Somit ist sichergestellt, dass es zu keinerlei Fällen von ungültigen Keys oder illegal erworbenen Produkten kommt.Du hast keine Artikel in deinem Einkaufswagen.© 2017 Möchtest du News und Updates zu aktuellen Videospielen, Neuerscheinungen, Bewertungen, Videos, hinzugefügten Spieletiteln sowie den besten Rabatten, die es online zu finden gibt? Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2 Hakkında. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. No one can reveal the existence of Vampires to regular humans. Discover more about the … A City Run on Blood : Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 casts you into the foggy streets of Seattle as a fledgling vampire hungry for blood and answers. Buy Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2 Steam Key now from and receive your key instantly. In Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 it will also be possible to choose between three preset classes: chiropteran characters manipulate bats; mentalism class allows the use of psychic powers and the nebulation class can transform the Vampire into a mobile mist.

Vampir terörü eyleminde senin varlığın Seattle kan ticareti savaşını körüklüyor. Yep! Delve back into the world of Masquerade in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2.A direct successor to the legendary Bloodlines immersive sim, Bloodlines 2 takes you on a trip deep into Seattle’s blood-spattered underworld, letting you uncover various conspiracies as you go. I'm trying to write everything I know though, so it's taking a while! All the citizens of this society are bounded by one rule - do not break the Masquerade. Decide between the old-blooded founders of the local coteries and the youngbloods seeking to disrupt their business.

very helpful, thanks.

¡Comprar Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 más barato en Instant-Gaming, la referencia para comprar tus juegos al mejor precio con entrega inmediata! Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 will have you taking up the role of a detective, seeking the truth behind this unsanctioned incident.VTMB 2 presents rich narrative and solid world-building defined by different Vampire political factions and clans. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 - Join the DiscordBloodlines™ 2: First Blood PackSeattle has been under Kindred rule since the 1850s. ... Are you using the steam community guide to do this? Dann abonniere noch heute unseren Newsletter und spiele als einer der Ersten!Steam account required for game activation and installation Als offiziell zugelassener digitaler Händler haben wir eine digitale Vertriebsvereinbarung mit den Publishern, was uns das Recht einräumt, deren Produkte zu verkaufen. Mit direktem Zugang zu den Publishern sind wir in der Lage, maximale Sicherheit, Produktauthentizität und -garantie sowie umfassende Kundendienstleistungen zu garantieren. p.s. In a similar way to the original, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is inspired by a tabletop RPG game of the same name but you will also feel the influences and style of the Underworld movie franchise. While the tabletop game presented up to 13 clans, VTM Bloodlines 2 will have five clans that the player can join (while the others will be featured as NPC characters). Developer Hardsuit Labs and publisher Paradox Interactive present

The game takes place in particular districts of Seattle that are controlled by a secret subculture of Vampires known as the Masquerade.

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