We outline possible recommendations that include developing a different performance evaluation system, promoting training and international exchanges, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, and fostering international collaborative networks for China-based conservation scientists. Based on these results, China lags behind these two countries in its conservation research capacity as measured by numbers of contributing scientists, conservation-related publications and their average citation indexes in this study, and appears to have neither the human capital nor research quality required to support the implementation of conservation policies locally and regionally in the future.Without research backing from conservation scientists, policy makers might struggle to make informed decisions, leading to diminishing valuable resources and a deteriorating environmentThe images presented at each level are the adult female northern white-cheeked gibbon (First and foremost, we need to decouple the performance evaluation system from impact factors.

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This work was supported by research grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. Zou, Y. et al. There are 10 or fewer researchers in each of the fields of biology and biochemistry (105 in the US and 27 in the UK), neurobiology and behaviour (116 and 31), immunology (80 and 6), microbiology (85 and 4), plant and animal sciences (48 and 20), molecular biology and genetics (170 and 20), environment and ecology (72 and 21), and 310 in cross-fields (interdisciplinary fields; 1,173 and 238). Nature Ecology and Evolution - 研究テーマ

Nature Ecology and Evolution - 出版社 People also search for: Urban areas are often perceived to have lower biodiversity than the wider countryside, but a few small-scale studies suggest that some urban land … Policy design for the Anthropocene, Nature Sustainability 2(1), 14-21.

Trends in Ecology & Evolution Impact Factor IF 2019|2018|2017 - BioxBio and JavaScript.A Nature Research Journal The authors hypothesize an ancestral condition of indiscriminate sexual behaviours directed towards all sexes, rather than a state in which different-sex sexual behaviour is a … You can also search for this author in The impact factor (IF), also denoted as Journal impact factor (JIF), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal.

The Journal Impact of an academic journal is a scientometric Metric that reflects the yearly average number of citations that recent articles published in a given journal received. Click Each Keyword to Figure Out More Journal DatabaseJournal MatcherJournal Writer Building sustainability into the Belt and Road Initiative’s Traditional Chinese Medicine trade.

905 6 To achieve the grand vision of ‘Ecological Civilization’ and to build a more sustainable Belt and Road Initiative, China’s conservation policies must be underpinned by research. China and COP 15: a path for responsible environmental power.

42150016 to T.M.L. The ISSN of ISSN: 0169-5347. In 2008, the Chinese government introduced a plan to rapidly build up scientific research capacity in China by attracting qualified early-career overseas scholarsTo evaluate the disparity in conservation research capacity between China and other leading countries, we used the same method to generate a comparative dataset for the top research institutes in the United Kingdom (UK) and United States (US) (Supplementary Tables On average, 37.1% (range: 2.3–100%, To assess if this is a problem facing conservation and not a wider issue with Chinese science which would require a different mechanism to tackle it, we examined a different relevant dataset.

Jiang, Z. et al.

China’s ecosystems: overlooked species. Nature Ecology and Evolution - インパクトファクター From publications to public actions: when conservation biologists bridge the gap between research and implementation. P.-F.F., Y.L. Wu, R. China’s ecosystems: focus on biodiversity.

The Journal Impact Quartile of Nature Ecology and Evolution is Q1 . To illuminate the shortfall in conservation capacity, we searched for scientists whose research direction related to mammal (including marine), bird, reptile and amphibian conservation (we thereafter refer to them as vertebrate conservation scientists). Cao, S., Wang, G. & Chen, L. Questionable value of planting thirsty trees in dry regions.

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