The taste is sweet, bodied, with a slightly bitter aftertaste, medium acid and savory.© 2017-2018 · All rights reserved© 2017-2018 · Tutti i diritti sono riservati
The vineyards, with an exposure mainly towards the west, are distributed between 70 and 500 meters above sea level; they plant their roots on volcanic, permeable and non-arid soil, benefiting directly from the climate and the breezes of the nearby Tyrrhenian Sea.The color is intense straw yellow. The history of Cannellino wines in Frascati is very much linked to the traditions surrounding the local harvest dates. In Frascati, the grape harvest traditionally started on the festival of San Crispino (October 25). At this point they would begin to wither, losing their water content and becoming naturally more concentrated in sugars and flavors.The second cut collected the remainder of the grapes. Cannellino di Frascati DOCG is a sweet white wine that is produced in the areas around the town of Frascati, in Lazio, with Malvasia Bianca di Candia and Malvasia Puntinata grapes. Documents from the 18th Century suggest a very detailed, complex harvest, which took place in two or three stages.Autumn in Frascati is so mild that the grapes were sometimes left on the vine to the point of overmaturity. During a meal, it is ideal with salty pies and elaborated vegetables.To guarantee the particular sweetness of Cannellino di Frascati DOCG, the grapes are always harvested late (in November) and, at the discretion of the producer, are subjected to a partial drying in suitable rooms. These would be fully ripe after an extra week or two on the vine.Frascati is famous for its neutral-scented dry whites (both still and sparkling styles). Region: Lazio History: Formerly part of the Frascati DOC; established as a separate DOCG in 2011 Vineyard Area: 13 ha / 32 acres (2018) Production: 474 hl / 5,270 cases (2018) The scent is characterized by floral, fruity notes (peach, apricot, pear, apple), sometimes spicy (honey). Regulations regarding production methods were formalized in the accompanying documentation. DOCG designation for subtly sweet whites within the Frascati DOC zone in Lazio Cannellino di Frascati See Lazio map, ref #1. In this way, letting the water evaporate naturally, the concentration of the sugar inside the fruit increases significantly.Cannellino di Frascati DOCG is a sweet white wine that is produced in the areas around the town of Frascati, in Lazio, with Malvasia Bianca di Candia and Malvasia Puntinata grapes. DOCG designation for subtly sweet whites within the Frascati DOC zone in Lazio
Picking continued in many years until the end of November. Il vino Cannellino di Frascati è stato riconosciuto con Denominazione d’Origine Controllata e Garantita nel 2011. Cannellino di Frascati: denominazione e consorzio. Cannellino di Frascati DOCG, thanks to its light sweetness, goes very well with dry pastries. Cannellino di Frascati DOCG Last Updated: 1 month ago . Cannellino di Frascati DOCG Recognized as best sweet wine in Lazio in 2015, this special wine pairs perfectly with every dessert but especially Frascati wine cookies The sweet variant has long been respected on a local basis but is much less familiar on local markets.The Cannellino di Frascati DOCG title was introduced in 2011.
La zona di produzione comprende il territorio dei comuni di Grottaferrata, Monte Porzio Catone e in parte quelli di Roma e Montecompatri.
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