The level of maturity between him and Yiseo is abismal and no matter how much he tries, he’ll never be good enough for her. She's really daebak. Weird kind of chemistry between the two. Episodes Itaewon Class. She started her relationship with Park SaeRoi on bad terms. But, the time skips wouldn't need to happen, if the author didn't make the rival of the small pub Danbam, a giant corporation like Jangga. In fact the growth of all 5 main characters was well written and acted.Yea he's kind of a boring main lead due to predictability BUT his character development at the end (when he finds out his true feelings for Yi seo) during Dae hee's character development (oh yea jangga was started bc my siblings died from hunger and i feel some kinda strange feelings towards saeroyi) is a great way to reveal growth. Really loved their roles. Screenwriter. Jang!!!! Bc they were competent people who have earned his respect; they were much better than geun won will ever be.Writing wise- saeroyi 8.5/10 (avenge dad, loves people, shows compassion, but can't figure out his feelings, feels guilty for living his life)- dae hee 10/10- yi seo 8/10 (sociopath who suddenly cares about someone - interesting premise but is kind of weak - thank you da mi for saving this character)- soo a 9/10 (orphan that needs money, hates daehee but feels indebted to him b/c she wants financial freedom, loves saeroyi but feels trapped and helpless)- geun won - 8/10 - character's personality is determined by dae hee's actions, easily manipulated for dae hees own gain, but kind of falls flat b/c we don't see him do actions according to his own free will which would've been much more interestingCasting is great. The events that culminated in Ma Hyun-yi’s coming-out as transgender on national television were riveting viewing, and the script and Lee Joo-young’s acting were superb. (even though I still think, "luckily they made that moment" but I'm still not satisfied)Anyway, I’m just sharing my thoughts with people whom, like me, love Kdramas!

You rarely see a korean drama doing this especially with Korea not being as open minded yet to the topic of racism and transgender, which this drama touches. Top Hallyu actor Park SeoJoon is the main actor.

He is a self-made man in the food industry. But, of course thinking that the pacing of the drama makes the plots SUPER CRAMMED in the last two episodes, makes the plot very unbelievable. when Ahn Min Hyuk, the CEO of ainsoft, a gaming company witnesses her strength he hires her as his personal bodyguard.After suffering a setback following a friend's betrayal Yoo Jin Woo travels to Spain on a business. Protagonists are usually so boring (to the point that the only time i follow the drama is if the actor is cute), but the writers expanded his personality in action and relationship (i'll repair and improve the shops in the alley; ill always protect the danbam team by standing up for their quirks) to add on to his spoken statements.Yi-Seo really annoyed the living hell out of me, I’ve watched 30+ dramas and no character has irritated me like her. To push the agenda that this character is someone who was only motivated by one event would be criminal. And spent 4 whole years of non-stop working to finally realized his love toward Yiseo, a woman who stubbornly stay by his side through ups and downs and the biggest reason he able to achieve his dreams. And then, ugh. (Source: Netflix)A romance between perfect but narcissistic second generation heir and his capable assistant.A modern-day Korean emperor passes through a mysterious portal and into a parallel world, where he encounters a feisty police detective.The absolute top secret love story of a chaebol heiress who made an emergency landing in North Korea because of a paragliding accident and a North Korean special officer who falls in love with her and who is hiding and protecting her.When Ji Sung-Joon was young, he was ugly. I thought of the actor who played Geun Soo as a newbie but hell I was wrong. “Itaewon Class” drama’s producer is Kim SungYoon, he previously worked for the popular drama “Love in the Moonlight” (2016) and “Discovery of Love” (2014).AND Ent. It is to Kwang’s writing-credit and Ahn’s acting that Geun-won comes to life as such a deeply flawed character with whom the audience can feel angry, sad and sorry. Oh Soo-A was annoying at times, but overall had a pretty interesting and deep character development.As the years went by and he has had time to reflect on his thoughts about the company and saeroyi, we see sudden, immense character development (& bckground of his personality!!!!) Top Hallyu actor Park SeoJoon is the main actor.

Kim Da Mi. So it will not appear on Netflix early.The future of the K-Drama series is bright because nowadays, viewers are showing interest in them, and their stories are just mind-blowing. Later, he became the CEO of the company name I.C. If Sooah doesn't become a whistleblower, Saeroyi can still manage to take over Jangga just it will be much more longer story.I love Yiseo and Soo ah's character, they were not like the other leading ladies of the koreandrama who is sometimes need someone to lean on for their characters to shine.. hahaha Im really sorry I don't know how to elaborate more or to explain my opinion. He never stops his counterattack against the food service conglomerate JangKa.Top Hallyu actor Park SeoJoon is the main actor.

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