're ready to put in the time and effort to research it then you don't need to pay $5k for someone to teach you Save that money for editing, design and marketing. Some of them have open reading period just for a limited period of time when some others are available to read your poetry for all year-round. Has anyone heard of Renley Rudolf? It houses its own audio book imprint Beacon Audiobooks. During #pitchmad at Twitter, I was contacted by Uproar Books, which is a fairly new hybrid publisher. What do you know about Rushmore Press? File a Complaint. I wish my friend had read this. Distributed by Ingram, published by Covenant Books. and our The big ones are in London and Frankfurt (and Bologna for childrens books), and almost anyone can book a table at these events. After a year and two extensions, my friend was tired of excuses and wanted the manuscript. .. and ever since it hit 30+ reviews on Amazon, my phone has been ringing. with a "let us help you market you book better" sales pitch. In order to purchase the E-book you have to pay through their website and they don't take Paypal. Convenant publishing company is an hybrid company. Are they legit, or am I being scammed? Thankfully I bolted before handing over funds. Do you have any input on Mango Publishing? I don't plan to click on the link because I never do that if I'm not certain of where it will take me. I am interested to see what you find out. Writers who ask too many questions, or balk at spending yet more money, may simply be ghosted. They are a Christian publishing house, and have accepted my Christian manuscript. Without a doubt, do your research and avoid rip off vanity houses. Is Rushmore press legit. My 15 year old daughter wrote a book and writers Republic wants to publish it. Are they scammers? They said they pay her to place the books plus she gets part of the royalties. I also googled her company and I did not find it. Beacon Publishing Group is a registered trademark. I have been contacted by Authors Press wanting me to attend a book fair in Arizona and they want to put my novel on the shelf at their bookstore. Format. If you're going to spend $5k, hire a really good editor, a really good proofreader, a top cover designer, and publish the book yourself. This rare achievement in American publishing is a milestone a mere handful of active houses can claim. Beacon has a broad array of titles in fiction & non-fiction, including business, young adult, history, romance, mystery, horror, comedy, childrens, health & wellness and more. How much would that cost ! Beacon Publishing Group | 152 followers on LinkedIn. Is Covenant Books of South Carolina reputable? Yes, New Reader Magazine can be considered a scam, and we're getting a lot of notifications from authors asking us about them, meaning they're actively trying to sell their overpriced services. As a rule of thumb, a small press can be considered legit if: Ugly Ducking Presse are definitely a legitimate non-profit publisher. Both are non-fiction. There was no editing as was promised and it didn't seem like the story was about him. I just received a call from Go To Publish.com, who, for $2000, want to promote my book by doing all of the online marketing themselves and this includes setting up a website for me. Export for ebook and print. Beacon Publishing Group Does anybody know anything about them? They say they can send my story on to the Hollywood Data Base to possibly become a screenplay. I'm taking the case to the attorney general. I have always believed . reasonable costs for self-publishing services, read more about our selection criteria here. I DID go with Balboa and it was a horrific mistake. My first thought was, house of literary what? I've been sent a contract by Morgan James and they are wanting me to purchase 2,500 copies at print cost + $2.00 per unit. I was asked to submit 2 chapters of ms to an acquisitions agent. Beacon Publishing Group accept all genres of Fiction and Nonfiction. Yes, you! Hello, Reference to a spot at the LA book expo. And that covers most of the publishing companies you want to steer clear of in your career as an author. They say they will put my book in a London book fair. Why? Having a quick look at their website, it's hard to tell what their business model is. I did a reverse search on the phone number and it's legit as is the website. I am talking my case to the attorney general because they do not have a physical address listed anywhere on line or on their sites and they are not listed with bbb you can not file a complaint. The acronym may make it sound more complicated than it is, but getting an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is not like joining the Illuminati: you dont need a special introduction or to be someones important grandchild. I left them my email. Christian Faith Publishing. Others have asked about them in the comments as well. Considered one of the most prestigious publishing houses in the U.S., Beaconfounded in 1854 by the American Unitarian Associationhas a long and storied history promoting the works of such social justice activists and intellectual luminaries as James Baldwin, Mary Daly, Howard Zinn, and Dr. Cornel West. I kept reiterating it wasnt about there necessarily being shared costs, but rather that they were never upfront with me about sharing costs and none of that was delineated in the contract. They're located in Brooklyn and they distribute books in different countries. And for distribution, if you want to do it without fuss, you can use a distribution service like Draft2Digital which charges nothing upfront, but will take 10% of retail price. I didn't agreed to anything and had several red flags in our phone conversations. I'm a new author and so far have attempted to have my books published via the traditional route, submitting my work to various agents, only to receive one form letter rejection after another. They replied within a week and were interested, so I'm immediately skeptical. A look at their 'recent books' section will pretty much tell you what you need to know. Plus all of them want thousands for dollars to republish and I haven't even made out on what I spend with x-libris. Earlier today I approached Ugly Duckling Presse about publishing my father's bilingual poetry book. To contact an author, acquire copyright clearance or return a physical book order, send to: BPG Customer Service 7075 Cross County Rd. And you can usually sniff them out by the fact that their prizes are not really prizes. They mention on their website (which looks pretty poor) that their co-operative publishing deal involves them covering 75% of the cost, while the author pays for the remainder. Their publishing 'packages' are not as ridiculously expensive as a lot of hybrid or vanity presses. She asked me to give her submissions of some of my writing I copied and pasted them into a email to her. Just got an email from them. Are you suspicious of a certain company? They are a company who is questionable in its ethics. We wish you the best with your book. Congratulations on winning one of their contests and receiving a (positive) free review from them! 5k plus for this book..and it only has a nice cover. Sorry to hear that we've got not much to add beyond "avoid at all costs" and see if you can block their number. I am currently working on a book, and I was found a publisher she seems nice but her contract is 3 years at a time it stats that she can republish etc. One of the leading traditional book publishing houses in the industry. From the research I've done, it's one of the many courses started by semi-successful authors who're looking to monetize their knowledge of publishing. Lets dig into some of the miraculous marketing solutions that authors are often sold: Press Releases. Our books are available to the public wherever books are sold, including: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, mass market retailers, specialty retailers, gift stores and fine independent bookstores nationwide. They do editing, print formatting, cover design, and eBook conversion but you can also provide your own finished files, and their technicians will check the files over for any technical issues before printing, converting or distributing. They have approached me about marketing my book but I am feeling uneasy. However, it's tough to know what to think without seeing their agreement. Something or Other Publishing? Do you know if Trilogy Publishing Company, a subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network, a Vanity Publishing or a Traditional Publishing Company? If they ask you to pay for anything/co-finance the book, then you should start looking deeper, but they seem like they could be legit. These are all vanity publishers, with a really bad reputation. Do you know who the cheif executive is? Thanks for weighing in Reedsy. For one thing, traditional publishers take ALL RIGHTS for the life of your copyright in exchange for whatever they offer the author. 50% royalties may sound good but is that something they offered you because your book has already been published, and they won't edit it? We need to watch our step. But dear God think a little tons of people will pay more for one-stop-shops. Have you heard of Covenant Publishing? The biggest problem at Beacon is the higher management. DAW Books Does anyone know where I could find a reputable (preferably Christian) publisher that has a lot of experience in comic books/graphic novels? Is Dream books Distribution in Hollywood a scam? I have accumulated knowledge and a diverse set of skills in finance, management, operations, contract negotiation, rights and permissions, and royalty accountingall of which play a role in my work here at Beacon. All they care about is upselling you as much as possible. You can even get it in England and Australia, but when you walk into a brick and mortar bookstore, you have to ask them to order it for you. In the US, registering that copyright simply provides a few statutory rights when it comes to claiming damages and it should only cost you $45 to apply for it online (as of February 2022). Is Madison seidler editor services a scam? If youre not planning to distribute to brick-and-mortar stores, youll probably be fine without an ISBN. Vanity presses pretending to be traditional publishers, 2. Where I had finally had enough and requested to be refunded at first they were apologetic, then blamed me, by the end of the seven hour debate back and forth through email they were threatening me and terminated my contract while still never reimbursing me. Please let me know if you've heard of these type of interviews and their formalities. I appreciate you looking out for writers but this is biased nonsense. Any information on Eliezer Tristan Publishing? We expect our authors to be kind and respectful, but as demonstrated above by you calling Laura (a woman that has zero to do with the parting) a sidekick is plain disrespectful. What kind of companies are Author House and Christian Faith Publishing? I've seen some other people on forums from a few years ago asking about this company and whether or not they're legit, but I haven't seen anyone get any definite or recent answers. In 90% of the cases, when you receive an unsolicited email or phone call, it's not going to be from a reputable publishing company. We remove all the hassles that delay the project and direct your manuscript at the hand of highly experienced team.". What could you tell me about them? With only a quick look, they seem like a company that's to be avoided. Also, I'm almost 100% certain that the 5% cut would be on top of anything the retailer takes, so you'd likely get less than if you were to distribute it on Amazon yourself. Any advice about working with Dudley Court Press, advertised as a hybrid publisher? Have you heard anything about FriesenPress, Trilogy Publishing or Authorhouse? Getting involved with ETP is easily one of the biggest mistakes I've made and i'm consulting a lawyer about taking charges against them. You are the customer and they don't care if you sell one copy. Reedsy is more than just a blog. More about it here: https://blog.reedsy.com/how-to-self-publish-a-book-on-amazon/, This information really helped me. Thank you. My guess is that their services will involve little more than making you a book trailer, maybe setting up some Facebook ads and perhaps getting you a "guest blog" on some site you've never heard of. Author House is a renowned scam, yes, but Johnny above was referencing a different company, Author's House, which both chose its name pretty poorly and also seems like another scam (focused on reviews). You might even be happy to pay some fees to get the ball rolling on the production process. This is something every writer needs. What do you know about 'Books Agency Plus? My advice is to steer clear.". I vetted YOP before I jumped in and found nothing but Victoria said they were a fairly new company with only a handful of clients. They are fraudulent and they revise to even address the fact they were in breech of contract ever though it was pointed out in ever single email I sent to them. Do you have a view on UNITED PC Publishing company, a subsidiary of NOVA? Any thoughts would help. I told him to use the U.S. mail. eliezer tristan publishing is a scam. Many of those companies will outsource the work to low-priced freelancers or get their interns to do it. If you're looking to distribute your book, we have a good post comparing the different ebook distributors out there: https://blog.reedsy.com/ebook-distribution/. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3545c85ed81996924e0e68383a9d488f86723352d6e727c4166f4174bdbb80b9.jpg. That puts me on the fence about this company. The thing to bear in mind is that you need to pay upfront for their services AND also a cut of the royalties As always, do your homework and research the books they've published on Amazon. I'd be wary of any publisher who asks for a fee irrespective of sales. Do you know anything about this company? Performance & security by Cloudflare. Non-Fiction Books We consider both academic and general trade books. I've had a look at their site, and they look fairly legit as hybrid publishers go. It was expensive and a huge mistake. We've had a run of comments about Gold Touch cold-calling authors in the past month. Please tell what you know about Covenant Books. Additionally, they bloat the cost of your book and make it so expensive that it can't possibly align with industry standards. I just saw a list of scammers and they were on it. I looked them up BBB and google complaints and havent seen anything negative and a a little positive. However she do have other authors that she have published under her and they seem happy. Does anyone know anything about Capstone Media Services? Sometimes vanity presses pose as hybrid publishers, so head to our post on hybrid publishing to understand that model better. What do you think? Hi, I've been presented with a deal to re-publish my first book; and then to publish my 2nd book (manuscript completed). Youre not a well-known author, that kind of attitude? http://easton-books.com/store. A friend of mine published his first book on their site. Anyone ha e experience or knowledge about FolioAvenue. Screenplay adaptations/coverage. Did you know that if you dont register the copyright of your book, literally anybody could claim it as their work and profit from it? I got a call from Authors Press last night. the cost is for me working with them and their team that would do the proofing, editing, layout, cover and marketing. Am I being scammed? Be aware of Trafford Publishing. My first effort was with Westbow Press. See if there are any reviews and check out the quality of the covers they design that tends to be a dead giveaway. Avoid Prodigy Gold books at any cost. This doesn't sound like a legitimate operation to me. You wrote "But with the traditional business model, publishers are incentivized to release quality books and foster long, healthy relationships with authors." Do not give them any money. Try to get editing done before submission. I pulled out of my contract with them as they werent transparent about incurring costs. We since pulled the book because our single contact (who seems to be the only person there) was starting to comb my voice out and replace it with hers. It cost me exactly $2.75 the charge for ONE proof copy. Find the perfect editor for yournextbook. They promote to the mentally ill, I'm sure as easy prey. BBB handles complaints regarding any business, whether or not the business is a BBB Accredited Business. They appear to sell books and audiobooks in retailers like Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and published their latest book, "Ambush at Fig Tree Gulch," in April 2022. What is one book on our list that has influenced your thinking on a particular issue? Some bigger publishers won't consider any writer who doesn't go through an agent. I am trying to fully research my options before selecting a route for publishing my children's book. I didn't happen to see anything about iUniverse. He didn't mention any costs that might be involved as well as nothing says about it on their website. Sent in my children's book, WOW--TO A CHILD CHRIST RETURNED--for review. Good luck to you! Thanks- It was really hard to read. If it is truly legit. His claims don't seem to pan out. In terms of where and how to find literary agents, check this out: https://blog.reedsy.com/find-literary-agents/. It is expensive but promises to give royalty's to the author. Theres never been any evidence of successful pitches, but these services will surely cost you a pretty penny. Stay away from these people , there are better ones out there. Simply by virtue of them owning that IP. To their credit, they seem pretty transparent about their costs. https://thenewpress.com/, What about Author Elite Academy and Kingdom Builders. They also charged him $15 to put it on Amazon. recently concluded a 6 month contract with YOP. Have any of you worked with them from this side of the aisle? Wrong. I want to know have anyone heard about this company. Do you know anything about Mulberry Books Publishing House? A soon add the lawsuit is over I will be creating a page dedicated to warning writers with proud of all of my claims including all of three emails to and from as well as the contract. For $125, any author can buy an ISBN through Bowker in the USA or Nielsen in the UK: agencies that issue ISBNs and cannot profit from their sale. Is anyone familiar with Covenant Publishing? Have a great day. Also, it's important to note that we don't know of any company that can provide you with an effective "marketing package". I can't find anything about them either, which is generally a bad sign (a reputable publisher, even small, would have a website). I do have a very real 65,000 word manuscript that I thought TBN was good to publish, but I do not have $5,000. So many self publishing companies email and call me often to republish with them but some are started this year and they do have 100% royalty and good stuff or so they say but with so many scam companies I avoid them all and don't talk or email them back. And if you still don't hear back, hire an IP attorney to try to get the rights back. I've checked their website and it seems to pass the initial smell test. Only in business a year. CW. If youre willing to work, this is an astounding resource. Plus from my understanding of the entertainment business, producers aren't commonly trawling a database looking for spec scripts. Ok thank you. They don't even have to publish the book. Become a member today to discover how we can help you publish a beautiful book. One can purchase as many or fewer services as needed. Thank you for the info on screen plays. If you're writing fiction, the straightest line is always through an agent: https://blog.reedsy.com/find-literary-agents/ To understand why publishing with a vanity press is a terrible idea, head on over to the next post in this guide, which discusses the dangers of paying to publish. It may sound great that they'll do "everything for you", but in reality what that means is that you lose editorial control over your book: they decide who'll do the editing, they'll do the cover, and they decide all the metadata when distributing the book. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/745f905065faff4281ca4b5da6262bf6bd5b21369f166868d38656d08de68adb.jpg. Just got accepted to Page Publishing? Get exclusive updates on new releases, bestsellers, and more. Process of Complaints & Reviews. Either way, it's not an amazing royalty for an author who's footing the cost of production. Whats your opinion of Rushmore Press? I googled BBB and Xlibris and saw an A+ rating but only one star and I didn't see Xlibris anywhere, but the name Authors House. Or you can search for professionals on Reedsy. AuthorHouse is extremely unethicalstay far far away. I baled. If they claim to be publishers, they may be benefitting from having a similar name to Pearson, which is a major publishing group. and I googled them, How was this possible? I am sceptical because I've received so many of these calls. They tend to cater to 'hands-off' self-publishing authors, so you may find that there are more affordable options you can find with a quick Google search (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, Reedsy). I wouldn't be able to recommend similar publishers to you as we don't keep a list on Reedsy, however I'd suggest you take a look at Poets & Writers and Authors Publish as resources. 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