They need to trust you in order to open up to you.It might be the case that (s)he refuses to bond with you in such a way because she’s running away from any close affection.What they’re assuming about people, in general, is not that far from the truth. This is where the problem lies: You inevitably do come down.Thinking about someone, wishing the best for that person, doing the best to make him or her happy and, well, caring for that person just as much as -- if not more than -- yourself, that's what love is. Loving, on the other hand, doesn't give you such constant reminders.However, life always manages to give us those reminders. The emotions that come with it are just the perks.Being in love is wanting to own a part of the other person.

You can't make progress and continue building something greater forever. It’s just that their past has made them that way.That’s the main reason you can’t buy them with promises or sweet talk. Their memory, the thought of them, makes us feel strong emotion. Loving a person is something that defines you -- it defines the person you are. Their presence in our lives has had such an incredible influence on us that, because of them, we are different people.Being in love is easily recognizable, as it makes you feel a constant yearning, a constant need. They have incredibly intense emotions and often so many questions in their head that they’re afraid of showing to others.When you hug a person, you are promising comfort and perhaps friendship intentionally, and a guarded person is pretty much aware of it.It’s just that they are social, but only when they choose to be so.Your only opportunity to know what’s going on in their world will be when, and if, they decide to let you in.That will be the first time you’ll see that human being acting strange and seemingly ‘out of order’.Thanks to their failed past relationships, they are trained to recognize new potentially dangerous romantic relationships.They are the very consequence of their pasts and everything they have been through. Gauge if the person is happy to be around you. That couldn't be any further from the truth.You believe this person to be the most amazing specimen you have ever encountered. Sadly, this way of thinking usually wears off as soon as the feel-good chemicals wear off. When you're in love, the chemicals in your brain and body make you feel as if the person is the greatest person in the world.Hearts were broken repeatedly over the years, and although I wish the pain could have been avoided, the experiences taught me more than any book or class ever could.Being in love is believing you need someone in order to be happy.They may remove themselves, or be removed, from our lives, but they never leave our minds.

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