This is a visual representation of the price action in the market, over a certain period of time. Unlock full charts - open a free demo account. 26381.2. Trade Weekend Wall Street | Live Weekend Wall Street Stock Index Price | Weekend Wall Street | IG UK. afp, le 06/07/2020 à 15:31; Modifié le 06/07/2020 à 16:37; Lecture en 2 min. CFD trading may not be suitable for everyone and can result in losses that exceed your deposits, so please consider our Risk Disclosure Notice and ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.Weekday markets may be closed, but volatility doesn’t take weekends offIf your aggregate position is larger than Tier 1, your margin requirement will not be reduced by non-guaranteed stops.Discover opportunity in-platformThe information on this site is not directed at residents of the United States and Belgium, or any particular country outside Switzerland and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.Identify the right time to trade with free technical signals, on indices and morePlease note: we have tried to ensure that the information here is as accurate as possible, but it is intended for guidance only and any errors will not be binding on us.Get The Week Ahead, our free rundown of the coming week’s market-moving events and forex pairs to watch, delivered to your inbox every Sunday.FTSE 100 from 4 points and more 24-hour markets than anywhere else. Stops and limits on these weekday positions will not be processed during weekend trading and order to open positions and trailing stops will not be accepted. Registered address at 42 Rue du Rhone, 1204 Geneva, authorised and regulated by FINMA.Be notified when a market changes an amount, hits a level or meets your technical conditions 26411.2 -37.3 pts (-0.14 %) High: 26449.4. Find out more about why you should trade indices with IG Bank.Your aggregate position in this market will be margined in the following tiers:Analyse index price action on our fast, reliable HTML5 chartsReact to the latest market news in-platform, where you need itThis website is owned and operated by IG Bank S.A. 金融・マーケティング分野の機械学習システム開発や導入支援が専門。SlofiAでは主に海外情勢に関する記事、金融工学や機械学習に関する記事を担当。兎にも角にも月曜日はサンデーダウの数値が影響されるので、少なくとも日本株は、低めから入れば日銀期待の相場となり、先物が無駄に上げてからのスタートとなれば寄り天になるのではないか。昨日21日日曜日のサンデーダウは455.4ドル安の25,416.1ドルをつけた。正式名称Weekend Wall Streetであるサンデーダウは、IG証券が休日に提供するサービスで付く価格で流動性は低く、基本的には参考程度の数値でしかない。但し、これくらい大きく価格が動くと、月曜日の市場に影響を与える可能性がある。特にアメリカのデモの影響で新型コロナウイルス感染者数は再び増加傾向になってきており、第一波が終息する傾向が全く見られないのは重要である。トランプ大統領は感染者数を抑える事よりも経済活動再開を優先しているが、この傾向が続ければ経済的なネガティブな見通しが強まり、大統領選再選の可能性が更に低くなる。そうすれば回復傾向にあった原油価格が調整されれば、再び大幅に調整するというシナリオは十分に考えられる。
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