Thair line-up conseestit o brithers Barry, Robin an Maurice Gibb.The trio war successfu for maist o thair decades o recordin muisic, but thay haed twa distinct periods o exceptional success; as a popular muisic act in the late 1960s an early 1970s, an as prominent performers o the disco muisic era in the late 1970s. The Bee Gees, a pop music group, formed in 1958 and consisted principally of brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb.The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a rock act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco-music era in the late 1970s.

However, the album was not a commercial success, perhaps due to their being so strongly associated with disco. Bee Gees' influence Edit. In de Amerikaanse Billboard Hot 100 kwam de single niet verder dan plaats 75, aangezien de Amerikaanse diskjockeys niet graag Bee Gees-muziek draaiden nadat de disco aan het begin van de jaren '80 uit de mode raakte. The Bee Gees were a music group formed in 1958. Disco evolved into house music, which in turn, generated an offshoot, techno. The Bee Gees turned away from the disco sound that was prominent on their work in the middle-to-late 1970s with this album. De Bee Gees waren hiermee de eerste groep in het Verenigd Koninkrijk die in drie decennia een nummer 1-hit hadden gescoord. De broers werden geboren op het eiland Man, maar in 1958 emigreerden ze naar Australië. The trio were especially successful as a popular music act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and later as prominent performers of the disco music era in the mid-to-late 1970s. Odessa is the sixth studio album by the Bee Gees, originally released on 30 March 1969.Regarded as the most significant of the group's Sixties albums, it was released as a double vinyl record, initially in an opulent red flocked cover with gold lettering. The Bee Gees were the "center" of disco, with 6 songs at No. To prevent losing popularity and to keep producing hits, the brothers decided to write songs for other artists, such as "Islands in the Stream" for Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, which reached No. Living Eyes is the Bee Gees' sixteenth original album (fourteenth internationally), released in 1981. Worried about declining profits, rock radio stations and record producers encouraged this trend.The cultural impact of both the film and the soundtrack was tremendous not only in the United States but also in the rest of the world, and it brought the disco scene into the mainstream.

Popular jazz featured lavish orchestrations and was first played in black nightclubs. This sentiment proliferated at the time because of over saturation and the big business mainstreaming of disco. Though disco music had enjoyed several years of popularity, an anti-disco sentiment manifested in America. Their international success was at its peak in 1979, then it plummeted. Th… 1.

Daar begon hun carrière, en in 1967 keerden ze terug naar Engeland, waar ze een groep vormden met Vince Melouney, (gitaar) en Colin Petersen, (drums).

From the early 1990s to the late 2000s, numerous "disco revival" hits have been released, including albums dedicated to disco. The group sang recognisable three-part tight harmonies; Robin's clear vibrato lead vocals were a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry's R&B falsettobecame their signature sound during the mid-to-late 1970s and 1980s.

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