In an attempt to defend himself, Riley kicks Ronald in the crotch, resulting in Ronald shouting in pain and alerting the other children. As Ronald is pulled up, he kicks Grandpa's hand, causing the powder to go into Grandpa's face. After throwing Ronald into them, Grandpa grabs blinding power and takes a fistful, as Grandma pulls a metal ladder into the ring and lays it on the middle rope. Ron is injured by this, with blood running down his face. A man runs towards Ronald and does a martial arts kick through the air as Ronald ducks the man's kick. Ronald next beat up the male employee and shot him in the temple. Ronald and the McDonalds then do a victory cheer as they drive off, destroying the sign as it is being dragged by the truck while Danny runs after them upon realizing he has been left behind, ending the live stream.A while later, Gilly licks the blood of Grandma Graham's corpse in the floor. Ronald bitch-slaps the man across the face. The video starts in the bathroom of a birthday party where the birthday boy named Riley is being harassed by older bullies. He then brings out a knife, smashes the phone, and grabs the bird's cage and throws it on the ground. Ronald puts the chainsaw down and grabs a cup. Ronald hides and hits the man (who was chasing him) in the face. Ronald runs off to find help, but he sees the Grahams driving by, with Ronald realizing they're responsible for Daisy's death. After dodging one of the house's glass furniture thrown off by Jimmy, Ronald whacks Big Bird in the face with his shovel and fires his pistol at Jimmy in the head, killing him. Exhausted and injured, Ronald is finally pinned down and loses a three-count, making Grandpa Graham the winner. Ronald shoots him again and rips his hood off to hold up in the air, which was seen on the restaurant's CCTV footage.However, Danny starts talking serious conversations about they are relatively close to a McDonald's, resulting in Ronald threatening to kill them. Afterwards Ronald takes his hat, urinates on the Hamburglar's corpse, spits on him then gives the destroyed Happy Meal back to the family, only for the mother to say that Ronald is messed up. Ronald follows her outside, where he is clobbered and thrown into several glass objects. With both Ronald and Grandma injured, a stretcher arrives for Ronald as Grandma leaves. Daisy says they are, while Ronald starts bluffing.This video is Ronald's twenty-first appearance. Then they engage in a melee as the Drive-Thru cashier joins the fight. The phone rings, saying that the daughter of the Grahams is calling.
Secretly, Ronald wanted the worker's favorite burger was the best burger in McDonald's. - YouTube As he is being taken around the arena, Grandpa ambushes Ronald, who escapes another three-count before being tossed onto the ring.
Though he fights back, Ronald is tossed onto a burning table by Grandpa. The man yells. They start egging the sign with the eggs supplied by Grandma McDonald, as they also throw the cartons at the sign, laughing maniacally.
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